"This is YAOLIU"

Even the original singer stated that this was Yaoliu's song

This is a formal introduction.
The official MV is also YAOLIU.
Are you guys going to claim that this doesn't belong to yaoliu.

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"Favouring Mortal Fireworks" is a duet by Yang Zi and Tan Jianci, with lyrics by seasoned musician Chen Xi, and veteran musician Dong Dongdong composing and producing the music.

"Walking together with you in the mortal realm,
We embrace each other through cycles of life to the end."

Yang Zi and Tan Jianci sing in harmony with each other, her clear, sweet voice and his deep, magnetic tone coming together in the graceful musical strains, expressing heartfelt feelings to each other, then coming together as one. Just like their characters in the drama Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu who got to know each other through conflict, to ultimately cherishing each other, they sing of eternity, of causes and consequences.

"The sun and moon accompany us while we drink and sing,
Blooming like flowers, favouring the ordinary life in the mortal realm."

From playmates and soulmates to never meeting again, Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu experienced joy, sorrows, anxieties. In the wind and rain, they missed each other. They wished to live in a quiet, happy place, longing for the ordinary life of the mortal realm, wishing to have clear eyebrows and warm eyes, and to sing and drink together again one day.


@liddi : My possibly clumsy interpretation for 偏爱人间烟火 Favouring Mortal Fireworks  / Favouring the Ordinary Life of the Mortal Realm  (feel free to correct if there are any mistakes in translations or interpretations):


偏爱人间烟火Favouring Mortal Fireworks / the Ordinary Life of the Mortal Realm
M我祈求此生的拥有I pray for possessions in this life

偏要长情在左 你在右But I prefer to have long lasting love on my left, and you on my right

永恒的思念 酿成酒Eternal yearning brewed into wine,

相偕在人间 走一走Walking together with you in the mortal realm

F我祈求来日的拥有I pray for possessions in the future

偏要 瞬间拱手 让爱永久But I prefer to give it up instantly for love to last forever

须臾的悲欢 寄苍狗Moments of joy and sorrow in an ever-changing world,

相拥在轮回 天尽头We embrace each other through cycles of life to the end

M姻去了壳结因果From a marriage/love removed from its shell comes causes and consequences,

褪了初见你时的颜色Fading the colours of when we first met
All缘线勾勒笔带过The lines of fate are outlined by a brush

日月陪你我对酒当歌The sun and moon accompany us while we drink and sing

F心 空了格 调了色 一弯新月落An empty heart, mixed with colour, a new crescent moon descends

悲欢忐忑 风雨送相思流落Sorrow, joy and anxiety; yearning sent by the wind and rain
All愿 眉清澈 目温热 锦绣心河May your eyebrows be clear, your eyes warm, your heart beautiful

繁花朵朵 偏爱人间烟火Blooming like flowers, favouring the ordinary life of the mortal realm.
Willow Gu's Pain
Xiaotian suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu said: "Don't believe it?"

Xiaotian's heart felt as if it had been penetrated by a sharp sword, and there was a sharp pain. Her limbs ached from the pain, and she fell limp to the ground, her muscles lying on the grass.

Xiang Liu seemed to be holding a divine tablet that could see her life and death. He looked down at her indifferently and said, "If you don't want to die, don't say anything you shouldn't say."

Xiaotian's face turned pale from the pain, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he raised his face and said with a smile: "Is this why you don't have time to go to Baibang to lift the watch? Control my life and death, and one day come to help me? What a good person. Your noble General Xiang Liu!"

Xiang Lai smiled coldly, turned around and left. With a loud roar, he stepped on Bai Hei's back, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

Xiaotian's heartache disappeared, but the pain was too severe just now, and her body still had no strength. After a while, she regained some strength, slowly got up, and walked step by step toward the viewing
The pain of death
Suddenly she couldn't hold it in, Xiao Yao felt a sharp dagger pierce her chest and her ears rang. The pain in her heart exploded and the wine cup in his hand fell.

Jing worried shouted, "Xiao Yao!"

Xiao Yao muttered "Impossible! Impossible! He couldn't just die like that! I don't feel anything, I can't feel anything anymore......" She suddenly remembered that the Lover Bug had been removed by the Royal Mother so she obviously couldn't feel the connection anymore. Xiao Yao's eyes rolled back into his head and she fell backwards.

Jing grabbed Xiao Yao "Let's go back to Xuan Yuan Mountain first, let Miao Pu take the Grand Emperor's badge to gather information."

Xiao Yao felt dizzy and frisky, she kept saying "Impossible."

Xiaoyao told Xiang Liu that she was afraid that he would fall into his dreams... This sentence was so hurtful. How could she say it in another way?

If you interpret "people who can't dream" as "people who can't fall in love with Xiang Liu", the logic of this understanding is unreasonable.

Xiaoyao knew that she had fallen in love with Xiangliu, and Xiangliu also knew that Xiaoyao loved him. "Dream" means "fantasy". The meaning of Zhuanxu 's words is: Xiaoyao is still a girl who has illusions about love after all.

So what Xiaoyao means when she says "Afraid of Xiang Liu entering her dream" is that she is afraid that even if she just kisses Xiang Liu, she is worried that she will not be able to control herself and fantasize about a future with Xiang Liu. However, Xiang Liu is definitely not something she can imagine. Once people have this idea, they will definitely be in pain - Xiaoyao in the later period was so in pain that she wanted to die but couldn't. She already knew the result of fantasizing about Xiang Liu, but she still couldn't help it!

Xiaoyao's words should be translated as: I love you, but I can't have even the slightest illusion about you. People like you are not a man that girls can fantasize about, otherwise it will only make my life worse than death. So let’s not get entangled like before.

The reason why Xiang Liu felt hurt at this time was because he couldn't understand Xiao Yao's fear at all. Xiao Yao's words sounded to him: We are not suitable, let's break up!

Why can't Xiang Liu understand Xiao Yao's fear?

The first reason is that Xiang Liu is different from Xiao Yao. He doesn't know about Xiao Yao's parents. Xiao Yao has already seen the ending of her parents - the ending that he would face if he and Xiang Liu were together, but this Everything is still unknown to Xiang Liu.

For example, it's like going for an interview for a position that you particularly want. Xiaoyao already knows the inside story and he will definitely not be able to apply for it, so he is too lazy to prepare or go for the interview. Xiang Liu only knows that this position is relatively competitive. The passing rate is low, but he doesn't know the final result. So with his character, will he shrink back? Won't.

The second reason is that the two people have different perceptions:

Xiang Liu has never known what "fear" is. In the past, when he fought with others, he fought desperately, and the enemy could not find his weakness at all. Xiang Liu has always conquered everything with absolute strength. As the strongest person in the world, no matter what danger he encounters, Xiang Liu is confident enough to solve all problems and overcome all difficulties. He is not afraid of anything, and no one can do anything to him. So Xiang Liu couldn't understand Xiaoyao's fear at all. What was she afraid of? He is the strongest male beast in the entire wilderness and will not allow anyone to harm her. He will fight to the death whoever dares to threaten her.

