
You can choose  OD then



You can choose  OD then

One direction  (had to write... lol abbreviation OD was giving way to something else)

Thought for the day!!

“Take the time to do what you love to do, this weekend.”

Pets can bring more joy than people sometimes.


Pets can bring more joy than people sometimes.

Can not comment, as don’t have one.


Pets can bring more joy than people sometimes.

Absolutely! 100%. They are adorbs... most of the time.

Thought for the day,

“I would be rather alone with dignity, than in relationship, that requires me to sacrifice my self respect”.


Thought for the day,

“I would be rather alone with dignity, than in relationship, that requires me to sacrifice my self respect”.

That’s so true!

@ helo,

V'ry true .  Albeit, t is easi'r hath said than done.


That’s so true!


"Your life is a canvas; make sure you paint yourself a whole lot of colorful days."

If I meet her, I cry!