Moniisek wrote: Well, I'm glad you get my point . I'm just generally puzzled when teacher/student flirt scenes appear in a drama because they're so weird and common (btw Haruma played in such a drama where that was basically, the main storyline) I wonder if that happens only in Japan or if I'm just blind and something like that happens at my school as well..? Well, if we had good-looking teachers, but they're all married and more than half of them is over 40 :-/ (okay, OFF-topic)
Anyways, I also didn't get the thing with security cameras at the mall. How the heck did he got the videos to be displayed on some random notebook? Don't tell me that they were online somehow or was it some mysterious bluetooth connection, or I don't know...
also, maybe I forgot, but who filmed the people dying in the Russian church? Wasn't the cameraman supposed to be dying as well? Shaking and screaming? If he was immune (I mean, the camera wasn't shaking or anything), then how did the police obtain the video? I'd just track down the person who gave it to them.
Gahaha all of my teachers are like that too :D
And I am happy about that because I would get distracted too much anyway :P
Well like you topic xD
That with the mall.....hackers are some people which we probably won´t never understand 100% :p
I don´t know if you have sme skills in that area....but I just took it like it was some "online thing" normal people don´t know about.
Just that mysterious things make the whole series so special....And when he can hack other prgrammes and other computer then why not hack a camera in a mall? It must have some controle point too..There wouldn´t be any camera´s when it wasnt like that....´
When you take a close see that the camera IS shaking :D
Well even if he were immune ....he would have been able to get away without involvement of the police.
No one would be so stupid to give it to them....and it didn´t have it...or at least not everyone in the police.That´s why Falcon, and the whole team were so shocked when they saw the video for the first time after FAlcon hacked it and showed it to them -.- Oh and it will be cleared more in the following episodes :D Then you will realize some truths as well. Truths which you never thought about before....T^T
Btw were you scarred by that clown too? O.o
I was deliberately shocked, though I had my guesses about him from the beginning. *scarrrry*
I must say in the progress of the story...In the end I doubted about EVERYONE in the series of least one time > <