And Xiaoyao knows very well what "fear" is. During the hundreds of years of living in the wilderness, she has been afraid every day, fearing that her life will be lost if she doesn't pay attention. She has low spiritual power and is unable to protect herself. She has always been in a weak position. It can even be said that it is the caution and conservatism that comes with her "fear" that allows her to survive to this day. Xiang Liu is very strong, but will Xiang Liu always protect her from harm? Can she trust Xiang Liu? In Xiaoyao's understanding, facing different positions, Xiang Liu will definitely abandon her for the Shennong Rebel Army. What should she do then? She has no confidence at all to overcome the difficulties of the two of them being together. He can still get rid of his delay; she can't get rid of her delay! So she didn't dare.

Xiang Liu is brave, while Xiao Yao is cowardly.

One is afraid, and the other doesn't know what she is afraid of.

It wasn't until he experienced Xiaoyao's death that Xiang Liu tasted the feeling of fear and understood why life was worse than death. He also learned about Xiaoyao's parents and truly understood Xiaoyao's fear.

But obviously, because he didn't understand before, he used Fangfeng Bei to provoke Xiaoyao, and Xiangliu still fell into Xiaoyao's dream. So thirty-seven years later, all of Xiangliu's actions were all to awaken Xiaoyao's dream with his own hands. .

Tonghua has a passage in "Starry Sky Sea" that can just explain the changes between the two of them in the early, middle and later stages:

<"You said, 'Love is the most magical witchcraft in the world. It can make the selfish selfless, the cowardly brave, the greedy kind, and the cunning person stupid'."

"I said so!"

"You are only right about one side of love. There is another side to love. It can make the selfless people selfish, the brave people cowardly, the kind people greedy, and the stupid people cunning." >


 windiaaa041293:This Weibo post by Tong Hua points out the purpose of this book's growth line:

If you are suffering from the pain caused by the shadow of your original family, if you are suffering from the hardships of life, don't be like Xiaoyao, longing for someone to save you. Look, Xiaoyao has been going around in circles for half his life. Didn't you finally come out on your own? Therefore, believe in yourself. Suffering is suffering only because you are defeated by it. If you transform suffering into your own strength, then no suffering can defeat you. There is no long-term dependence in this world. Whether it is parents, lovers, relatives and friends, you are born alone and will die alone. Don't be obsessed with long- term dependence. Even if your loved ones leave, you will still be together. Live your life well.

Tong Hua was actually quoting the text from the novel in her post. The words were from Cang Xuan to Xiao Yao, after they returned to Shen Nong and met their grandfather after over 200 years:





Cang Xuan laughed and said, "Xiao Yao, do you resent those two maids? If they had not said what they should not have, you would not have had to be destitute and homeless for over two hundred years."

"No, if it had not been for those two hundred years, I would not have been the person I am today. If I had grown up peacefully by Royal Father's side, I might have been very blessed, but I like who I am now. The person I am now is afraid of nothing, because I had experienced total loss. No matter what terrifying hardships come my way, I will be able to cut them down swiftly and decisively, like how I killed the nine-tailed fox demon."

"If not for the royal uncles' coercion, I would not have gone to Gao Xin alone, and gotten to see a different world. If not for their repeated plots and assassination attempts, I would not have become more cunning, calmer, stronger. Tribulations turn into tribulations because that those who encounter them are defeated. However, we defeated the tribulations, crushed them to pieces, absorbed them into our bodies and transformed them into our strength. As such, we will never see tribulations as tribulations. Grandfather is just like us. It is precisely because he understood that he chose to let go."

Xiao Yao laughed. "Alright, alright, I can't win this argument. I will be more careful in future not to provoke Grandfather."

-- Vol 1 Ch15

It is telling that the Xiao Yao at the time of that scene, was still pretty much Wen Xiao Liu, except in a woman's body. She was fearless, learnt to survive well and boldly faced whatever obstacles or threats came her way. As such, it was very difficult to see that part of herself chipped away as she allowed herself to be imprisoned by her love and loyalty to her family in a position she never really wanted, a life she did not truly long for. Fear became her companions and shackles, one which she never truly broke free from until Xiang Liu's death finally shattered her chains and she grasped the life she wanted and took that step out of the prison that had held her for so long.

I have cited this scene several times, but I still feel that the bow recognition scene depicted in the drama beautifully sums what Tong Hua wishes to convey in the novel, through the lessons Xiang Liu was subtly telling her - that she had to be self-sufficient, to be strong enough to never have to rely on others or be at the mercy of anyone's whims, and to boldly reach out and claim the kind of life she truly wanted. This is the essence of what Tong Hua always talks about:

"Although I write romance stories, but my understanding of love has always been to first be the best version of yourself before moving on to feelings. One of the cornerstones of love is equality, and equality is built on a woman's independence and self-empowerment. 
My view is that love can make life very beautiful, but it is not the only thing in life. Women should first live their own lives well. Only a woman with financial and mental independence can embrace love calmly."

-- Tong Hua, 2019 interview excerpts





@liddi,you asked this before.

《长相思 1:如初见》


Thank you very much.

The text says this:

Lost You Forever is one of the works Tong Hua herself is most satisfied with, the final chapter in the series of 山经海纪 The Mountain and Sea Chronicles. Set against a grandiose backdrop with many characters with different characteristics, while the main theme is love, it is not merely about love that is engraved on the bones and inscribed in the heart, but also the position that family, country and world holds in a person's life, and the familial affections and choices that lead to sharing each other's burdens.

What is lovesickness? A yearning that can never be realised, is the greatest yearning.

Loving each other means being everlasting and unchanging for two people. However, yearning is drawn out desolation for one person.

Lost You Forever Vol 1: As When We First Met

An encounter at Qingshui town is every character's introduction in the story which changed everyone's fate, and even the fate of the entire Great Wilderness. Xiao Yao met Ye Shi Qi, as well as Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan. The curtain to their story was raised, but everything was only "snakes on the grass, lines on dust", stretching out for thousands of miles. Is what we perceive with the naked eye really the truth? How deep can love go for a person in the face of manifold choices? Lovesickness is a cup of poisononus fine wine; it is sweet as it enters the throat, melting the soul and eroding the bones (sending one into a state of esctasy), until it enters the heart and lungs, after which there is no longer a cure for it. Once the poison acts, it rips out the heart and lungs. Only the smile, the companionship of the loved one can cure it. If these cannot be obtained, all that remains is yearning engraved on the bones that lasts until death. The story still continues.

Another content introduction to the 2013 edition includes this line:


Life is a series or encounters and partings; it is a series of forgetting and beginnings. However, there will always be some things which once happened, would leave behind a trace; there will always be someone, whom once encountered, can never be forgotten.


The nature of love between Xiaoyao and Tushanjing: Dragon Bone Prison, Muxiyuan, Sang Tianer

The reason why many readers are constantly arguing about who Xiaoyao loves is that, in addition to everyone’s understanding of the text, there is another important reason, that is, everyone has a different view of love. There is not only one kind of love, some are as plain as water and as slow as water . , some are earth-shattering and vigorous, some resonate with souls and cherish each other, some have complementary personalities and like to be friends, some raise eyebrows and respect each other as guests, some are obsessed with love and hate, and will never stop...

The metaphor of "Sang Tian'er"

So what kind of love does Xiaoyao have for Jing? There are a few original passages in the book that may provide the answer.

"Everyone thinks that people who receive kindness will feel close to those who give kindness, but they don't know that people who give kindness will also feel close to the people they save."

