1. Otona no Okite - Doughnuts Hole (Quartet)

2. Family Song - Hoshino Gen (Kahogo no Kahoko)

3. Bouningen - RADWIMPS  (Frankenstein no Koi)

4. Just you and I - Namie Amuro (Haha ni Naru)

5. Senaka Goshi no Chance - Kame to YamaP  (Boku, Unmei no Hito Desu)

added 5.) Ling Tosite Sigure - Die Meets Hard | Shimokitazawa Die Hard  to main post

thanks to tropka  main post now updated

1) Che'nelle  | Destiny | Reverse | video 

2) Doughnuts Hole | Otona no Okite | Quartet

3) Beverly | I need your love | Crisis : Kouan Kidou Sousatai Tokusou-han

updated destiny with correct video

Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi- Miwa- Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi (The 100th love with you) 

Live to Die Another Day - Miyavi - Blade of the Immortal (video)

Aiokuri -STROBOSCORP (Miwa) - Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi (The 100th love with you) video

Sakura - Sonoko Inoue.- ReLife (video)

----TO FOLLOW (can't think of any other that 2017)

links updated on main post


Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi- Miwa- Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi (The 100th love with you) 

Live to Die Another Day - Miyavi - Blade of the Immortal (video)

Aiokuri -STROBOSCORP (Miwa) - Kimi to Hyakkaime no Koi (The 100th love with you) video

Sakura - Sonoko Inoue.- ReLife (video)

----TO FOLLOW (can't think of any other that 2017)

Update: 5th on my list

Ikimonogakari - Kimigairu - Peach Girl Movie (That's 2017, right? )

When I saw this idea posted in the Kdrama forums I immediately PM'd Angela, the poster,  to ask permission to run it in the Jdrama forums as well. Her poll is running until December 20th.

There were over 120 entries by 17 different MDLers. so while the votes seem to be a small amount, the overlapping votes are significant.

There was a landslide win for first place..but let's see the runners up first.

I Need Your Love - Beverly - Crisis: Special Security Squad 

4 votes

Link to video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuuOyLKoGa0

The next three all got 5 votes so they tied for the 3 middle spaces between 1 and 5.  

Bouningen- RADWIMPS- Frankenstein no Koi

5 votes

Video link Here http://hc.yinyuetai.com/uploads/videos/common/F3E4015897469873539B57DD7CC56090.mp4

Senaka Goshen no Chance - Kame to Yamapi - Boku, Unmei no Hito Desu
 5 Votes

Video Link Here https://videa.hu/videok/zene/kame-to-yamapi-senaka-no-kamenashi-kazuya-chance-7tshhv1giqqFv8UI

Yume Makase - Soil & "Pimp" Sessions feat. Noda Yojiro -Hello Harinezumi
5 votes

video link here https://www.bilibili.com/video/av13287181/

So here is the number one OST for 2017 as vote on by MDL members  with 10 votes

Otona no Okite - Doughnuts Hole - Quartet 

  Link Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQScuEKfxmY

Honorable Mentions include Taemin - What's this Feeling - Final Life  and Arashi - Tsunagu -  Shinobi no Kuni with 2 votes each.

Thank you to everyone who participated and introduced me to a ton of new music and dramas.

For those reading the article..What were your favorites OSTs of 2017?