Yay! Lee Min Ho one of my favorite actor glad to heard that. He is such a kind guy. I have heard he had great popularity in China.
I would hardly call this a crisis.....Now if they had a gun pointed at him that would be different. I think any actor would of handled this the same way; why? Because it would ruin their image if they handled it any different. I'm not saying he isn't a nice guy, he probably is, I just don't think it's that great of a feat to be praised and acknowledged for.
Starae wrote: I would hardly call this a crisis.....Now if they had a gun pointed at him that would be different.
I think any actor would of handled this the same way; why? Because it would ruin their image if they handled it any different. I'm not saying he isn't a nice guy, he probably is, I just don't think it's that great of a feat to be praised and acknowledged for.

Haha! Well said :D
When I read Crisis I was all in a panic and wondering if he was under attack, in an accident, or something. I also pictured him using his City Hunter skills- hohoho. But I'm glad he reacted calmly and in such a friendly manner. Although we can say, to not do so will not benefit his image, there are many times when you can be taken by surprise and have a different reaction altogether. Look at Madonna when she received flowers from a girl at an event. She took them, then turned to her bodyguard/assistant and said, "I hate this type of flower." Booooo. Madonna. (I am kinda wishing I was the fan who got up on stage for Lee Min Ho!!!)
Whoa...brave fan to do that. It could have went so wrong and end up being an embarrassing situation! I don't think it's a big deal and LMH handled it professionally and keeping his image intact at the same time. Must have been trained for it :) I mean he is adored by millions of females (me included) so he is used to this level of attention!!! I would never do that....I'm respectable fan and keep my distance unless he comes up to me for a kiss then I be more than happy to oblige....hahahaha!!!
DID you guys here about LMH new album coming out in may and his world tour. I'M SO EXCITED! he wanted to give something back to his fans i thought that was soooo sweet and his giving some of the money to charity can he be anymore then perfect -sigh-
I'm too afraid to ask, but is LMH turning into a singer now?
Not at all. When he released the album he made it pretty clear that he does not intend to become a singer (actually he is very critical about his singing). The album is pure fan-service.
Ah, really....I should listen to it sometime. He is already a good actor doesn't have to be a singer, too.
as much as i love Lee Min Ho his singing, kindly put, is not good.
I agree.. Singing is not his thing... But the songs are really lovely
Min Ho will be in the US filming scenes for Heirs in late August and early Sept!!!! I haven't found exact dates yet but if anyone knows, please post! My happy arse will be on the first flight out of Atlanta to try and meet him :)
Lee Minho already has his own discussion thread. =) Merged!
Sometimes I think that other drama watchers dislike others because they do like Lee Min Ho. I see loads of negative comments about him. Yes I am a fan, but not such a fan to rate the heirs already without seeing it. But sometimes I feel that If I tell people I like Lee Min Ho, that they will judge me ~.~ ..