Note: Xiaoyao has been close, compassionate, and soft-hearted towards Jing from the beginning. This is the basis of her feelings for Jing. Later, Jing also admitted that when he was in Dragon Bone Prison, he took advantage of Xiaoyao's sympathy and soft-heartedness towards him. Make Xiaoyao promise to wait for him for fifteen years.

"People think I'm kind-hearted, but actually, it's just because I'm weak. I feel at ease when I'm with the weak. I feel like I'm in control of everything, I'm relied on, and I won't give up."

Note: Xiaoyao is a very insecure person, so she is afraid of all uncontrollable relationships. Being uncontrollable means that she may be abandoned. Between her and Jing, Jing is always cautious and worried about gains and losses, while she Occupying a high position and taking the initiative, she feels that her relationship with Jing is controllable, which is why she is willing to give Jing a chance.

"A man like you looks decisive and charming, but I am just an ordinary woman. What I want to find is someone who can accompany me for the rest of my life. Life is long and there will be too many changes. I believe that only Only a person with a kind nature can treat me kindly throughout his life. Even if I make a mistake, he will tolerate me. I don’t believe that a person who is cruel to everyone in the world will treat me as an exception. I don’t have that strong self-confidence and self-confidence. love."

Note: Xiaoyao is very unconfident and even pessimistic. She will think of the worst outcome when making any decision. Jing's kindness may seem weak to others and some readers, but it is what makes Xiaoyao most at ease. Think about it, even Tu Shanhou can be forgiven by Jing, a person's lowest point can't be that bad, and even the worst Tushan Jing can tolerate her. This is why Xiaoyao chooses Jing and not anyone else. s reason. However, it can also be seen from this that Xiaoyao has her own criteria for choosing a mate, and she also strictly follows her own criteria for finding a partner.

"How do you men judge whether a woman is sincere or fake? Even if she is sincere, how do you know what kind of sincerity it is? You must know that there are many kinds of sincerity..."

What kind of sincerity does she have towards Jing? If you still don’t understand after reading this, let’s take a look at Sang Tianer’s words.

"I started receiving customers when I was thirteen years old. I have seen many men in the past twelve years. Chuan Zi is really not good at all, but he is the only one willing to marry me."

"After twelve years of prostitution, my heart is cold and hard. Even now I still don't believe that Chuanzi will really not despise me and will really be willing to spend the rest of his life with me, but I want to give it a try. If Chuanzi is really willing to be with me However, I am willing to treat him wholeheartedly."

"I really want a man who can turn me back to the person I was twelve years ago, make my heart soft, make me cry and laugh happily at the same time. If Chuanzi is really that man, I will cherish my life more than Cherish him.”

Let’s take a look at Xiaoyao’s evaluation of the marriage between Sang Tian’er and Chuanzi: “Tian’er doesn’t believe that Chuanzi will live with her sincerely, and what she is giving Chuanzi now is all false love. But Chuanzi doesn’t know that Tianer is right for Chuanzi. If he is nice, he will be nicer to Tian'er, and Tian'er will be nicer to him when he sees Chuanzi. The falsehood gradually mixes with the truth, and over time, eventually the falsehood becomes true."

do you understand? Why does the author write about the plot of Qingshui Town in such a rich and colorful way, and why does he spend so much time writing about Sang Tianer and Chuanzi, just to make up for the word count? Or did Tonghua get tired of writing romance novels and start writing farming novels instead? Obviously not, Sang Tianer's feelings for Chuanzi are a metaphor for Xiaoyao's feelings for Jing.

▼Even every sentence of Sang Tianer, Xiaoyao can correspond one to one. For example, the first sentence corresponds to: When Aheng asked Xiaoyao why it was Tu Shanjing, how Xiaoyao answered, not the answer "How good he is, how much I love him," she said, "Only he, no matter what happens, will never abandon me." - This means that Jing is indeed not attracted to her, but only he chose Xiaoyao, Jing is good at playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting and doing business. Xiaoyao neither likes nor is good at it. Jing is good at everything, but has no attraction (or "charm") to Xiaoyao. What impresses Xiaoyao is not " "Sexual" attraction, but because he meets Xiaoyao's criteria for choosing a mate.

▼The second sentence corresponds to: Xiaoyao’s heart is also cold and hard. When Jinglong Bone Prison confessed her love, did Xiaoyao believe it? No, but she wanted to try, so she was willing to give Jing a chance to get close to her. After the sweet date between Xiaozhurong Mansion and Jing, did Xiaoyao believe it? No, she thought Jing was married and had children for thirty-seven years at the bottom of the sea. Behind the seemingly sweet look of Muxiyuan, it was all Xiaoyao's false love! Xiaoyao really started to mix the truth with the false feelings. After returning from the bottom of the sea, she saw that Jing was actually willing to die for her, and she was moved.

Tong Hua wrote Sang Tian'er and Chuanzi, and the "grass snake gray line" technique was also used very well, but after all, this is an emotional line, and I don't want to use the analysis of "snake demon and nine-tailed fox as structural clues" to correspond to the development of the story one by one. In this way, we can analyze Yao Jing's emotional line, Sang Tianer and Chuanzi's "foreshadowing", and everyone can "take care of it" by themselves.

Dragon Bone Prison: Fifteen Years Promise

<Xiao Liu raised his head, shook Shi Qi's arm and acted coquettishly, "You haven't seen anything about me, tell me, tell me!" Xiao Liu has always looked like a rogue man, and for the first time, he showed the coquettishness of his little daughter. state. Although the cell was dark and Shi Qi could not see clearly, he was already retreating steadily. >

Everyone already knows that the man in Xiaoyao's heart at this time is Xiang Liu, but looking at her coquettish and coquettish manner towards Jing, she pretends to be just like the real thing. Don’t forget, Xiaoyao is a cunning loach, and disguise is a special skill for her.

<Seventeen's breath was a little disordered, and his heartbeat began to beat rapidly. Xiaoliu knew what he wanted to say, but was embarrassed to say it. Xiaoliu didn't rush him, he just curled up on his shoulder like a cat and waited quietly. "Xiao Liu, I, I... I know that I am engaged, and I am not qualified to say anything to you... I have never dared to think about it... but... but... I will cancel the engagement, I will definitely cancel the engagement! You wait for me for twenty years...no, no...fifteen years, fifteen years, you give Tushanjing fifteen years, and after fifteen years, Tushanjing will give you Ye Shiqi in return." Xiao Liu whispered. Asked: "How to wait?" "You, don't let other men... live in your heart." Xiao Liu was silent. >

Xiaoyao knew what Jing wanted to say, but was embarrassed to say it, so what did Xiaoyao do? "Like a cat, curling up on his shoulder, waiting quietly." Xiaoyao knows how to do it very well! It can be said that she deliberately asked Jing to confess to him.

But she shouldn't have expected that Tu Shanjing confessed his love and even made demands. She was silent because Xiang Liu had already lived in her heart. But Xiaoyao is such an honest person, will she tell the truth to Jing? no.

<Xiao Liu said: "You don't understand me very well. My heart is very cold, and there is a hard shell on the outside. Let alone fifteen years, I'm afraid I won't let a man run in in fifty years.">

This answer is very particular. Long before she hid in the hard shell, Xiang Liu was already in her heart, so of course she would not let other men run in in the future. Jing's request is not to let other men live in her heart, but what she promised Jing is: not to let men run into her heart, but what about the men who are already living in her heart? She couldn't control it, and Jing didn't ask.

