Hmmm. Not sure, but I don't think it falls along those lines. I mean, both Tan Jian Ci and Deng Wei gained a huge amount of followers on Weibo off of LYF, and those are not Western users.

Yes, I don't think it applies to this case. Most of the Jingers are from Asian countries.

if I must be fair and think about it logically, then the answer is no.

There's no logic, only feels. So many feels. 😩😅

I‘m curious though about the discussion ‚lost in translation‘ that some are discussing. I thought that maybe so many of international fans are Jinger

Hmmm, I think it's the opposite, actually. On the Other Thread™, some of the Jingers are from Southeast Asia. Sure, there's one from France and one from the US, I think, judging by the vernacular.

But how is it in china? Are there more YaoLiu or YaoJing shippers?

I'm curious about that as well. I saw a video explaining that a decade ago, the overwhelming majority would be made of YaoLius, but nowadays, there are also many Jingers. I have Chinese friends who are YaoLius, but then again, if they weren't, they wouldn't be my friends LOL

I‘m so glad to know that many cast crew actually YaoLiu shippers😄, send them hugs for enduring the vicious backlash from those rabid Jingers.

That's good to know. So comforting.

And are most of you here actually asian descendant living abroad or westener? I am interested to know if this western lens is really the major cause which influence peple to be a Jinger or Liuer🤔.

No, I'm South American. Is that even considered Western? It's just like Blabla said, I'm also a fan of Asian culture. It speaks more to me than my own culture. But even if I were Asian, I'd probably have the same opinion. Xiang Liu is engraved in my bones. 🤣

Also, I am not that young either, I have seen many Jingers said that a lot of XL fans must be young adults, which IMO îs not actually true.

Yeah, those Jingers think we're 16-year-olds. I'm youngish, not too young, not too old. The younger me would have preferred Xiang Liu. Current me prefers Xiang Liu. 100-year-old me will continue to prefer Xiang Liu. Oh, and my next reincarnation will too. That's just the way it is.

Yes, as a mother I would want my daugther to have a Jing în her life, but as a woman, I'd go after an XL.

I showed his pictures to my mom, and she was like, hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm. My mama is always so clever. 😹

Apparently, like love, shipping, is a universal language. :p

I love universal languages. It makes everything so much easier to communicate with.

The utter disconnect of seeing yourself as morally superior because you shipped the supposedly "green flag/healthy relationship" while wishing abuse/assault on others.

Yes, if they believe XY and TSJ are so healthy, then they should also believe that XY and TSJ wouldn’t want them to attack an innocent XL shipper and wouldn’t like them for doing so. But, they don’t, which sets off an alarm for me. “Crazy stuff going on here. Ignore. Avoid.”

But, this can sometimes be easier said than done. It reminds me of not being able to take my eyes off a “train wreck.” Don’t look. It’s better not to look. Really, it’s better not to look. Nothing to be gained here. Look over there instead. Hey, it’s a bunch of healthy XL shippers! :)

I‘m curious though about the discussion ‚lost in translation‘ that some are discussing. I thought that maybe so many of international fans are Jinger because they missed the nuances of the story as they watch the drama from western point of view and can only understand the story using english subtitles. But how is it in china? Are there more YaoLiu or YaoJing shippers? I‘m so glad to know that many cast crew actually YaoLiu shippers😄, send them hugs for enduring the vicious backlash from those rabid Jingers.

And are most of you here actually asian descendant living abroad or westener? I am interested to know if this western lens is really the major cause which influence peple to be a Jinger or Liuer🤔. 

This is a great question that others have answered better. First, I want to clarify that Viki and Netflix expect their translators to convey the gist of the story. iQiyi is pretty good about it too. So, non-Chinese-fluent people shouldn’t be losing too much when watching these platforms. But, if one wants to dig deeper and analyze specific wording, then an English subtitle may or may not have the accuracy for this.

I wear the Western hat much more than the Asian hat, and it may have affected my view. I definitely wasn’t used to seeing three great love rivals at the same time. American movies don’t do the love-rival trope nearly as much as Cdramas. So, it’s habit to focus on the main love relationship and expect less of the others. Also, Americans expect a happy ending. Although historicals don’t always provide one, if one does, then it’s instinctive to gravitate to it. Stated differently, TSJ was at an automatic advantage, because Tong Hua gave him a happy ending with XY.

