XL (tense): Tell me, with whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao gripped her head violently. in such pain that her body was shaking.

XY: Ah! It hurts, hurts...

Xiang Liu quickly dispersed the spell, and Xiao Yao collapsed into his arms in pain.

XL: I won't ask anymore, won't ask anymore...

Xiao Yao closed her eyes wearily, her tightly knit brows slowly relaxing.

XY (murmuring): Why...
XL: Because...

I'm so glad they didn't delete this scene.

Xiang Liu did not continue His eyes were tender, as if everything he had kept deeply buried inside would finally overflow.
The poisonous bugs in both their hearts emitted a glow in unison with their heartbeats.
Xiang Liu stared at the unconscious Xiao Yao, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

Yesssss 💞 lol I'm going to have to make a gif of this scene when the episode comes out.

Leaked script Ep 7 (S2 Ep15 scene 9, Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

Thanks! Very emotional... Still, I hope the staging leaves no ambiguity about the meaning of this scene, because I'm still not sure I understand it.

Unfortunately, none of that is explained in Season 1, and we're left with this impression that the rebel army serves no purpose but to feed Hong Jiang's delusions. But as Hong Jian says, their blood and sacrifice is what allows the tree of the Plains grow. If the Rebel Army hadn't been there, Xiyan could have rolled over them and spent their resources and men on the fight with Haolin.

I see! So We're impatiently waiting to watch Hong Jiang's scenes in S2 eventhough we still hate him very much.


I wanted to ask about this ages ago. Why are they rebelling and are they really in the wrong for persisting in their obstinacy? 

So unless we all read the novel, there are no further explanations for those who only want to watch the drama? 

I call them the rebel army (partly because of Star Wars and partly because it was never clearly explained), but they really are more like a resistance army.  They aren't rebelling against a lawful government, like the colonies of various countries rebelled against their mother countries.  They ARE a lawful country fighting an invader ... who happens to have won. They are like the French and Scandinavian resistance against Germany in WWII or the Ukrainians against Russia in the Donbas or Crimea or the Chinese in Manchuria against the Japanese in the 30s.

So,  I wouldn't say they are wrong, but they may have out lived their purpose, now that CX has ascended.  Chenrog is more like Wales in the 1500s or Scotland, after 1603 and the ascension of Scottish James to the English throne.  They have been aborbed into a greater entity, things are relatively peaceful, AND they have their bloodlines on the throne.

Plus, there's this insistence of dying rather than surrendering.  That seems questionable.

No, I don't think you have to read the novel to understand the politics.  It isn't clearly stated, but the pieces are there in the drama... they are just very small and easily overlooked.


The novel does not show us any scenes with Hong Jiang. if the script is real, then we will get the explanations in S2.

Seriously?? NONE with Hong Jiang?  WTF?  That's a serious fault, Tong Hua.

But even in the novel, you can piece it together.  I haven't read the novel, but in the spoilers folks have been posting, or reading a bit for clarification, there are hints -- like FFB telling Feng Long to ask about his history.  Or that the Rebel Army IS getting supplies from Haolin and the Plains.  Or the business with the Gui Fang Clan Master's token.  Or XL dealing with Tu Shan Jing for centuries.  Or the fact that XL has no money.  You can't run an army without money.  SOMEONE is supplying them.

Thanks! Very emotional... Still, I hope the staging leaves no ambiguity about the meaning of this scene, because I'm still not sure I understand it.

The way I interpret it, her refusal to answer that last question when she readily answered the one immediately before, told him the answer. The scene with the bugs glowing in unison with their heartbeats after that is visual attestment that the person she meant but would not verbalise, was him. Let us also not forget that before the wedding, she had sent him the crystal globe with the mute appeal and declaration of her heart's desire, then waited for 7 days by the sea, staring out to the far distance of the ocean in vain for a reply. 

Seriously?? NONE with Hong Jiang?  WTF?  That's a serious fault, Tong Hua.

