I suspect those who rooted for Hayato-kun will be slammed-down-hard disappointed--like I was. It just showed how shallow and fickle-minded Miku was. Alas boys and girls, this is a drama where you can hate the girls and just love the boys.

What confuses me is how the drama used 'fate' and change.

The first few episodes gave me the impression that it was Hayato who approached her at the school steps, even referring to April when he first got interested in her (with the black wristwatch and all). In Japan, school opens in April (I just googled that) and Miku also refers to the welcome ceremony three months ago when she almost fainted. Also, I would have thought that if Souhei was the one who helped her up, he would have at least remembered that incident.

Miyuki didn't annoy me as much as Miku did in this series. At the end of it, I kinda felt robbed of my whole afternoon. I wish DC would take it down their banner.

Gomen na for those who liked it. I liked Jesse Lewis for properly portraying the moody and withdrawn Hayato. I hope to see more of him in heavier roles where the story can truly can bring out his talent. But I can't say the same for the others. Sumimasen.
It was good, but could have been better.