i am just a starter in learning korean..and i wud love to learn the language..and i have learned some words in korean only by watching the dramas..
i'm also learning korean! i can read hangul now and I have loads of books to learn even more. these days i'm focusing on basic words and verbs.
I'm studying Korean at my college :) but it's really difficult
I'm taking classes n_n Just started a few months ago... One hour per week :)
I just started yesterday. XD Wish me luck.
I just ordered a book from Korea and I'm really excited! :] It was hard to choose a good book because I'm still a beginner but TTMIK really catch my eyes :D They say the book really concentrate in real conversations and daily speaking in Korea so I hope it was a good purchase :] I'm also learning some basic sentences in talktomeinkorean.com website
I've been kind of working at learning little by little over the last three years...haven't gotten very far because I haven't seriously been studying the language, but I can at least understand general meanings when I watch things without subs and that's kind of nice :) I find it really neat how now that I'm so used to hangul characters, they don't even look like hangul to me anymore, if that makes sense! I mean I can look at Korean words in hangul and it's almost as if I'm seeing them in the roman alphabet, like I can see the sounds each character makes??? I don't know??? Either way I always forget that other people I know can't do the same, so it's kind of funny how I'll read something off and people that don't know I can read Korean will ask, "how do you know what that says?" And I'm like, "isn't it obvious what it says?" And nope, no it isn't. Haha. Anyway I definitely find it's really helpful to watch movies, dramas, reality shows, etc., and listen to music and stuff in Korean because it helps to practice what you know, and matching up recurring words that you hear to words you obviously recognize in the subtitles helps to drill meanings into your head :) But that's sort of a trick to learning that everybody already knows.
I started learning about two years ago in a classroom setting, but TTMIK has been a really good reference for me. Haha daeryong, hangul is brilliant. I guess technically, you pretty much do see the sounds the characters (or at least the consonants) make! (ㅁ labial, ㄱ molar, etc.) xD Haha but I know what you mean! Trying to get someone to test my vocab knowledge and then realizing it can't work that way... -_-
I'm learning korean but it doesn't progress so well 'coz I'm just too.. ambitious, I would say. I'll get frustrated like all the time when I can't pronance the words right. And the writing of hanguls is pretty hard to me, too. But I think I can romanisize the hanguls pretty well, even thought I cannot remember them all. But, pracice makes perfect, right :"D
choi wrote: I'm learning korean but it doesn't progress so well 'coz I'm just too.. ambitious, I would say. I'll get frustrated like all the time when I can't pronance the words right. And the writing of hanguls is pretty hard to me, too. But I think I can romanisize the hanguls pretty well, even thought I cannot remember them all. But, pracice makes perfect, right :"D

It's easier if you read it in hangul than romanized, at least for me... Because honestly the way some "letters" are romanized makes no sense in my head.
Just like most of you, I have been also using TTMIK (which is pretty awesome) for the past year. Every now and then I watch SWEETANDTASTY on YouTube. I taught myself Hangul using various apps. Just recently I started a Beginning Korean class. If you live in Northern California, I highly suggest this small private school. They have 3 campuses spread around the Bay Area. Classes are small. All evening classes. Once a week for 3 hours. Which works perfectly for working individuals and students who are busy during the day.

If you can find a place in your area where you can learn Korean in a classroom setting .. I definitely recommend checking it out. It makes a world of difference having a teacher and being around others who are also learning.
I got a book from my library called elementary Korean and its great. Korean is the easiest language I ever learned. I don't recommend u try and learn only from videos and stuff. U won't learn anything about reading or writing or actual grammer that way.
I learned how to write Korean because of my Korean classmate. He taught me for about 2 weeks and I memorized it. Although, I only know how to write and read. I only know some basic Korean words I hear in Kshows. I'm trying to learn some more Korean words now, but I just can't find any proper teaching sites... Maybe I'll find one here if I back-read.
I don't remember how I learn to write and read it, but it wasn't difficult at all. Then I use some Travel phrasebook for learning more, because it was the only thing available. But in September, I'll enter to college, and my mention (I don't know how you call it, sorry ;A; ) is Korean language, literature, and civilization.
I picked up hangul pretty fast. I think it was mostly TTMIK that I used to learn, but I probably went on a few other sites too. Besides confusing the b sounds with the p sounds and sometimes misreading the "o" and "oo", I really like it! ...It's the cursive hangul that scares me, though. And hanja. Yikes! I was actually trying to learn hiragana before hangul, and I basically learned hangul in a day, whereas I'm STILL trying to remember all of hiragana (it's taken me at least 6 months, though I haven't practiced every day like with Korean), even though JapanesePod 101 has some great lessons. Back to Korean though--I've found listening to Korean songs (mostly Big Bang and songs from dramas) on Youtube with subtitles and translations really helps, because I can pause it and match up the hangul to the English words, and of course if it's a good song I'll replay it a bunch and then get some of the lyrics stuck in my head--and I'll know what they mean! :D