Oh sweet lordie! 343 more days of Binnie pics! Do it Kamzie!
jeanie65jh wrote: Oh sweet lordie! 343 more days of Binnie pics! Do it Kamzie!

lol..i plan to :D
kamz wrote: lol..i plan to :D

No repeats! ;)
jeanie65jh wrote: No repeats! ;)

hopefully not lol...but we have posted quite a lot of pictures of him already..i will try nonetheless ^_^
[D-342] Countin' down the days to Hyun Bin's discharge from ROK Marine!

Hyun Bin official fan club, 'The Space' announced that fans can send fan letters to their P.O.Box address and they will deliver the letters to Hyun Bin twice a month .

Note: You CAN NOT send food to this address. Please send only letters/cards. Thanks.

The Space Kim Gyung Hee
Seoul Gwangjin P.O.Box 101, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea
postcode: 143-203
Translated and posted on FB by a Binnie fangirl...I'm only copy-pasting it here ^_^...it's time for SG overdoes bwahahahaaaaa....

미리 밝혀두지만, 그쪽은 처음이자 마지막으로 써보는 사회지도층 김주원의 편지를 받는 유일한 소외된 이웃이야. 그러니 자부심을 가져도 좋아.
바람이 나뭇가지를 못 살게 흔드는 오후다. 그 쪽이 이편지를 볼때도 바람에 나뭇가지가 흔들리는 이런 오후였으면 좋겠어. 그래서 내가 봤던걸 그쪽도 봤으면 좋겠어. 내가 서 있던 창가에 니가 서있고, 내가 누웠던 침대에 니가 눕고,
내가 보던 책들을 니가 본다면… 그렇게라도 함께 할수 있다면…. 그 정도면 우리… 함께 있는 거라고 치자.
그 정도면 우리… 다른 연인들처럼 행복한 거라고 치자.
I’m telling you in advance, you are the only poor alienated neighbor to receive a letter from a leader of society, Kim Joo Won who is writing for the first and last time. So it’s OK for you to take pride in it.
It’s an afternoon when the wind is unrelentingly shaking the trees.
When you read this letter, I hope that it’ll be an afternoon where the wind shakes the trees like this. In this way, I’d like you to be able to see what I saw.
Where I was standing by that window, you can be standing by that window. Where I was lying on the bed, you are lying there.
The books where I was reading, you can read them.
If we can be together like that… it is enough with us. It’s really being together.
It’s enough with us…As with any other lovers, let’s pretend we’re happy.

우리가 키스도 한 사이였나?
Were we close enough to kiss before? Like this...

김수한무 (金 壽限無 : 김은 성이고 목숨에 한계가 없다는 뜻)
Kim Soo-han-moo : Surname ‘Kim’, ‘Age-is-Infinite’.
거북이와 두루미 : 십장생중 오래 사는 넘들이죠
Keo-bu-gi-wa du-ru-mi: the tortoise and the crane (bird, not machine), 2 of the traditional 10 symbols of longevity.
삼천갑자 동방삭 : 옛날 중국에 三千甲子(180000년)를 살았던 동방삭이라는 사람이 있었데요
Sam-cheon-gab-ja Dong Bang Sak: long time ago, there lived a guy called Dong Bang Sak in China. He lived for sam-cheon-gab-ja = 3000 x 60 = 180000 years.
치치카포 : 아프리카 어디서 오래산사람 이름
Chi-chi-ga-po: name of somebody who lived a long life somewhere in Africa *lol*
사리사리센타, 워리워리,새프리카 : 모두 전설속 오래살았다고함
Sarisarisaenta, Woriwori, Saepeurika: names of legendary people who lived a long life *rofl*
무두셀라 : 성경에 나오는 인물 969세 까지 살았다고 전해짐
Moo-doo-sael-la : konglish for Methuselah, who lived for 969 years, according to the Bible’s Genesis 5:27
구름이 : 구름이 오래사는 존재 / 므드셀라가 오래살았다고 하지만 구름은 전세계의 하늘을 날아다니니 더 오래 살지 않는가..
gu-reum-yi: ‘clouds’, ‘cos they symbolise a never-ending existence; in a way, lives longer than Methuselah ^^; thus it’s better to be a cloud than Methuselah
허리케인 : 구름을 날려버림 / 그 구름도 허리케인이 불면 쫒겨 가니 허리케인이 더 쎄다
heo-ri-kae-in: konglish for ‘hurricane’, shows the meaninglessness of clouds’ existence if they can be blown away by hurricanes, thus it’s better to be a hurricane than a cloud.
담벼락 : 허리케인에도 무너지지 않음 / 그러나 그 강한 허리케인도 담이 있으면 막혀버리니 담벼락이 더 쎄다 할수 있다
dam-byo-rak: ‘wall’, showing the meaninglessness of a hurricane if you stay intact despite being blown, thus it’s better to be a wall than a hurricane.
서생원에 : 담벼락에 구멍을 뚫어 담벼락을 무너뜨림 / 그러나 그 담벼락도 서생원(쥐)가 갉아서 구멍을 낼 수 있으니 쥐가 더 쎄다..
seo-saeng-won-ae: ‘mouse’. Drills holes in wall, causing weakened wall to collapse in a hurricane, thus… it’s better to be a mouse than a wall.
고양이 : 서생원의 천적은 당근 고양이
go-yang-yi: ‘cat’. (You get the drift)
바둑이는 : 고양이의 천적, 개
ba-duk-yi-neun: ‘dog’
돌돌이 : 개 이름..
Doldolri : doggie’s name..


