ali101234 wrote: THREADJACKERS
Shame on you threadjackers!!! You do know TGL has a thread, right? :p
Jeaniessi wrote: LOL! BTW..I LOVED FBRS you threadjackers!
kamz wrote: na du Jeanie-ssi...and i am in love with that Jung Il Woo song *siigh*
I loved it too.
Jeaniessi wrote: I like it so much too. Why is it there are two reactions to things you shows... You either love it and want the world to love it too or you love it and don't want to share it with anyone?
FBRS is the first category for me. I don't understand when people don't like it! I know we all have our own tastes but still!? Everyone needs to love it like I do!
kamz wrote: i'm like that too..if i like something/ someone i want the rest of the world to like it too lol
I love it too, but I'm not gonna convince anyone they should love it, since they might do the same with me with those boring, overrated dramas (although some have tried and and I'll have to whip out my black aura on a level 10 attack and that won't be a pretty So, they can like what they like and
I'll just love what I love. :p
Live and let live...jajaja....
kamz wrote: i don't like Rain, KHJ, Shota or that Aziatix guy so it's ok if you don't share looool
Jajaja...but Unnie since when you don't like KHJ? I remember you wanted to make him your #2 to obsess over him while HB is in the army before you fell in love with
ali101234 wrote: Pfffft i gave it a 10
Jeaniessi wrote: I gave it a 9... loved it.. it worked for me. Very cleverly done.
kamz wrote: i gave it an 8 i think..
I gave it a 9.
kamz wrote: it's the year of the flower in Korea and flowers are beautiful lol
Flowers ARE beautiful!