Hi I haven't watched today's episode but saw this thread so here goes. Some theories I have 

1. Idk why so many of you still think YWS is a Chi? Her raven gave her the insects to swallow so she could pass as a Chi. From the beginning she was no Chi. However other spy girl is completely fooled by YWS lol even though she has said "you are smart for a Chi". It is quite possible that YWS is of the highest rank which is why her prize for her last mission would be her freedom. She had to kill in the past but she hates it. Even if it turns out she's not a Liang, she is definitely no less than a Mei. YWS is the most observant one and she makes "mistakes" deliberately which turn out to be all part of her plan because she anticipates her opponent's reaction. 

2. Older bro is alive and he faked his death, killed his dad to lure out the Wufeng spy 

3. Lady Ming is just a pawn for elder bro. 

4. While everyone thinks the Wufeng spy that's been in hiding in Gong family is a woman, my theory is that it's a guy. That's why the raven said that once they got the clue for the bride selection the spies became women exclusively, which implies male spies were sent out before too.

5. Give theory clue 4 above, what if the Wufeng spy was not GZY mother but the man she was so in loved with she could never recover? Now here's the really convulted part of the theory: that man and therefore Wufeng spy is actually Prince Yue...

6. Jin Fan is under the orders of Prince Yue and knows a lot because of that. He was sent to protect GZY.

7. GSJ will die and so will his little brother. Lil bro dies protecting YWS whom he fell for.

More to come after watching the episode! 

Idk why so many of you still think YWS is a Chi?

I think this because HYS her raven said in episode 1 "Although Yun Wei Shan is of the lowest level, the Chi, I've painstakingly trained her for years and expended a lot of resources and efforts". 

So I'm not saying she can't be of a higher level. Maybe she is. But what I personally think is more likely is that HYS, her raven, did not train her at the level of a Chi, but at a higher level. So her skill set is not Chi but her status is. I could be wrong. But so far a lot of things seem to back this up. 

Ep 3, when she took the flies, it was not confirmed what her status was beforehand so we don't know if she downgraded. We just know that for this mission she needed to take it and although SGQ was a chi before, she didn't need to take the "fly soup" until this mission as well. Furthermore, SGQ keeps commenting on how a lot of the things she does are unusual for a Chi. While this could support the "she's not a Chi she's higher" theory, it could also support the "she is a Chi but was not trained like one" theory as well. 

I'm still with the Salazar Slytherin theory: the 4th Elder/ Prince of Feng is actually the Mastermind behind Wufeng, after breaking away/being banished by the other 3. That's why we see only 3 Princes (Xue, Yue and Hua) and their corresponding (only) 3 elders. That is why there is only 3 tasks/ trials. And that is how Wufeng knows of 'infinite fire', which otherwise should not have been known by the sacrificial assassin-bride who had the words written in her hairpin. That's my grand theory for now. Credits must be given to peachblossomgoddess as far as i remember ?

Also, what in the world was the 'chamber of secrets has been opened' moment in ep8 today? Complete with the message being writtenwith blood, and everything? ?


I'm still with the Salazar Slytherin theory: the 4th Elder/ Prince of Feng is actually the Mastermind behind Wufeng, after breaking away/being banished by the other 3. That's why we see only 3 Princes (Xue, Yue and Hua) and their corresponding (only) 3 elders. That is why there is only 3 tasks/ trials. And that is how Wufeng knows of 'infinite fire', which otherwise should not have been known by the sacrificial assassin-bride who had the words written in her hairpin. That's my grand theory for now. Credits must be given to peachblossomgoddess as far as i remember ?

Also, what in the world was the 'chamber of secrets has been opened' moment in ep8 today? Complete with the message being writtenwith blood, and everything? ?

Hahahaha got me laughing so much ? poor Severus Snape aka possible fourth elder, even here he is neglected ?

This theory seems so plausible tho, if that fourth elder is behind WuFeng it will be mind-blowing.


I'm still with the Salazar Slytherin theory: the 4th Elder/ Prince of Feng is actually the Mastermind behind Wufeng, after breaking away/being banished by the other 3. That's why we see only 3 Princes (Xue, Yue and Hua) and their corresponding (only) 3 elders. That is why there is only 3 tasks/ trials. And that is how Wufeng knows of 'infinite fire', which otherwise should not have been known by the sacrificial assassin-bride who had the words written in her hairpin. That's my grand theory for now. Credits must be given to peachblossomgoddess as far as i remember ?

Also, what in the world was the 'chamber of secrets has been opened' moment in ep8 today? Complete with the message being writtenwith blood, and everything? ?

It's actually possible.when ziyu asked what's the xue guy name he said xue from feng hua xue yue the idiom.maybe it was a hint.

Also shang jue yu zhi in front and feng hua xue yue in the back of mountain 

I've come up in to a new understnding.  GHY was truly still alive. Remember when he last met his father  in a meeting with his cousin, his father was requesting his cousin to take place as a leader, but the cousin refused to talk about it. Perhaps his father demise was also his father own request.ñ

Lots of new things popping up today. Another death; thats how many now? Def still believe bro is alive. Prince Yue is holding a bracelet that means something to him, think something up above was said that that bracelet belonged to YWS' sister, so there's a connection there. 

