then in this conversation YQ tells YM Yue that she was sent there for two things  one of them is to look for anonymous who entered 10 years ago into the gong resident but wufeng didn't hear about her anything since. So it means that from the present time anonymous entered gong resident 12 year ago. and not 20 .

I need to rewatch that part, but I think it wasn't referring to looking for the spy that entered the Gong residence 10 yrs ago, but sent them the intel about the fly poison anonymously 10 yrs ago. Maybe, I'm gonna rewatch it. Wufeng thought that all the spies from 20 yrs ago died or disappeared. 

Edit: or its an another anonymous who is she talking about, who entered 12 years before, or the translation is incorrect ...

That's what I thought.  How many Anonymouses do we have now at the Gong mansion?

or, is it simply an editorial mistake by the scriptwriter of the drama?  Like the Wufeng bitch who called Yun Wei Shan as Yun Wei Shan when she was actually pretending to be the real YWS.

My theory:

Han Ya Si knows about the Flies poison is a tonic so he chose YWS for this mission.  The reason is Yun Que told him everything about Master Yue and her findings about the poison before she was killed by that Wufeng bitch.

That's why HYS said to YWS this mission would be her last and the end result would be her freedom.


My theory:

Han Ya Si knows about the Flies poison is a tonic so he chose YWS for this mission.  The reason is Yun Que told him everything about Master Yue and her findings about the poison before she was killed by that Wufeng bitch.

That's why HYS said to YWS this mission would be her last and the end result would be her freedom.

I don't think YQ would trust him with such information - she had to be in shock when she opened her eyes and had seen being in Wufeng instead of YM Yue place...
I hope that bitch who had YQ her will have very bad end.

I am hoping for an sincere conversation between YWS and GZY and then some counter measurements / preparations for Wufeng attack as well as hunt for their spies in Gong mansion. 


I am hoping for an sincere conversation between YWS and GZY and then some counter measurements / preparations for Wufeng attack as well as hunt for their spies in Gong mansion. 

In Episode 18, YWS is in the back hill.  Our Yuan Zhi Di Di wants to arrest her. 


Why her voice sounds like Gong Zi Shang voice? 

It is her voice, I cannot mistake it. The way she says the Rs and Xi's(shi) and the overall phonetic is the same as how Gong Zi Shang speaks. The difference is we always hear her high pitched voice when JH is present/involved in the convo, but when she speaks in her normal tone it is 98% the same as how the hooded wufeng lady speaks..


It is her voice, I cannot mistake it. The way she says the Rs and Xi's(shi) and the overall phonetic is the same as how Gong Zi Shang speaks. The difference is we always hear her high pitched voice when JH is present/involved in the convo, but when she speaks in her normal tone it is 98% the same as how the hooded wufeng lady speaks..

Different voice definitely.  I played both videos one after another and do notice the difference.


I am hoping for an sincere conversation between YWS and GZY and then some counter measurements / preparations for Wufeng attack as well as hunt for their spies in Gong mansion. 

Same I really hope they can work together and attempt to take down Wufueng , That will be sweet !

YWS has to feel a way now knowing the truth .. Gong Zi Yu, I hope he can stay by Yun Wei Shan I feel like he is open minded and can understand why she does what she does.  I just feel like going forward this show is about to go up 10 notches im loving every minute of this show 

Who was the figure in the Xue area in Episode 9 besides the little boy and little GZY?  We never saw his face.

I bet YWS would have killed herself since her mission is over now that Ziyu knows who she is, but because she heard Yun Que's story, she will want to confirm what really happened. I'm curious to see what she will do and say to Ziyu tomorrow!


20 yrs ago Madam Wuji, Lady Lan and other spies entered gong residence...GSJ was already born and then GZY and GSJ's little brother was born on the same day. GSJ looked to be about 8-10 yrs old in the scene when his mother was getting a pregnacy check up, So GSJ is probably about 28-30 yrs old.
Gong Yuan Zhi  was also born sometime after Lady Lan and Wuji  arrived and after GZY was born.  

10 years ago Wufeng attacked the Gong family and killed GSJ's little brother and Mother (and maybe Gong Yuan Zhi's father). Wufengs mission was said to be a failure due to bad intel.

2 years ago wufeng sent in YQ.

Was the failure because the bad intel caused the death of Shangjue's mom and little brother?  Were the intended victims actually Ziyu and his mother? Not sure if Ziyu's mom was still alive during that attack.

Was this attack the reason why GHY got Jin Fan to protect  young GZY?  If so them there must be nothing special about ZiYu?


Was this attack the reason why GHY got Jin Fan to protect  young GZY?  If so them there must be nothing special about ZiYu?

No.  GZY has always been groomed to be a SW apparently so JF was assigned to protect him.

Even the Elders and GHY do not have a red bodyguard.

Was the failure because the bad intel caused the death of Shangjue's mom and little brother?  Were the intended victims actually Ziyu and his mother? Not sure if Ziyu's mom was still alive during that attack.

The attack that occurred ten years ago has never been discussed in detail by Wufeng and the Gongs.