Having said all that, it has been Tong Hua’s incredible storytelling and writing that has kept me coming back. (I read the book translation before I watched the drama. Then, I read the book translation again.) I still don’t know exactly why I keep coming back. I doubt that it’s only XL. Tong Hua has so much to say. I'm not used to having to pay close attention. But, I really do with this one. So, I'll be re-reading the book translation and this thread again, carefully, before season 2.

Yeah, those Jingers think we're 16-year-olds. I'm youngish, not too young, not too old. The younger me would have preferred Xiang Liu. Current me prefers Xiang Liu. 100-year-old me will continue to prefer Xiang Liu. Oh, and my next reincarnation will too. That's just the way it is.

Really? Uh, I feel another thought exercise coming on. Reader beware, lol! I have thought many times that Tong Hua could have separated this story into three different ones, one focusing on CX and XY, one focusing on TSJ and XY, and one focusing on XL and XY. She could have given all of them happy endings and had three hits instead one. If she had done this, which ship would people have liked better? I’m almost certain that the XL-XY ship would have been the clear favorite, regardless of age.

Yeah, those Jingers think we're 16-year-olds. I'm youngish, not too young, not too old. The younger me would have preferred Xiang Liu. Current me prefers Xiang Liu. 100-year-old me will continue to prefer Xiang Liu. Oh, and my next reincarnation will too. That's just the way it is.

Well, it has been a long time since someone has mistaken me for a 16-year-old. I am proud to claim I am a golden girl. However, my heart and spirit can be that of a 16-year-old! Like you, I prefer XL in whatever age category there is. 

Really? Uh, I feel another thought exercise coming on. Reader beware, lol!

I love your thought exercises! Keep 'em coming, please <3

i think even in weibo theres more support for  yaojing than yaoliu at least based on posts on 长相思说话

has anyone read the sookie stackhouse books (not the tv series)? it has a bit of similarity with xiao yao and xiang liu story although xiangliu/tjc is way better i think. im like thinking how sookie and eric was pretty much sold as like MFEO in majority of the books but in the end ,  she ended up with the other guy whom she has zero chem with, who liked her from the start, for reasons that i just cant fathom… just like how i cant get xiao yao’s choice. 

on that note, can anyone please recommend more recent  chinese drama  where the female lead is clueless/oblivious about how the male lead feels… but eventually ended up together with male lead. 


金丰 who played A Heng was also in Under the Skin with Tan Jianci, as the perpetrator in the plastic surgeon case (Eps1-2). She posted a video cleverly merging scenes of Fangfeng Bei and Xiao Yao agreeing to leave with him, amid annotations of A Heng's disapproval, which then intercuts to present day where their characters supposedly reincarnates in Under the Skin (Shen Yi suddenly recognises her as 母后大人, addressing her as Imperial Mother lol!), and she tries to escape but couldn't, so finally gave YaoLiu her approval.

I think one of the scriptwriters for Under the Skin season 1 is also a YaoLiu supporter. He commented on this modern AU fan edit of XL and XY and said they're a perfect match.


Well, it has been a long time since someone has mistaken me for a 16-year-old. I am proud to claim I am a golden girl. However, my heart and spirit can be that of a 16-year-old! Like you, I prefer XL in whatever age category there is. 

Golden girl, as in The Golden Girls, starring Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty? I loved that show! It was so funny! It’s the only American TV series I ever re-watched a lot of. (One of the things that has amazed me about Cdramas is that they are so re-watchable, in whole.) Judging by Bea Arthur and Betty White’s ages when the show started, I’m not quite there yet. IIRC, Rue McClanahan was cast, even though she was younger than intended for the role.

I don’t know how your quote mixed up my name with nathsketch’s quote. All credit to nathsketch!

But my brain stop working as soon as XL/FFB shows up on the screen so YES YES YES 🤣🤣🤣

I focus more whenever XL/FFB shows up ahahaha

But how is it in china? Are there more YaoLiu or YaoJing shippers?

From what I've seen from the polls, it looks like there more YaoJing shippers in China and other Asian countries while a lot of the YaoLiu shippers are international viewers. On Twitter, I saw a China poll with YaoJing winning with YaoLiu coming behind in second place. On an English Tencent poll on YouTube, YaoLiu won by getting 71% of the votes while YaoJing got 18%. I wish I could see more of those polls but it's hard to find.

I‘m so glad to know that many cast crew actually YaoLiu shippers😄, send them hugs for enduring the vicious backlash from those rabid Jingers.

Me too. I'm so happy to know a lot of the crew are YaoLiu shippers :')

And are most of you here actually asian descendant living abroad or westener? I am interested to know if this western lens is really the major cause which influence peple to be a Jinger or Liuer🤔.