Do you still remember Xiaoyao’s psychological activities after asking Xiang Liu to pay for the bow and arrow?

<Xiao Yao bit her lip and slowly lowered her head. Xiang Liu is not just any man. She made a big mistake! >

To her, Xiang Liu was not any other man, never had been, not from Dragon Bone Prison.

Is the fifteen-year agreement essentially a promise of love? Of course not, the essence of the fifteen-year agreement is a business.

<Xiao Liu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "You said that everything is just business. Seeing you like this, why do I feel that I have lost money in this business?">

Judging from Xiaoyao's words, in Xiaoyao's eyes, this is a business, and it is a business that she will suffer losses from. Xiaoyao is not stupid: you keep saying that you are not qualified and that you dare not think about it, but you want me to wait for you for fifteen years, and You want me to keep my heart for you, but you took it from me before you gave me anything.

<Seventeen shook Xiaoliu's hand, "I say the more important things seem to be, the more they are like business. They are nothing more than interests. But the word "love" can never be measured by interests. The love between parents and children, brothers. The love between sisters, the love between friends, and the love between men and women are all seemingly ordinary and simple, ubiquitous, but rare and hard to find and worthless.”>

Then there is Tu Shanjing’s wonderful negotiation skills: Oh, it’s your fault for thinking this way. We are talking about feelings. How can you be so clear about it as you are talking about money?

<Xiao Liu said with a smile: "I've always heard people say that Tu Shanjing is very good at business, and he is funny and sharp when talking about business. I always don't believe it. You always look stupid and don't speak fluently. Tonight I am really Got it.”>

But has Xiaoyao fallen into the trap of Jing's words? No, if Xiaoyao was so easy to deceive, he would have been deceived to the point where not even his bones were left. The implication of Xiaoyao's words is: You can really talk about business, I have learned a lesson.

<Seventeen laughed softly. His laughter was just like him, gentle, peaceful and pure. >

Haha, if you readers understand my interpretation above, you will know how wonderfully Tong Hua uses the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork" here. What is the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork"? It means that praise and blame are included in the tortuous writing style. "Gentle, peaceful, pure", if these adjectives appear in other situations, we can still believe that Tushan Jing is indeed like this, but here, he is the complete opposite. This is the author's explicit praise and covert criticism of Jing!

<Xiao Liu said: "Seventeen, I'm different from you. I'm not a businessman, but I've always been very clear about big things. I'm a cruel person. I'm cruel to others, but even more cruel to myself. You understand. ?”>

Xiaoyao started her negotiation. What negotiation skills did she use? Intimidation.

Translation: Although I'm not as good at doing business as you are, you can't fool me on this matter. If you dare to make me suffer, I won't forgive you.

<Seventeen said: "I know you won't give yourself hope, you won't trust first, you won't invest first. Sang Tian'er is willing to gamble your life with false feelings, but even if you are sincere, if the other person doesn't cherish it, you I will also give it up. I am willing to wait until you are willing."

"What if I don't want to do it for the rest of my life?"

"Then wait for a lifetime. As long as you don't disappear, even if you live like this for a lifetime, it will be good.">

Jing was not afraid at all, and the negotiation skills Jing used were: inducement.

Translation: Oh, don’t worry, although I ask for this business from you first, but as long as you are willing to wait for me for fifteen years, good times are coming! When the time comes, I will cherish you very much. Even if you don't trust me and don't invest in me emotionally, I will still be willing to wait for you all my life, cherish you and be good to you all my life.

Tushan Jing is smart. He has been with Xiaoyao in Qingshui Town for several years. He knows very well where Xiaoyao's pain points are and what Xiaoyao longs for. What does Jing's words mean to Xiaoyao? She may not love him, she may not have him in her heart, but he will still take care of her, accompany her, and be good to her every day like Ye Shiqi in Qingshui Town, and for the rest of his life. And Xiaoyao only needs to wait for fifteen years, and there is an ambiguous promise of "not letting a man get into my heart." Faced with this huge temptation, how can Xiaoyao not be tempted?

So from then on, the business between the two was concluded.

<Shiqi smiled. Xiaoliu was indeed cruel to herself, but in fact she had always been very kind to others. Lao Mu, Sang Tianer, Mazi, Chuanzi... She was just a passer-by in their lives, but she fulfilled each of them. . >

I said at the beginning that the book "Sauvignon Blanc" is full of "grass snakes and gray lines". Although Xiaoyao is written here, it is actually written about Xiangliu. Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao are the same. "He is a cruel person. He is cruel to others and even more cruel to himself." But in fact, Xiang Liu is only cruel to himself. He has always been very kind to others. Xiao Yao, Gonggong, Shennong Yijun... He fulfilled each of them, even to his own horse Maoqiu, he was always very good.

But having said that, why was Jing's mental activity like this in the end? Because in his opinion, Xiaoyao is actually soft-hearted towards others, and this business was fulfilled because Xiaoyao was soft-hearted towards him.


Since there are too many descriptions of Yao Jing, I specifically singled out the chapter "The Peaceful Years in Muxiyuan". This chapter is a crucial chapter for Yao Jing's emotional changes. Before that, Xiaoyao had been looking for Fangfeng Beiwan, who was already Xiangliu, every once in a while, and at the end of the previous chapter, Xiaoyao had put a lot of effort into making the delicacies of "Koi Playing with Lotus" to coax Xiangliu. , and then Xiaoyao moved into Xiaozhurong Mansion to help her brother, giving Fenglong a chance to get close to her. But at the beginning of this chapter, Xiaoyao suddenly became particularly proactive towards Jing, as if she suddenly liked Jing very much. Why is this? After this chapter comes Merlin's Massacre and Thirty-seven Years Under the Sea. You must know that Xiaoyao never thought about Jing when he was at the bottom of the sea. The only time he thought of was to guess that Jing and Fangfeng Yiying had children. The out-of-the-way chapter of Muxiyuan seems very abrupt and intriguing.

<One day, Xiaoyao was preparing medicinal herbs. Xinyue came to see Xiaoyao.

(Here is when Xinyue came to tell Jing that she was coming to live here, and then after Xinyue left)

Xiaoyao looked at the herbs in her hand and suddenly couldn't remember what she wanted to do just now. >

Note: It would be understandable if Xiaoyao would disguise his reaction when talking to Xinyue, but what was Xiaoyao's reaction after Xinyue left? happy? No, it was a feeling of waking up from a dream. She didn't realize that she had been busy with everything related to Xiang Liu, and Xinyue suddenly informed her that Jing was coming, which made her realize: Yes, Jing. She is my development partner, and Jing is my marriage candidate. What am I doing during this time? Xiaoyao felt guilty and guilty towards Jing.

<"Xiaoyao, tell me, what would you do if your sweetheart couldn't go hunting because of inconvenient legs and feet?"

Xiaoyao whispered: "I will accompany him."

