I only have Yang Zi on weibo. 


I only have Yang Zi on weibo. 


DT - hu_yitan 

97 - liming_de

HS - mr.lixian

Demo - yuchengenn

TN - yangzi_92

1. Demo 

2. DT

3. Grunt 


w/out a doubt Gun. and than Grunt and Demo. all three have contrasting personalities so their interactions are adorable too 

1. Demo. The precious cinnamon roll. Want to hug him all day.

2. One. He's really cute too and even though we don't see much of him, I really liked him.

3. Grunt. He's 33 but wow he looks younger than Li Xian lmao

Grunt, Demo and 97 caught my attention but I love them all

1. Gun

2. Grunt

3. One

4. 小米

5. 97

6. Demo

7. DT (sryyyy...)

have u seen there is going  to be a drama about appledog and dt

My favorite are 97 and Little Demo >_< I really enjoyed the scenes where k&k boys tease HSY (≧▽≦)

I really like demo and  on35

#1 is Gun 

#2 is DT

#3 is ALL THE 4 MEMBERS OF K&K (97, Grunt, Demo, One)

#4 is Little Mi

#5 is Ou Qiang / All 

K&K boys my bias are Demo to be the first. He's so innocent. And Wu Bai. He's the silent type of guy, which intrigues me.

97 or Grunt! Honestly 97 is like a sunny boy next door whereas Grunt seems like someone I can relate to!!! 

From the drama itself I actually really loved Xiao Mi. If I were to put my favorite characters it would be:

1) Mi Shao Fei

2) Sun Ya Ya

3) Grunt

4) Ai Qing

5) 97

6) Demo

Of course I also really liked the other characters but these characters really stood out to me. 

DT is definitely my favorite. Silent and mysterious but his eyes always reveal what he's thinking and most of the time, his eyes are saying people talk too much and do too many unnecessary things.

#2 I want Demo to be my little brother so I can spoil him. He's so adorable especially when he was practicing typing on keyboard in his sleep on the sofa. He looked like an adorable puppy.