This is not actual weird acting, it is a really big fail though.
I think it's from the 2nd episode of Cheongdamdong Alice:

Notice the fail? They changed it the next episode though, luckily.
MyOwnJudgement wrote: This is not actual weird acting, it is a really big fail though.
I think it's from the 2nd episode of Cheongdamdong Alice:

Notice the fail? They changed it the next episode though, luckily.

"Jane Thierry" I've only just noticed! Wow you have a good eye :D
1) i hate when an actor has no style, i hate having to see every actor and actress act and spek the same way when they say the same thing. in different dramas. It is like...not every person speaks in the same way even if the language is the same, i think that the way we manipulate our voice differs from person to person >o< 2) i dislike overacting when not necessary. 3) i dislike the inabiity to move the face in order to properly depict emotions differently. Some actors/actresses ALWAYS uses the same set of expressions for different feelings for different roles! sickening. 4) bad voice manipulation can really ruin the emotions that someone tries to pass 5) body language makes no sense- this ... i seriously think that an actor who has no proper body language for their roles, is just not as great as others might think. 6) lack of in depth portrayal of a role. i like seeing perks of a role,the way they act , some habits that they have as humans? because this is mostly natural to have. like whatever. i have so many perks. Once of them is that i flip my tongue in my mouth to touch my back teeth , pretty regularly lol . 7) the supposed 'i am looking deep in your eyes at the moment' look that some actors do but , they also do it in order to glare LOL dumb. 8) also , the "i am so mad i am going to break and hit everything many times" >.> this i find it unnecessary, >> especially if the facial expression is over the top.
When they fall and just OOPS they are on top of each other and their lips too. Just saw that in an airing drama but I'm not telling which one because it would be a spoil :p
GirlOfTheEast wrote: When they fall and just OOPS they are on top of each other and their lips too.

Just saw that in an airing drama but I'm not telling which one because it would be a spoil :p

or when they slip and then the guy hits the wall and the girl meets his lips.
>.> but this is not weird acting, this is bad writing and bad directing lol
The 'fish-eyes' of an accidental kiss.. bah that's the most annoying!