kamz wrote: lol Lis-ssi...Godzie even makes news eh?!!! :D

He does....lol
Godzilla eats dudes like Ultraman for breakfast :p
<-----has no idea who Ultraman is...lol

Everything seems to end in man...lol
bokami wrote: Ultraman will save us!!

I liked Ultraman when I was a kid. Didn't he come from outerspace? Did he ever fight Godzilla? I know he fought godzilla-like monsters. (i.e. monsters so large they could step on buildings) It's been a loooonnng time.
Godzilla is the Chuck Norris of monsters.

Confession time: The only Godzilla movie I've seen is the American one, I can't stand the fake look of those earlier Japanese movies. :p
PinkDiamond wrote: OhMGee.

Jajaja...love your catch phrase and the gif which accompanies it...:p
jeanie65jh wrote: Godzilla is the Chuck Norris of monsters.

Haha Heck yeah he is! Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Boogeyman tremble in fear when Gozilla comes a stomping!
in honour of halloween i have changed my avatar to Zilly just for today :p
Haha It is a most glorious Avi! :p I'm sure Zilly approves.
jeanie65jh wrote: Godzilla is the Chuck Norris of monsters.

That just made my night. As for Godzilla, I've been watching this guy destroy things since I was younger. Watched the American version (I enjoyed it). I loved the Final Wars film just to see so many monsters in one film (plus the american Godzilla getting his ass kicked in like 10 seconds)
Haha I've seen the American movie, one of the original movies, and both of the American cartoons :p
Wow, I had never noticed his smouldering gaze.