Xinyue said: "That's right! That's why I said Brother Jing was pitiful. Later, my brother came back with prey, but Yiying was still playing in the mountains. Seeing that Brother Jing was lonely, my brother said half jokingly and half reproachfully, "Jing My brother is too playful in pampering his woman. How can that idiot of my brother understand that no matter how playful a woman is, if her heart is tied to a man, she will naturally guard her heart.”>

Note: Here Xinyue and Xiaoyao Bagua mentioned that Fangfeng Yiying doesn’t like Jing at all. Does Xiaoyao think that this paragraph about Fangfeng Yiying also applies to her? "I will accompany him." Did Xiaoyao accompany him? During Fenglong Xinyue's birthday party, Tu Shanjing even came with her, but she still went to play Qushangliushui with Fangfengbei. "Brother Jing is too playful in pampering his woman." This sentence fits perfectly with Xiaoyao. Jing had calculated and managed to get Xiaoyao to come to the Central Plains, but Xiaoyao fell in love every now and then. I went to find Fangfeng Bei to play. "How could my idiot brother understand that no matter how playful a woman is, if her heart is attached to a man, she will naturally guard her heart." When Xiaoyao heard this sentence, wasn't it a warning? Xiaoyao realized that she couldn't keep her heart at all. She originally hated Fangfeng Yiying for neglecting Jing, but what about herself? Xiaoyao felt guilty and distressed for Jing.

<"Why now? Last time at the beach, I asked you... but you refused."

"I don't know, maybe because you are so kind, maybe because I am very selfish now and only think about myself, maybe because you were too..." Jingxiao looked at Xiaoyao, the last two words were almost silent, Xiaoyao said I can only guess based on the lip shape that it seems to be "attractive". >

Note: Does Jing know that Xiaoyao is being hypocritical? He knew it, but Xiaoyao kissed his leg with pity. At that moment, he felt that Xiaoyao was so good. His love for Xiaoyao suddenly surged to the top, making him unable to help himself. At that moment, he just wanted to ask for peace and love. Possession, "Maybe it's because I'm very selfish now and only think about myself." It's obviously a love between you and me, so why do you say it's selfish? Because Jing knew very well that Xiaoyao was not intimate with him because she loved him, but he couldn't care so much anymore, or in other words, he accepted Xiaoyao's kindness and willingly cooperated with her play.

<Jing has been sitting quietly, as if she didn't hear anything. Looking out of the crystal car window, heavy snow is flying between the sky and the earth, and there is a vast expanse of white. >

Note: This is the last paragraph of the chapter where Jing and Xiaoyao stayed in Muxiyuan until they had to return to Qingqiu for the New Year. It stands to reason that the relationship has made rapid progress, and Jing's mood at this time should be sweet, but the description of this paragraph But it only gives people a feeling of loneliness, why? Because he knew that he had just finished a sweet scene with Xiaoyao, but he not only wanted to win Xiaoyao's person, he also wanted to win her heart, so he felt lost and confused.

Merlin's murder was also a turning point in Tu Shanjing's change of mind. After he experienced the pain of losing Xiaoyao once, he lowered his expectations and no longer asked for Xiaoyao's heart. He only wanted to be with Xiaoyao. This This mentality remains until the end of the novel.

The theory of "id", "ego" and "superego"

When Xiaoyao's "id" wants to choose Xiang Liu most, or her "superego" thinks she should choose Zhuanxu, either of them makes her feel anxious and painful at the same time, she can only rely on the one her "self" thinks she can choose. People come to regulate emotions and relieve pain.

So, why did Xiaoyao choose Tu Shanjing as the mediator?

When Zhuanxu and Huangdi discussed formally sending troops to encircle and suppress Gonggong.

<Xiaoyao sat quietly, hearing the voices of Huangdi and Zhuanxu in her ears, but her heart flew out——... By the Xihe River, she rescued Jing; in order to catch Feifei, she met the White Eagle Maoqiu was given forty lashes by Xiang Liu; the poison she wanted to poison Xiang Liu poisoned Jing; in order to help Zhuan Xu get rid of the poison, she made a deal with Xiang Liu, but she didn't expect that she was a lover who had the same mind and lifeblood. …>

The beginning of this paragraph is the recall of the first acquaintance with Jing and Xiang Liu in Qingshui Town, and the last part is the recall of the relationship with Xiang Liu before leaving Qingshui Town. Xiaoyao just said "She wanted to poison Xiang Liu with the same poison." "It's Jing" summed up all the memories of those years in Qingshui Town. What does this show? This just shows what kind of foundation the relationship between Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing has always been based on!

This sentence happened when Xiaoyao met Xiangliu for the second time. Xiangliu came to give him a gift. Xiaoyao poisoned Xiangliu's wine but it did not poison Xiangliu. After Xiangliu left, Xiaoyao was depressed and gave the wine to Jing. Drink, Jing was poisoned.

From that time on, Xiaoyao has always known that desires that cannot be satisfied by Xiang Liu will be released through Jing; emotions that cannot be vented by Xiang Liu will be regulated by Jing.

For example, Mingyue on the Sea was heartbroken by Xiang Liu and found comfort in Jing; Xiang Liu used her Gu to assassinate Zhuan Xu, and she turned around and asked Jing if she could not hurt Zhuan Xu. She received Jing's affirmative reply and gave her hope. Some peace of mind; when Zhuan Xu came to capture her, her first thought was that Xiang Liu came to save her, but in the end it was Jing who helped her escape. There are many, many more, so I won’t list them all.

From Xiaoyao's perspective, Jing's shortcomings in Xiang Liu's are exactly the opposite. Xiang Liu is ruthless, but Jing is very kind; Xiang Liu always bullies her, but Jing cares about her; Xiang Liu may be difficult to control, but Jing listens to her words; Xiang Liu wants to kill her brother, but Jing promises not to Against her brother; Xiang Liu's attitude has always been unclear, but Jing has always made promises to her. Jing could give her whatever she couldn't get from Xiang Liu.

When she was in Qingshui Town, the person who made Xiaoyao feel uneasy and painful was Xiang Liu. At that time, she had been relying on Tushan Jing to get rid of the pain. She didn't dare to get angry when she was angry with Xiang Liu, so she turned around and got angry at Jing. If you can't meet your needs, go to Jing and ask for them. She didn't just start choosing Jing as the mediator after the fifteen-year contract in Dragon Bone Prison. She had been doing this for a long time, and she had become perfect with practice.

Especially since there was another Zhuan Xu later who made her anxious and painful, she needed Jing even more.

For example, she didn’t want to see her father, so Zhuan Xu forced her to take her back, and Jing was able to help her escape according to her wishes; Zhuan Xu “always forced her to eat a lot of disgusting things,” but Jing wanted to do nothing but be with her. No one in the world would force her; Zhuanxu's situation was always very dangerous. After becoming the Queen, she was worried about Zhuanxu every day, but Jing could help her brother and comfort her to a certain extent; Zhuanxu and Xiang Liu were at odds with each other, and she was in front of Zhuanxu. She had to keep her feelings for Xiang Liu a secret, so she had no scruples in front of Jing (at least until she got engaged to Jing).

After Xiaoyao and Jing resolved all misunderstandings and obstacles, Xiaoyao said during a date: "Jing, these days I feel like I have become smaller and become a child again. Being with you feels like... By my mother’s side.”