But even in the novel, you can piece it together.  I haven't read the novel, but in the spoilers folks have been posting, or reading a bit for clarification, there are hints -- like FFB telling Feng Long to ask about his history.  Or that the Rebel Army IS getting supplies from Haolin and the Plains.  Or the business with the Gui Fang Clan Master's token.  

Yes, it is implied but never specifically explained in the novel. Which is why it is so good to see scenes of Hong Jiang being added in the script, particularly the symbolism of the roots and branches of the tree.


The way I interpret it, her refusal to answer that last question when she readily answered the one immediately before, told him the answer. The scene with the bugs glowing in unison with their heartbeats after that is visual attestment that the person she meant but would not verbalise, was him. Let us also not forget that before the wedding, she had sent him the crystal globe with the mute appeal and declaration of her heart's desire, then waited for 7 days by the sea, staring out to the far distance of the ocean in vain for a reply. 

I feel relieved all of a sudden, I don't know why this story has such an emotional hold on me


I feel relieved all of a sudden, I don't know why this story has such an emotional hold on me

Yes, it is almost ridiculous how I care so much for fictional characters. But we are not out of the woods yet based on what I have read, trying to guess whether it is or isn't authentic. I just wish S2 drops quickly and put us out of our misery  one way or another.

I feel relieved all of a sudden, I don't know why this story has such an emotional hold on me

Yes, it is almost ridiculous how I care so much for fictional characters. But we are not out of the woods yet based on what I have read, trying to guess whether it is or isn't authentic. I just wish S2 drops quickly and put us out of our misery one way or another.

Right??? I don't know what kind of sorcery this is. I get genuinely upset with something that has no bearing on my life whatsoever. It was supposed to be entertaining, but now it's just making me sad for no reason. Like, my own problems are not even problems compared to this madness. I'm turning on the news to be entertained. Do you understand how insane that sounds?

WHAT IS HAPPENING? Who greenlit this? LMAO I'm losing hair like my cat used to, may her soul rest in peace.

My last boyfriend (actually all of my past boyfriends) never occupied my mind as much as this fictional dude that I had no idea existed 3 months ago.

That's bad.

It's really bad. I'm not 16 anymore.

So it's bad bad.

I don't recall Xiao Yao ever mentioning it to him.

I don't recall it either.

I don't think that showing up repeatedly in front of her was a ploy to make sure she remembered him.

I agree. 

Leaked script Ep 7  (S2 Ep15 scene 9, Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

Thank you for translating this as well!

The poisonous bugs in both their hearts emitted a glow in unison with their heartbeats.

That's a nice addition, since they can't show the moments elsewhere in the story where XY felt their hearts beating in sync.

The novel does not show us any scenes with Hong Jiang.

Except very, very briefly after XY's assassination in chapter 21. He even says two three whole words.

The deep mountains outside Qing Shui Town.

Inside a room, Xiang Liu was discussing with his adopted father about the Spring rations for the army when suddenly he bolted upright and his face changed.

Gong Gong stared at him oddly “What is it?”

“I need to leave for something.”

Xiang Liu left with just one word and whistled as he sprinted outside. Before a white and gold condor had even landed Xiang Liu had vaulted on its back and directed it Northwest.

Gong Gong and another general in the room stared at each other and then looked out the door.


The way I interpret it, her refusal to answer that last question when she readily answered the one immediately before, told him the answer. The scene with the bugs glowing in unison with their heartbeats after that is visual attestment that the person she meant but would not verbalise, was him. Let us also not forget that before the wedding, she had sent him the crystal globe with the mute appeal and declaration of her heart's desire, then waited for 7 days by the sea, staring out to the far distance of the ocean in vain for a reply. 

Love this.


Yes, it is implied but never specifically explained in the novel. Which is why it is so good to see scenes of Hong Jiang being added in the script, particularly the symbolism of the roots and branches of the tree.

100% agree.


