I am conflicted about the topic of travelling. On the one hand, I think that it's good to research a bit about the place beforehand, on the other hand it sometimes taints the experiences that could have been different had the person not been prepared for it. For example, I regret searching for the pictures of the Grand Canyon before going to see the said canyon. I didn't know anything about the Monument Valley before I went there and I was literally blown away by what I saw. With the Grand Canyon, I kind of knew what I'm going to see and the element of surprise went away.
@ Naksen, Although I agree that people should not base their opinions of the place based on their representations in movies (duh! that should be obvious), I think we all are very much influenced by them whether we want it or not. We spend hours getting certain images in our heads and we can't simply block them. So even if we should throw everything we think we know about a place from a movie after getting there, I don't believe it is always easy or even possible. When it comes to not speaking the language... I don't think it's always a necessary condition to have a good time to be honest.
I agree with you, @ Ceki, that travelling experiences are a mixture of weather, expectations, circumstances, travel companions, food, luck and other things. Two people can go to the same place because of a movie (The Sound of Music, anyone?) and have very different experiences.