Seeing this, don’t you still understand what Jing means to Xiaoyao? Jing is someone she can control and can rely on herself, a being who always makes her pity and make her feel close, a companion who will never leave her, a kind-hearted partner who can treat her well and tolerate her all her life, and a partner who never leaves her. A marriageable person who can oppose her brother and marry her, a dependent person who can make up for her lack of maternal love and heal her pain. Jing is the perfect partner who meets almost all of Xiaoyao's criteria for choosing a mate. see it? This is the basis of Xiaoyao and Jing's love. She loves him because she needs him, and she loves him because he suits her. Is there any sexual attraction here? Is there any soul resonance? NOTHING!!!!!!

But who can say that this is not love? Isn't this how most people's love is in reality? In the beginning, it was just because they were lonely and wanted companionship. They also had a good impression of the other person and did not reject getting close to them. The other person was also very good to me, so they were willing to try it together. At the beginning, they did it. Be prepared to get away at any time. As time goes by, you will become more and more accustomed to it, and the bond will become deeper and deeper. If it happens to be a good match, and the other person's character is really reliable, and finally get married, this is simply the most beautiful thing in reality of love.




You're welcome. Yes I recall watching that interview as well. Can't remember which one it was, but I believe she mentioned that she was grateful that Xiang Liu did not confess his feelings for her, else the ending might have been different. 

Could it be this? I think it's from the same interview: https://twitter.com/Toastmybuns1/status/1694657718613917832

"I’m very grateful to Xiang Liu for not expressing his feelings for Xiao Yao. Otherwise, the ending might be different. Xiangliu's love is great. If he expressed his love, maybe everything would’ve changed ."



No ,I haven't the link.

I'm a XL fan, that's why it hurts me so much...

I think there is some misunderstanding as to how Tong Hua described Lost You Forever. 

She did not say that it was a happy ending. She merely said that it was not a tragedy:

Q: After reading the book, many readers said "长相思,摧心肝 Eternal longing, breaks my heart" [a poem by renowned poet of the Tang dynasty Li Bai]. In your opinion, is this work a tragedy at its core?

TH: I don't think that it is a tragedy because everyone obtained what they wished for, and achieved what they wanted most. For example, the male protagonist Cang Xuan hoped to be safe and be able to protect himself and his family, and he did it. Xiang Liu was unfailingly loyal and righteous to the end, and died on the battlefield. Tushan Jing hoped to be with Xiao Yao, while Xiao Yao hoped to have someone accompany her without abandoning her... As for those things that could not be obtained, life has never been perfect, and it is already no easy task to get what one wants most.


I believe I might have an idea which Yang Zi interview you were referring to. Assuming we are talking about the same interview, it is during Yang Zi's live broadcast "Xiao Yao's tea gathering" on 8 Aug 2023. However, Yang Zi did not say that Xiao Yao never loved Xiang Liu. What she said was that she never knew how much Xiang Liu loved her, and that they were aware from the start that their opposing stance meant they were fated not to be able to be with each other.

The following is a quick transcript from 14:42mins onwards focused on Xiang Liu topics:

[10:58m] Actually after leaving Qingshui town, I was always in an emotional state, because I feel that lively, cheerful, carefree Xiao Liu no longer exists. I always want to cry everytime I think of it. After she became Xiao Yao, actually what I like better is... actually I feel that she was pretty sad in every stage because she now has responsibilities, burdens, duties. Perhaps, in certain aspects, during certain phases - she was happy when she was playing with Fangfeng Bei because she did not have to worry about responsibilities and burdens; at certain times when she was with dating Shi Qi and in Chenrong manor, she was happy; even when she was with gege, when they are not talking about matters pertaining to the country, not having to worry about whether they would still be alive the next day, just having a simple meal together - she was probably happy during those times too. However, I feel that for Xiao Yao, her happiness was always in stages, and short-lived. I feel that later, Xiao Yao is not as happy.
[12:13m] Q: Let us talk about happier things. We have a lot of adorable animated characters (?). Which one do you like most?
A: At first it was Fei Fei, which only existed a day. Then there was Furball. The scene where everyone saw me pull its feather actually does not exist in the script. When I was filming it, I was very angry. I was thinking I got beaten up, got thrown off, and I could not do anything, so I thought let me pull a feather, because I hope that Furball was flying so it would not be able to do anything to me even if I yank its feather, so I really yanked its feather while we were filming. I thought it would be edited out in post-production but I did not think that they would leave it in including Furball's yelp, so I thought that was amusing. Then there was our little fox belonging to Tushan Jing. I thought it was very adorable too.
[13:58m] Has Xiao Liu ever loved Xiang Liu? I feel this question... I feel an adult's world and perspective on love is not just solely "love, love". I feel that is a little shallow. To me, all the character arcs in Lost You Forever are not... of course I am very happy that everyone loves all our characters a lot, and I am very happy that so many drama fans, book fans and our own fans are supporting us. I hope everyone would try to understand our characters based on our character arcs. Actually I feel that Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu is not just a simple who loved whom. They were both... I felt that in the beginning, everyone had the chance but the reality is that they did not choose Xiao Yao. This was not up to Xiao Yao to choose. One thing I really pitied Xiao Yao is that her character's fate was such that she had no option to choose anyone. In the beginning, I felt that perhaps Cang Xuan also had a chance. That is my opinion. But Xiang Liu had his 国家大义 (greater good of the nation). To some extent, I feel that Xiang Liu achieved a good, perfect end for himself. He was a general, and in the end he died on the battlefield, fulfilling his life's meaning and duties. So from a certain viewpoint, that was also a good end for him. His life was fated to not be able to be with Xiao Yao. In the previous generation, due to the problem of standpoint (opposing sides) and fate, my mother A Heng and my father Chi Chen ended up with a tragic ending. As such, in this generation, it is possible that Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao were fated not to be able to be together. They are... as everyone watching the drama feels that they should be a certain way... but they are always one person moves forward, and the other takes a step back; one person takes a step forward, the other person moves backward. In some ways, everyone was very clear-headed because from the start, they knew that the both of them would never work out. I think we should interpret it in this way, rather than just focusing whether they do love or do not love each other. I think that is not what this drama, or Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao are trying to convey.
[33:20m] Did Xiao Yao know what Xiang Liu sacrificed? I am not omniscient so Xiao Yao did not know. From Xiao Yao's POV, she had no idea what kind of feelings Xiang Liu had for her. Actually she totally did not know. So I often feel very sad for Xiang Liu, but from Xiao Yao's POV, she did not know.
[35:31m] I am very happy everyone is discussing the drama. But I would still like to ask to ask everyone to watch rationally, because every character has its own mission and obligations, so it's not just solely love or whatever. They are all flesh and blood characters. So I can particularly understand everyone, after reading the novel, would analyse the drama from a God/omniscient perspective, but I hope everyone would still follow the drama daily as the plot unfolds, so as to understand each character's hardships. In addition, we filmed this drama for half a year, and we worked really hard and sacrificed for every scene in the drama, so I hope that those who love our drama Lost You Forever, no matter which character you love, would be able to get along together and support our drama. That's right. Please do not quarrel. Watch the drama properly. Don't quarrel, okay!
[37:06m] [Singing 长相思 Lost You Forever]
[39:14m] [Singing 偏爱人间烟火 with TJC - video was muted]
[42:58m] Did Xiao Yao see Xiang Liu cry? Of course not. She was already unconscious, so how could she see Xiang Liu cry? That scene was for the audience, to let them know his feelings, but based on my stipulated circumstances, Xiao Yao did not see it, and had no way to see it. So you cannot judge why Xiao Yao did not based on the viewer's perspective, but consider it from a normal perspective, which was Xiao Yao really did not see it.
[43:24m] Also I feel that Xiang Liu is very noble. He did not let Xiao Yao see how he really feels because he knows that, after he expresses his feelings, perhaps everything would change.
[43:48m] Is Xiao Yao disappointed that it was Fangfeng Bei, not Xiang Liu? Of course not. Why would Xiao Yao be disappointed? Xiao Yao was not disappointed. I feel that in that scene today, she did not know who came into the room, and after she removed the mask, she had a moment of confusion whether it was Xiang Liu or Fangfeng Bei, which was why she asked, "You are?". Then when Fangfeng Bei gave her the snarky smile, she thought it was Fangfeng Bei because only Fangfeng Bei would do something like that. Xiang Liu basically does not smile. So her reaction was, "Sigh, Fangfeng Bei, why is it you? What are you doing here?" Although her words were harsh, but she still saved Fangfeng Bei. Although she told Xiang Liu "Let us part and not whatever", but she hurried back with the poison and wanted to see whether Xiang Liu had left, only to find he had gone. So she is a harsh-mouthed but tender hearted girl.
[47:02m] Did Xiao Yao start falling for Xiang Liu when they were in the ocean? That scene has not aired yet and people are already analysing it beforehand. Wait for the scene to air. Like I said, Xiao Yao is not most people's first choice, because everyone have their life mission, their fate, their story so Xiao Yao is not like she is a princess, so she can get whatever she wants. Life is not like that, so it's not like Xiao Yao should or shouldn't be like this, but it is more of even if Xiao Yao were a certain way, the ending would still be the same because that is her fate.
[56:44m] Why did Xiao Yao choose Jing? In Jing's world, Xiao Yao is the only one. She did not choose Jing. Rather it is... Xiang Liu has his loyalty to the nation. He could never be with Xiao Yao based on his stance because his priority is his country. Gege is also not possible because he is going to be king, so in this world, only Jing can put Xiao Yao first.


