
TBH, this plotline is spoiling the series for me. Let's face it - this series is ridiculous, but it's a lot of fun.  But this turn is nonsensical. How does it even slightly point to Porsche as a traitor that he bugged the room of a, well, a traitor, and followed them?  What would be the point of that? It's so obvious he was jealous, and witnesses will back that up. That it's the actual known traitor that's making the accusation doesn't seem to matter to anyone, nor has anyone thought to ask "why are you alive and why are you here?" but they're happy to abandon a loyal and clearly guileless bodyguard for not really doing anything wrong. Actually, Korn should severely punish Kinn for going out alone with a traitor and reward Porsche for following them.

I completely agree, I have been waiting for a comment like this. Kinn is so ridiculous because he is so focus on Vegas and not Tawan. Because Tawan has told on himself so many times throughout the whole episode and nobody isn't even saying nothing about it. He even said something to Porsche that indicated that he was One of the moles/traitors but of course Porsche isn't going to get it because he is new to all of this. Furthermore, I don't understand why people was upset with Porsche bugging the room because its Porsche's job as a bodyguard to protect Kinn at all times since Tankhun is also spying on Tawan but he just can't hear him unlike Porsche can.

@jpny01  Yes, Your point of view is right, Korn should have done something! or kinn and porsche might have planned this before and may be acting to punish tawan! And this vegas is out of syllabus for me , like why he came into the jail in this messy situation lol! Meanwhile I happy that vegaspete story will be starting this week!


@jpny01  Yes, Your point of view is right, Korn should have done something! or kinn and porsche might have planned this before and may be acting to punish tawan! And this vegas is out of syllabus for me , like why he came into the jail in this messy situation lol! Meanwhile I happy that vegaspete story will be starting this week!

I was thinking Kinn sent Vegas to test Porsche, but that might be too sophisticated for this series.  It seems to me that if anyone pre-planned anything, it's probably Korn and Porsche - his attitude in that meeting didn't make sense - he didn't seem to have any questions. The only person behaving rationally was, oddly, Tankhun.


TBH, this plotline is spoiling the series for me. Let's face it - this series is ridiculous, but it's a lot of fun.  But this turn is nonsensical. How does it even slightly point to Porsche as a traitor that he bugged the room of a, well, a traitor, and followed them?  What would be the point of that? It's so obvious he was jealous, and witnesses will back that up. That it's the actual known traitor that's making the accusation doesn't seem to matter to anyone, nor has anyone thought to ask "why are you alive and why are you here?" but they're happy to abandon a loyal and clearly guileless bodyguard for not really doing anything wrong. Actually, Korn should severely punish Kinn for going out alone with a traitor and reward Porsche for following them.

Well they can see him as a traitor, e.g. Porsche placed the bugs there to find out if Tawan betray them (the moles) and show the evidence to Kinn.

But somehow no one takes in consideration, that Porsche didn't wanted to be a bodyguard for Kinn and Korn himself brought him in....

I'll reserve judgment until I see the next episode, but this seems like really lazy writing. You can't just throw in something that makes zero sense to generate drama. I'm hoping this is all a trap for Tawan, but it doesn't make sense that Korn, Kinn, and Thankhun would be talking alone as if they took this seriously.

yeah.. im.not going to spoil it..but half of my theory is right hahahaa..good nite going to watch it again for the second time tomorrow....i have to watch  fast forward due to i need to sleep...happy im happy fart boy porsche