Saw someone in the comment section say that that cold pond cures YWS of her poison and that ZY helps her with that. Could be.
Also anonymous has to be a guy because no matter how strong any of the women from assassins Creed are, to hoist a grown old man from a high beam like that is hard work and maybe requires more then one person.
Also, how convenient that the message written blood says that the sword weilder is "injured", the obviousness of taking responsibility and saying who's dead. Doesn't sound like something assassins creed would do, someone is trying to make things chaotic for both sides. It's like a set up of a set up.


Lots of new things popping up today. Another death; thats how many now? Def still believe bro is alive. Prince Yue is holding a bracelet that means something to him, think something up above was said that that bracelet belonged to YWS' sister, so there's a connection there. 

Saw someone in the comment section say that that cold pond cures YWS of her poison and that ZY helps her with that. Could be.
Also anonymous has to be a guy because no matter how strong any of the women from assassins Creed are, to hoist a grown old man from a high beam like that is hard work and maybe requires more then one person.
Also, how convenient that the message written blood says that the sword weilder is "injured", the obviousness of taking responsibility and saying who's dead. Doesn't sound like something assassins creed would do, someone is trying to make things chaotic for both sides. It's like a set up of a set up.

Yep, absolutely a set up. Total demise 4, but with GHY was still alive, 3 then. Those elders would be being killed by the author anyway. Time for bloody battle of youth to shine apparently.

Tbh, the hints regarding passing the first trial were taking the box out and internal force. So it wasnot necessary to swim in ice water. Just use the upgrading internal force to push the water and creating a power to pull out the box. Dunno if it would be as simple as that.

According to the two guardians of the pond, it took SJ 12 days and he was half dead when he passed it, so I'm not sure he used his inner power either. if it takes that long to complete just one trial, ZY may not become SW until the end of the show. 

Another far-fetched theory of mine: 

There's a scene in one of the trailers where it looks like Lady Ming aka Wuji is suffering from some sort of pain? She has black veins showing along her neck. I think if she ends up being a Wufeng assassin as well, this could be her suffering from the flies, and maybe over the years, she found some way to endure the pain/heat without dying? Because there is a cure but right now we know that Wufeng has it. We don't know if only they have it/have discovered it. 

Oh also, I think we have already been shown how this show is going to end in the trailers. Here are my four possibilities:

1. The scene where GZY is seated on the stairs/entrance into the front of the Gong sect looking half dead and sad/crying. 

2. The scene where a bunch of Wufeng assassins disguised as brides are sprawled around dead as well as Gong sect guards with Han Ya Si's back facing the camera as he's on his knees. 

3. The scene where A'yun is wearing a pink dress and sitting beside Ziyu lovingly. 

4. A combination of 1 and 2. 

I think option 4 is the most likely. 

 Sirry Usly:

Oh also, I think we have already been shown how this show is going to end in the trailers. Here are my four possibilities:

1. The scene where GZY is seated on the stairs/entrance into the front of the Gong sect looking half dead and sad/crying. 

2. The scene where a bunch of Wufeng assassins disguised as brides are sprawled around dead as well as Gong sect guards with Han Ya Si's back facing the camera as he's on his knees. 

3. The scene where A'yun is wearing a pink dress and sitting beside Ziyu lovingly. 

4. A combination of 1 and 2. 

I think option 4 is the most likely. 

I also think that battle is the last one and by then we should know who has chosen which side. Though I’d want  3 to be the last scene of the show. 

New thought: The Sword Wielder was going to tell GSJ that he made a mistake in selecting GHY as the heir and was going to change the heir to GSJ. Then GHY came in before could actually say it (remember how angry he was for GHY busting in). GHY ends up killing the Sword Wielder because he knew he was going to be replaced by GSJ so he killed the dad before he could make the change. He used Zheng Nanyi to get GSJ out of the valley so he couldn't be used in the Absent Inheritance. He faked his death (not entirely sure why yet other than to throw suspicion off of himself and to continue his plan in the background) and is now using the Wufeng threat as a way to make the Gong family in chaos. I don't think he is actually involved with Wufeng but is just using them as a way to sow discord among the remaining Gong men. I think GHY killed the Elder and painted the blood writing pretending to be Anonymous/Wufeng. I don't think Wufeng would actually write things like that when they murder people.

I don't know what GHY plan is for and why he is doing it. But I think there are multiple missions happening for both the Wufeng and Gong families at the same time.

Also kinda wondering if the back mountain people are like a parallel universe of Gong lineages.

Interesting and I think that yes, the back mountain folks are like a parallel of front mountain. I also think they'd be more effective if they worked together more often and not only during trials and when someone is murdered.

Btw, I’m guessing y’all saw this trailer: https://x.com/xiao9jiu/status/1699366702587552231?s=46&t=zqI38SPvJuccjplZiNI69Q

Just based on that, my next theory is that big bro, Lady Ming, Prince Yue, and even SGQ is possibly part of Anonymous. You can see the next elder to be killed. And that leaves one plus Feng who we’ve never met. Why am I also getting the idea that Anonymous is a 3rd faction not part of assassins creed? 

GSJ's inner monologue during the little preview at the end of episode 8 reveals some important new information.

He says: "I believe it won’t take long for Ziyu-didi to complete the Trials of the Three Realms. On the day when a new Sword Wielder will be chosen between me and Gong Zhiyu… the position shall go to the more capable one."

1) He refers to GZY affectionately as "didi" (little brother);

2) He actually believes that GZY will succeed in passing the trials.

This contradicts everything he's done publicly. Yet another example of how not a single one of the characters can be taken at face value.