Speaking of names and their potential hidden meaning. Some observations about Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao's names that point to them being a pair:

-Xiang Liu and Xiao Liu; similar sounds 

-Jiu yao (Xiao Yao's official name) and jiu tou yao (9 heads demon) - sound similar. Jiu in both their names refers to 9; which also has the implication of meaning forever.

The 玖 jiǔ in her name 玖瑶 Jiu Yao can either mean a beautiful black stone that is similar to jade, or it is another way to write the word "nine". The pronunciation is also the same as 九 jiǔ in Nine-headed Demon. And yes, the number 9 carries the meaning of long-lasting or forever.

-Xiao Yao is represented by the peach blossom (her name and the blossom mark on her forehead); while Liu is the willow. Peach blossoms and willow are tied together through the term "red peach blossom, green willow" to denote the beauty of spring


it was said that mother yaoliu had taken action

央妈认证,谁敢来抢[老师爱你] :Yangma Certification, who dares to snatch it [Master Loves You]


#Let's listen to the song# "May your eyebrows be clear/eyes warm/splendid heart river/flowers blossoming/prefer the fireworks in the world." The song shared today comes from the ending song "Prefer the Fireworks in the World" from the TV series "#长沙丝#", composed by @ Hu Xia@张子宁ZINING sings a soulful duet, with soothing magnetic voices and clear and sweet noises colliding and dancing together in the melodious notes, expressing their heartfelt feelings to each other, and intertwining into one. Just like the protagonists Xiaoyao @Yang Zi and Xiangliu @MICtanjianci JC-T, they never know each other, but they cherish each other, and they can't stop singing about lovesickness and eternity. [Film and TV Phonograph] The song "Prefer Human Fireworks" performed by Hu... CCTV Video's Weibo video


Chinese mythology about the Milky Way

According to Chinese mythology, when the king of the sky was creating the heavens, he asked his daughter, the seventh princess of heaven, to help him by weaving the clouds and mists. It was a tiresome job, and eventually the princess grew weary, so her father told her to take a break to play among the stars. She went to bathe in the Milky Way, a small stream in the heavens, and met a handsome herd-boy. They lost track of time together and when she finally returned to her father, he was furious. To prevent her from visiting the herd-boy again, he poured thousands of more stars into the Milky Way so that it grew from a small stream into an impassable river. The princess was so distraught that her father resolved to allow her to visit the herd-boy once a year by sending a flock of magpies to form a bridge over the Milky Way. [1]

Mythology about Guixu SeaGuixu (simplified Chinese归墟traditional Chinese歸墟) is a location in Chinese mythology where all water, including the Milky Way, flows into a bottomless void. Even as water keeps flowing into it, the amount of water in it never changes.  [2]. Thus the milky way (silver river) was considered as a kind of water form (upstream filled with stars )

How Milky Way in called in Chinese:

  • 银河 : literally means Silver River
  • 星河: literally means Star River
  • 银汉: the galaxy, 银 = silver; 汉 = strong man
  • 天河 : literally means heaven river

Example of literature work about The Milky Way




Classic of Poetry, Lesser Court Hymns, Poem 203

In Heavens there is the Milky Way,
It looks down and is bright;
slanting is the Weaving Lady,
during one day she is seven times removed.

Although she is seven times removed,
she does not achieve any interwoven pattern;
brilliant is the Draught Ox,
But one does not yoke into any carriage.

Du Fu(杜甫) (712–770) of the Tang dynasty wrote a poem about the heavenly river [3]:



The Heavenly River

Most of the time it may be hidden or fully visible,
but when autumn comes, it gets immediately bright.
Even if covered over by faint clouds,
in the long run it can be clear through the long night.
Full of stars, it stirs by paired palace gates,
moon’s companion, it sinks by a frontier fort.
Oxherd and Weaver cross it every year,
and when have storms ever arisen thereon?[11]

From all the reference mentioned above, it can be concluded that the perception of "Milky Way" in Chinese literature and ancient Chinese culture was a large river filled with stars and had bright silver color. In fact, the composition of the word for Milky way 银河 (silver river) already reflects its color.


Now let go back to the text in chapter 14 about what XY saw when Jing untied his hair and stood agaist the sunrise on the boat: 


But she saw Jing standing up and casually untying the crown that bound his hair. His head was covered with fine black hair falling down on his back and drifting away in the sea breeze like the Milky Way (TH used the word "silver river") flowing down from the nineth level of Heaven. He leaned against the railing of the boat, looking lazily and casually at the light of the dawn in the eastern sky.

Note (*) quoted from the poem "望庐山瀑布" (Watching Lushan Waterfall by Li Bai). In this poem the waterfall was describled as a white silk hang in front of the moutain, like the Milky Way falls from the 9th level of Heaven (the highest level of Heaven/sky). Thus in this poem, the perception of the Milky Way is white, flowing down stream (similar like a waterfall)

望庐山瀑布                Watching Lushan Waterfall [author : Li Bai]

日照香炉生紫烟,The "inscense burner peak"produces purple haze under the sunlight,
遥看瀑布挂前川。and the waterfall looks like a white silk hang in front of the mountain.
飞流直下三千尺,The height of the waterfall seems to be thousands of feet,
疑是银河落九天。just like that the Milky Way falls from the nineth level of heaven to the cliff. 