They had expected the war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xin to last tens of years. With that buffer gone, it was only a matter of time before Cang Xuan went after them, and their end was a foregone conclusion in the face of the might of his army.  The script does not elaborate timelines very well, at least not for me.  Perhaps @kitty_momo can recall whether there is any indication how long it was between Cang Xuan's marriage to A Nian, to the fall of the Shen Nong army? 

My estimate of 40 years is based on XY starting to work on the medical texts at almost the same time as the war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing beginning. The war lasted a little over 10 years, and the medical texts took 43 years to complete. So roughly 33 years after the war ended, XY and TSJ agreed to set their wedding date (after the medical texts were complete). A short amount of time passes and then TSJ dies / goes missing for 7 years. And the Sheng Nong army is wiped out very shortly after he returns. So about 40 years after the war with Gao Xing ended. 

I call them the rebel army (partly because of Star Wars and partly because it was never clearly explained), but they really are more like a resistance army. They aren't rebelling against a lawful government, like the colonies of various countries rebelled against their mother countries. They ARE a lawful country fighting an invader ... who happens to have won. They are like the French and Scandinavian resistance against Germany in WWII or the Ukrainians against Russia in the Donbas or Crimea or the Chinese in Manchuria against the Japanese in the 30s.

Got it. That was my understanding of them too.


The way I interpret it, her refusal to answer that last question when she readily answered the one immediately before, told him the answer. The scene with the bugs glowing in unison with their heartbeats after that is visual attestment that the person she meant but would not verbalise, was him. Let us also not forget that before the wedding, she had sent him the crystal globe with the mute appeal and declaration of her heart's desire, then waited for 7 days by the sea, staring out to the far distance of the ocean in vain for a reply. 

Oh, I was wondering if the crystal globe was still going to make an appearance. Good to know that it does :) This review, if you look all the way at the bottom in the comments, said the ice crystal ball was deleted which got me worried for a sec.

And they didn't remove XY waiting for him for 7 days?  That is nice to hear too. 

Right??? I don't know what kind of sorcery this is. I get genuinely upset with something that has no bearing on my life whatsoever. It was supposed to be entertaining, but now it's just making me sad for no reason. Like, my own problems are not even problems compared to this madness. I'm turning on the news to be entertained. Do you understand how insane that sounds?

Looks like we are all headed for the looney bin together, thanks to Tong Hua, and probably on a bullet train if S2 ends up massacring the characters and narrative. I bought Once Promised and Tan Twan Eng's The House of Doors which I've been waiting for so long to read, but could not muster any inclination to drag myself out of this world. It's not a good sign.

 AH :
That's a nice addition, since they can't show the moments elsewhere in the story where XY felt their hearts beating in sync.

I agree - it validates and visualises what we inferred from the novel, and gives context as to why Xiang Liu had closure after this since in Ep3, Xiang Liu had a conversation with the Lirong one-armed seller about the bug and Xiao Yao, which is more painful to read. I just wish other sections of the script gave us similar joy, even if momentarily.

Incidentally, based on the script, we will get to hear Xiang Liu sing Chi Chen and A Heng's song, which he heard in Jade Mountain - first to the Lirong one-armed seller, and later to Xiao Yao. This is pretty ironic, considering everything Sir Bi did in the novel was removed.  

 AH :
Except very, very briefly after XY's assassination in chapter 21. He even says two whole words.

Oh that's right - thank you for reminding me! The man's cause was pretty much the iceberg that singlehandedly sunk our ship, and all he had to say for himself in 52 chapters was "怎么了 What is it?" Gah. Thankfully he should have a whole lot more to say in S2.

 AH :
My estimate of 40 years is based on XY starting to work on the medical texts at almost the same time as the war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing beginning.

That makes sense. Nonetheless, remember when Jing asked him to remove the bug from Xiao Yao in Ep13, that happened before the Xuan Yuan - Gao Xin war ended.  Jing offered him more provisions as payment but Xiang Liu flat out told him that the Shen Nong army do not have another additional 37 years left. Do you remember how long it had been after Feng Long's wedding up to the war against Gao Xin?