So, I have a theory for that yesterday's incident he shared
Special Thanks to his locales' anonymous forums from DC Gallery and a few online socmed people who tracked it
Remember when he had the recording session I posted for a while? I don't think it's for him singing or rapping tho (idk why but when I heard him just a glimpse, it was nice; but others said, it's terrible; how dare they-), but a possible commercial voiceover for another upcoming brand
Do you remember what is the unknown brand that I don't know where heading to before? It's actually written on the paper sheet from the recording session (took a surprise, doesn't it? Cuz it's blurry), so several anonymous netizens worth a shot to narrow every single thing that's related, and they found one which is a rumor, but possibly true: series; a clothing line (yes, it's literally named series; urban generation)
So, to investigate/research further from this apparel line brand, it's a subsidiary brand from KolonMall; also a sub to Kolon Industries as well (known for the chemical industry); as part of FnC Organization (confirmed double check: Fashion & Culture. This organization is well known for producing not instead of endless fashion brands under it, but also for cosmetic beauty too)