What impressed XY is the image of hair driffting away in the wind which like the Milky Way flowing down from the Heaven. This not only depicted the stage, free form of the hair but it also could indicate the perception on the color of fine hair thread when subjecting under the sunlight - silver white color. It is worth to remind that XY was druken and she wore a hat with white veil in front of her face which could influence the perception of color into her eyes.  

Xiao Yao’s heart leaped to her chest like a little deer lost. Zhuan Xu had to call her a few times to get her attention. He pushed her softly “What are you thinking?”

Xiao Yao quickly said “Oh, you guys are back.” Her face was bright red but thankfully it was covered by the veil so no one could see it. Zhuan Xu seemed to understand something and concern flitted across his eyes.

And it's the perception of "like milky way flowing down from the heaven" that made her heart leap in her chest. The reason is the similarity with XL's hair (Collection of XY's impression on XL hair can be found in [4]). As mention in the analysis about haircare and hibiscus flower [4], WXL's memory of XL's hair is the hair characteristics itself (e.g., white, the loosen form, dancing like clouds etc) while before this moment the hair-linked memory with YSQ is haircare (e.g., washing, drying).  And since this moment XY started her interest in playing with Jing's hair (untied it, playing with it as said in chapter 16). When she washed his hair in the past (when he was wounded, she just dried his hair with towel). However, after this point and chapter 16 when she did played with his hair, the thing that she enjoyed most when washing Jing's hair is combing his hair with her fingers. "She soaked the hibiscus leaves in water to create a fragrant bubble which she ladled over Jing’s hair. His hair was beautiful, thick and lustrous, smoother than silk, and Xiao Yao loved using her fingers to comb through it as she washed his hair." 

XY's memory of Jing hair from chapter 14+ had root or link to her impression, sense of XL/FFB's hair. It is a way of release her desire or longing for XL through Jing. And of course, the later memory of washing hair with Jing was attributed to her memory of Jing. Note: extra information about washing hair (e.g., using hibiscus) is referred to the analysis in the following link.

[4]  https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/110123-xl-and-xy-story-and-romance-warning-spoilers?pid=2882267&page=386#p2882267


Maple Tree

The presence of maple tree with certain intention was mentioned 2 times in the novel: 

  • Chapter 32: the first morning after arriving in QS town, XY went to the yard and she saw XL (back in white hair, very white clothes in front of a maple tree with deep red leaves) 
  • Chapter 37: XY poured the soil that she collected in the peach forest in Chi Shui desert on the hill mountain in Jiuli. Many years later, there grew red maple tree.

And the maple leaf is also on the cover poem of LYF's 2013 book.


Chapter 32

Chapter 37



His hair returned to white, hanging freely, like flowing clouds. Behind him was a maple tree, its frosty leaves blazing red, making him as bright as snow and as pure as clouds, without any shadows.Many years later, in the mountains of Jiuli, there were red maples as red as blood, with straight shapes and bright colors, and ivy often growing on them. I don’t know which wizard said that the red maple is made of Chi You’s blood. From generation to generation, Jiuli people regard the red maple as a sacred tree.  

The maple tree belongs to the Acer family, also known as green maple, with smooth trunk and green twigs. The leaves are opposite, with five or seven lobes. The leaves of the maple tree usually start to turn red in June. The fruits are samaras, each with one wing. The two fruits grow side by side, which looks like they have a pair of wings. It looks like a bamboo dragonfly spiraling down, very beautiful.[1, 2,4]The maple tree is mainly sweetgum, which belongs to the Hamamelidae family. It has leaves that grow in households. Each leaf has only three lobes. The maple leaves usually turn red from October to November every year. The fruit is a capsule, like a thorn ball, and the trunk appears dark. Brown, with many grooves and cracks on the bark surface. [1, 3,4]


[1]. 如何区分枫树和槭树 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) 

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_sinense

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar

[4]賞楓知識大補帖/楓香、槭樹教你正確區分方式!光看三葉五葉會搞錯 - 欣傳媒XINMEDIA 最懂生活的咖 


2013 edition of Lost You Forever novel in Mandarin :


This is a small example of the difference between drama and novel. Although the drama generally follows the novel, they have weakened the yaoliu love line


 windiaaa041293:@liddi, this is a leak of the script when XL enters Xiaoyao's room

This is my translation of the script in Ep25 when Xiao Yao finds out Fangfeng Bei's real identity, to compare against the scene that I truly dislike in the drama.  There are subtle differences - for one, I feel that Xiang Liu was far colder, less pitiful in the script compared to the drama, which I find far more preferable.  However, Xiao Yao varies - her throwing away his hand in the drama felt more harsh, rather than just suddenly withdrawing her hand in the script. On the other hand, I don't really feel her despondency and resignation in the drama, just her irritation and anger. Was it a directorial or creative decision on the part of the actors? Either way, I hated how needy Xiang Liu was portrayed, as if begging for crumbs, which is not quite the impression I have from the script.

Script vs Drama comparison - S1 Ep25  Fangfeng Bei sneaks into Xiao Yao's chambers

Xiao Yao lifted up the gauze curtain and sat down on the pallet. She pulled down the blanket to reveal Fangfeng Bei's head.

XY (laughing): You didn't suffocate to death, did you?

Fangfeng Bei closed his eyes and ignored her. Xiao Yao placed her hand on his wrist to take his pulse.

XY (smiling): The medicine earlier should have started to take effect. (face changed, pulled back her hand suddenly) Who are you exactly? That such an excellent healing potion would actually have no effect at all!
FFB (opened eyes, cold): Who do you hope that I am?

Xiao Yao's eyes were filled with complex emotions, and she stared at Fangfeng Bei silently for a moment before turning her back to him, her face revealing her sense of absurdity and resignation [over the situation]

XY: You be whomever you wish to be!
FFB (sitting up, coldly): I want to heal my wounds.

Xiao Yao looked upset, and did not say a word. He moved near her, and slowly lowered his head. Just as his lips were about to touch her neck, Xiao Yao blocked him with her hand.

XY: No!

Startled, Fangfeng Bei's expression chilled and he laid back down immediately. Sighing in despondence and resignation, her back facing Fangfeng Bei, Xiao Yao held out her wrist to him.

XY: Bite here.
FFB (cold and displeased): Why not the neck?
XY (irritable): In the past, I was a man, how could it be the same as before? (angrily)  Do you want to bite or not? I am the one helping you heal! (angrily enunciating each word) I.am.helping.you!

Although her words were harsh, she did not retract her hand but kept it held out. Gloomily, Fangfeng Bei held Xiao Yao's wrist, pierced it with his sharp teeth and began to suck the blood.
Xiao Yao's face and lips turned pale from great loss of blood, and she leaned weakly against the side of the pallet, her eyes closed from dizziness. Fangfeng Bei stopped sucking.

FFB (alarmed): Xiao Yao?
XY (weakly opening her eyes): It's fine, you drink more and heal your injuries as soon as possible. (before she could finish her words, her eyes closed again weakly): Later... later... I will be fine after taking more tonics.