So there'll be a fix on the site in 10 minutes (so a shutdown) so its been cut shorter this time for the second round. I hope still a lot of people got to watch it though! It was fun ^^

Well shutdown of the site for bugfixes has begun, so second round ended a bit earlier. Next time hopefully that won't happen! Thanks for joining tho!

Alright we're super close to the credits in round 2 so I'm ending it for today. Thanks for joining! Next time I'm gonna try to start at the exact time of its airing.

 RandomUsagi :

We've reached full capacity in the room. Will do rewatch of the full episode in around 24 minutes. So you can join for that ^^

Drags missed it again LOL 


Drags missed it again LOL 

Aw thats unfortunate to hear! Mayby next time ^^

Could you please post the timing too? I would like to know in advance so  that I can tune in for the live watchparty for ep 6...


Could you please post the timing too? I would like to know in advance so  that I can tune in for the live watchparty for ep 6...

Its 11:30 Japan time. So you just have to convert for your own timezone. Idk which timezone you have but you can use Google to figure out how much the time difference between your country and Japan is. 

Okay so at this point there have been a lot of people signing up. I don't think I can personally send everyone an invite link anymore without risking being seen as a spam bot by the MDL system. So I'll just post the link here early (like 20 minutes in advance of the airtime) and those who join in time are lucky. I'll of course rewatch it a second time so you can join for round 2 like half an hour after initial airtime. 

Okay here's the link of this week. 15 more minutes till airtime of KH and yes I will rewatch for those who don't make it in and really would like to see it. Usually most people leave after round 1. So like half an hour after airtime I'll be back and rewatching unless the site crashes or something. 

This week there were severe buffering issues with the client stopping us from watching the show live. Unfortunately these started like 6 minutes before KH aired.  Apologies and I hope you can find some sources on your own! I've removed the link due to these issues since we can't watch it. 

so we aint watching today?

Unfortunately not, but I'm sure the usual sites will have the raw up pretty soon. 

So considering Hyperbeam only allows for 12 users max to watch, we're gonna try with Discord. User Aurum Riviera set up a Discord server which is gonna be what we will try to use next for the watchparty on Saturday. It's just a temporary one for as long as Kieta Hatsukoi airs and for now its still only the raws that we watchparty. You can join through this invite link:

I removed the Discord invite link because I just found out the stream link has been copyright striked. So unfortunately I will no longer be able to host the raw episodes of Kieta Hatsukoi on Asahi tv as it airs in Japan. 

Thank you for joining in the past few weeks for the livestreams. I hope if you joined in the past you enjoyed it despite it being a bit of a chaos at times. I hope you all will continue to watch Kieta Hatsukoi on your own sources, the wait for episodes may be a bit longer now but it is what it is. 

If someone wants to still do watchparties on a later time when they've acquired an episode then feel free to do so in this thread or a different one. Websites/services you can use for this are for example kosmi or Discord.