I'm Asian American. I lived in the US most of my life so my views are pretty Western. Honestly, I don't think my views influenced who I shipped. Even if placed greater value on Asian customs and views like some of the older generation of my family, I would still be a YaoLiu. Plus, I just don't like that other dude for reasons I said before so I'd never again ship that other dude with XY lol.

For the English subs on the show, I usually don't turn them on because I don't need them but a couple times when I was watching with a friend we needed to turn them on and I think they're ok, they get the job done for the most part. What I noticed the most is that XL is actually quite humorous sometimes and I think it's his humorous lines and moments that get lost a bit in translation with the subs not fully portraying how funny I found him especially with TJC's line delivery.

I don't think I've noticed any sharply delineated CP trends based on nationality although it does seem like more Chinese are YaoJing fans but I kind of attributed a lot of that to Deng Wei's looks and popularity as well his current status as one of the idol actor flavors of the moment. That's not to put him down, that's just how Chinese fandom works, cyclically there are rising actors and actresses that get very trendy with a big and loud fanbase, and only time will tell if they have longevity or if you just see and hear about them everywhere for a relatively brief period of time.

Both their fandoms and the industry were aware of their years-long friendship before YZ discussed it openly, for the first time iirc, last year on Hi6.

Thank you for the clarification. Is this potential pairing accepted by the individual fandoms in general? I have seen shipping fans involved in ugly wars with the individual fans over the years in various fandoms. There was also a recent rumour last month about him and Mao Xiaotong due to similarly timed posts in what appeared to be her place, but that was immediately quashed by both sides, after which her posts were deleted. Whatever the situation is, I hope all fans remain respectful of their choices in the end, and as a relatively new fan, I wish he finds happiness and fulfilment in his life, both personal and professional.

And are most of you here actually asian descendant living abroad or westener? I am interested to know if this western lens is really the major cause which influence peple to be a Jinger or Liuer

I am of Chinese descent, living in a multiracial country where it is common for us to formally learn at least 2 to 3 languages. My youngest child is in her mid-teens, so do the math! I doubt being Asian or Western has much influence on which character we support. I am more inclined to think it boils down to our individual preference, possibly influenced by our experience or environment. 

My youngest child is in her mid-teens, so do the math!

So, you are at least 30? lol! (Edit: Oh, there's a joke in the U. S. that women don't pass the age of 30. Or, is it 29?)


So, you are at least 30? lol!

In ancient China, perhaps! Nope, have officially joined the golden girls club, though my daughter sometimes think I am mentally younger than her lol!

Having said all that, it has been Tong Hua’s incredible storytelling and writing that has kept me coming back. (I read the book translation before I watched the drama. Then, I read the book translation again.) I still don’t know exactly why I keep coming back. I doubt that it’s only XL. Tong Hua has so much to say. I'm not used to having to pay close attention. But, I really do with this one.

I never read her modern stories, but based off her historical novels, I don't recall a single one of them that does not leave a sense of loss by the end of it, regardless of whether the FL ends up with a happy ending or not. She has a gift of making us care and hurt immeasurably for each character, irrespective of our preference, that makes her works so difficult to walk away from. Which is why I find it so disappointing when her works do not translate well into a visual medium. In all honesty, I only loved the 2011 adaptation of 步步惊心 prior to this, and it has taken 12 years and 3 other adaptations in between, before I finally fell in love again this year. So I am really hoping and praying that S2 does not end up a trainwreck with the changes and destroy the essence of the novel.

Yes, if they believe XY and TSJ are so healthy, then they should also believe that XY and TSJ wouldn’t want them to attack an innocent XL shipper and wouldn’t like them for doing so. But, they don’t, which sets off an alarm for me. “Crazy stuff going on here. Ignore. Avoid.”

They accuse us of hitting below the belt but they're the ones that name-call us by saying we're "delusional fanatics" and "domestic abuse supporters" while also wishing abuse and assault on us because we support XL. 

But, this can sometimes be easier said than done. It reminds me of not being able to take my eyes off a “train wreck.” Don’t look. It’s better not to look. Really, it’s better not to look. Nothing to be gained here. Look over there instead. Hey, it’s a bunch of healthy XL shippers! :)

I know they lurk our thread. I've seen them "refute" some of the stuff we said on here and I've seen them get annoyed by that meme I posted and what I said about it. However, I'm not going to explain myself or say anything on that thread since it's their safe space. It is what it is. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.