
They were both up to something and I am sure YWS lost against SGQ on purpose, she knew exactly why she was waiting in her room.... so she is probably killing 2 birds with same stone

New theory as to why she gave up the medical record. At the moment, YWS knows a LOT of information. Truly. Including what is actually inside the medical record.

She purposely told SGQ the content of the medical record. And it had her desired effect: make SGQ more confident (because she now knew the content of the record and she thinks YWS just made a mistake).

This uber confidence actually translated well when she handed over the book to GSJ. GSJ would never think something was wrong with it.

So YWS's goal was probably to make them (SGQ and by extension GSJ) lower their guard down because they thought they had GZY because of the book. 

So YWS's goal was probably to make them (SGQ and by extension GSJ) lower their guard down because they thought they had GZY because of the book). 

That's very logical and I am sure YWS gave that record as it will benefit her and GZY... she needs to became a wife of the SW to complete her mission... 

Jin Fan is my favorite.

Any foreshadowing/parallelism that YWS was also a top assassin before dropping to the lowest level in order to do her mission? Like Jin Fan was the red jade guardian before moving down to green to stay with Ziyu.

Not sure what YWS's plan is regarding the medical record, but I'm sure there is a plan. However, it's extremely annoying to have to wait for another episode to resolve that particular issue. No doubt there was more to the story that Lady Wuji told her, but having her locked in her room under suspicion is a real mood killer.

 Sirry Usly:

From ep 12 trailer, I think they discovered that GYZ isn't GSJ's biological brother/cousin. Not sure though because I only understand bits and pieces. 

Yep, like: why are you still here?  and his reply: cause this is my home...

Not sure what YWS's plan is regarding the medical record, but I'm sure there is a plan. However, it's extremely annoying to have to wait for another episode to resolve that particular issue. No doubt there was more to the story that Lady Wuji told her, but having her locked in her room under suspicion is a real mood killer.

they way how they are ending episodes and cut off scenes just makes everything more mysterious - they will show us at some point the rest of that conversation between lady Wuji and YWS...

and as I was thinking we still have no idea who the anonymous is! as I believe lady Wuji is just one of the assassins sent by Wufeng, or she got her skills from the sect she was born as she was ZiYu's mom servant - so she could be choosen as such due to her martial art skills...

also what prince Xue told today to ZiYu that his father had high hopes for him so he assigned for him red jade guardian... but it still doesn't mean that it was latest SW who was his father... 

I am rewatching episode 2. Is it really GHY who the captured assasin saw when her vision was blury?

The person is wearing light clothing and has his hair style like Prince Xue to me. I could be wrong.


I am rewatching episode 2. Is it really GHY who the captured assasin saw when her vision was blury?

The person us wearing ligh clothing and has his hair style like Prince Xue to me. I could be wrong.

I was thinking this too. 

Also, I was rewatching ep 1 - 3, and I feel like HuanYu and SJ both saw through HongYu (ZiYu and HuanYu's dad)'s act. Because outwardly it seemed like HongYu had no hopes for ZiYu and looked down on him. But the way those two acted in certain scenes, and the way the elders act coupled with what Prince Xue said today in ep 10... makes me think otherwise. 

1:06 - lady Wuji on the ground with blood coming out of her mouth... someone is going to take her down

1:07 - who's mother it is?

1:08 - who is that woman? I believe we haven't seen her yet

 Aisha Gresee:
And a man voice about setting her free like Lady Wuji, who was that. 

1:26 the voice belongs to ZiYu if to trust this trailer

1:07 - who's mother it is?

I think it's GYZ's mom? 

Also at 1:50...who's hand is that around A'yun's neck? Is it GZY? or GSJ? 

 Sirry Usly:

I was thinking this too. 

Also, I was rewatching ep 1 - 3, and I feel like HuanYu and SJ both saw through HongYu (ZiYu and HuanYu's dad)'s act. Because outwardly it seemed like HongYu had no hopes for ZiYu and looked down on him. But the way those two acted in certain scenes, and the way the elders act coupled with what Prince Xue said today in ep 10... makes me think otherwise. 

Yes. I am starting to wonder if Sword Wielder GHY may have been anomyous. 

 Sirry Usly:
I think it's GYZ's mom? 

GYZ doesn't wield the sword... so it should be someone else

 Sirry Usly:

I think it's GYZ's mom? 

Also at 1:50...who's hand is that around A'yun's neck? Is it GZY? or GSJ? 

Or maybe it's Lady Wuji? Because in the previous scene, there is someone wearing a similar outfit but it looks like the outfit of a woman and it seems to be in a style that Lady Ming/ Wuji wears... 

Something i can't quite comprehend. Does GZY's late father know about his birth background? Probably not right cause why would he hand over JF to GZY if GZY wasn't even his son to begin with.

He didn't give a special guard to his older son, so I would say ZiYu is not his son and he knew about it well... He really might be a son of one of the back hill guys...
Any way his life was very important to ask the youngest in the history red jade guardian to became green one and ZiYu's personal bodyguard