21살의 김주원도 사랑하려나봐..
I guess I?m going to end up loving the 21-year old you too.

당신 꿈속은 맨날 그렇게 험한건데?
In your dreams, why is it such rough place?

사실 내가 알고 보면 장동건급 감이요라는 사람이라구. 내가.
If you look closely, I'm up there with Jang Dong Gun.
I love your pic a day until his release! I don't care if there are repeats! Keep going Kamz-ssi! When I see your name next to his thread I'm like...Ooooh! Kamzie posted her pic of the day! and I instantly click! lol.

어느 날 이렇게 말하게 될꺼야. 난 그쪽이 어떨떨하고 신기해.
말도 안돼.
Then one day you'll say, 'You daze and amaze me. '
That doesn't make sense.

내가 어디가서 얘기를 잘 안해서 그러는데, 알고보면 내가 아주 깜짝놀라게 용감하다니까.
I don't really tell people but I'm surprisingly brave.

나 샤워한다. 안따라와? 같이 씻기로 했쟎아.
네가 벌어논 매를 적금 탈때가 됐지?
그럼 나 오디션 안해 .
I'm going to shower.
Aren't you coming? We said we would shower together.
It's about time for you to cash in on all the beatings you've saved up.
Then I won't audition.

이젠 본인 안목을 믿어보는게 어때? 난 세상이 부러울께 없는 김주원이라는 남자가 매달릴만한 여자거든.
이봐, 이봐. 이러니 내가 안반해.
I'm worth a man like Kim Joo Won who has everything to be all over me.
Look at this. Look at this. This is why I can't help but fall in love.

좋아하는 연예인이 누구냐 하면 3초정도 생각하다가…오...스카? 하는 그런 수준.
If you ask her who her favorite celebrity is, she'd think for about three seconds and she'd say "Os...ka"?

어머..김주원씨. 제가 그쪽 전화 얼마나 기다렸는지 아세요? 보고 싶어 죽겠단말이예요.
전 김주원씨의 영원한 캣우먼이 되겠어요.호호호..좀 이래주면 안되겠어…길라임씨.
Oh my, Kim Joo Won. Do you know how much I waited for your call?
I miss you to death. Kim Joo Won, I'll be your eternal Catwoman. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Couldn't you be like this, Gil Ra Im?

이건 댁한테 그런 대접을 받을 그런 옷이 아니야.
프랑스 남부출신 자연주의 디자이너가 꽃과 인권을 주제로 한코 한코…
These aren't clothes you can treat that way.
A French Naturalism designer from Southern France
stitched one by one with themes in flowers and human rights…

내 코가 다른 사람보다 높아서 다칠수도 있다는 생각을 왜 못해? 왜?!
Why can't you see that I may get hurt since my nose is higher than others, why?!

어, 임감독 아직 안갔어? 뭐 나두고 갔나?
Director Im! You didn't leave yet? Did you leave something behind?

전세계가 약 230개국이고 그중에 나같은 사람이 5개국어를 하쟎아. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리가 무슨사이인지 규정할 언어가 없네.
There are about 230 languages in the world and someone like me speaks five languages. And still, there are no words to describe our relationship.

내 욕한다. 안한다. 한다. 안한다. 한다...
She's cursing me. She's not. She is. She's not. She is...

보면 볼수록 말야. 나 진짜 잘생겼다. 사람들은 나랑어떻게 얘기를 하지? 떨려서.
You know, the more I look at you..
I realize I'm really good looking.
How do people talk to me?
They must get so nervous.

뉴욕에 비온데 가자!
키스할려고 뉴욕까지? 그럼 그동안 어떻게 참았냐?
김수한무 거북이와 두루미..몰라?
It's raining in New York. Let's go.
Go all the way to New York to kiss? Then how did you wait all this time?
Kim, Soo Han Moo, Guh book yi wah Doo roo mi…Don't you know this?

앞으로 누구든, 오빠라고 하면 바람피우는 걸로 간주할꺼야. 난 연인끼리 서로 구속안하고 서로 믿고 뭐 딱 질색이거든.
If you call anyone else oppa, I'm going to consider that cheating.
I absolutely hate it when lovers just trust each other and don't make restrictions.

저 트리는 그 쪽이 생각하는 그런 트리가 아니야!
그렇겠지. 노르웨이 산림청에서 한그루 한그루 유기농으로 관리한… 뭐 그런거 거지?
That's not the kind of tree that you think it is!
Of course not. It was organically grown on tree by one tree by Norway Forest Service...

okay i'm done for the day heeee ^_^...bo go ship da oori binnie..come back soon xx
Girl! Slow down! You're gonna run out of pics before he gets back XD But those ARE some lovely pics. I ♥ that drama so much.
Sleepninja wrote: Girl! Slow down! You're gonna run out of pics before he gets back XD But those ARE some lovely pics. I ♥ that drama so much.

these are just some SG moments i wanted to share lol..
i have plenty of other pics so don't you worry i shall not run out of them lol