Boyfriend reveals that their bunk beds collapse on them constantly

6-member rookie group Boyfriend recently revealed a situation that almost caused a delay in their album’s release.

Sitting down for an interview with Newsen, the boys went into some details about their preparation process for their 2nd mini-album “Don’t Touch My Girl”. “The album almost wasn’t released on time,” they shared.

Leader Donghyun explained, “I was sleeping in our dorm when I heard something crashing down in a half-asleep state. Then something fell down on top of my face and body… I opened my eyes out of surprise but it was so dark I couldn’t see anything, and my face was hurting… I first thought maybe it was sleep paralysis, but it had actually been the top bunk bed crashing down.”

At the time, Donghyun had been sleeping on the bottom level of the bunk bed while Youngmin slept on the top.

Donghyun continued, “I was worried that our comeback might be delayed. However, luckily, I got away with only scratches and bruises on my face… I was able to calm down after the initial shock.”

The other members blurted out that this wasn’t the first time they had an incident like this. They stated, “But this wasn’t the first time. This happened to Minwoo when Jungmin was sleeping on the top bed.”

Youngmin added, “Yesterday, I was climbing into bed to sleep but it almost crashed down again, scaring me.” Despite the uncertainty they must face every night, the members smiled cheerfully as they stated, “We’ll try to think of ourselves lucky for it could have been a lot worse.”

Boyfriend is currently in the midst of promotions for “Don’t Touch My Girl”. The members expressed their confidence about their new song, stating, “The beat is fast and the song feels exciting, however the lyrics are sad. We sang this song in the way only Boyfriend could, so we think people will find this refreshing to listen to.”

Source + Photos: Newsen & allkpop
^haha I'm loving the article about how to tell the twins apart, they're so adorable. But that's not good that their beds are collapsing on them, hopefully their manager or someone will get them more sturdy ones.

Rain's last photo shoot before heading off to the army. I'm loving these pics.

New Rookie Group reveals second member, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed, I was hoping for his look to be more like the first guy so I could continue my spiel about a horror concept. haha Instead I think his concept is .........Deer Hunter.......OH WAIT!!! Are those bones on the bottom of his shirt? YES!! Horror concept lives!

Thanks to American Kpop Fans for sharing this behind the scenes footage of MBLAQ's Seungho and Thunder's MNET idol movie, MoonNight 90. I really want to see this movie.

United Cube (B2ST, GNA and 4Minute) is coming to London
And I can't go :( *sob*
Awww I wish they would come here, but even if they did I still wouldn't be able to go. Any time Kpop stars hold concerts in the U.S. , it's always either California or New York. I wish they would do a concert in the South.
Cube could come to Finland but it's just a dream of mine that will never come true D:
Yeah I understand how you feel... :/
HAVA-RAVA wrote: Cube could come to Finland but it's just a dream of mine that will never come true D:

I agree with you! They should totally come to Scandinavia :)
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying of laughter here. Skye apparently people in England think your precious LDH is a prostitute.
Sleepninja wrote: ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying of laughter here. Skye apparently people in England think your precious LDH is a prostitute.

Jajajajajajaja...I am also dying ....I can't stop laughing...
Wait, shes NOT a prostitute?
Sleepninja wrote: ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying of laughter here. Skye apparently people in England think your precious LDH is a prostitute.

WTH?!!!! this is insane hahahaha