"By the way, what motivates the OP to say that XL knew that XY was conscious the whole time during the 37 healing years under the sea ? And when does she thinks XL realized that (or maybe he knew all along but he relied on the unspoken things between him and XY to be buried under the sea?)"
Honestly this theory it's not that far fetched, beside the obvious clue - the bugs, there is also that discussion from chapter 26
"If I die again and you give another of your lives to save me, will I become even more like you…….”
Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and his face was as placid as the water.
Xiao Yao’s voice got smaller and smaller “Become, become…..I mean…..” She suddenly started to chuckle like a fool “I, forget I said anything!”
Xiang Liu grabbed Xiao Yao’s neck and moved his face right in front of her face and said each word carefully “If you dare die again, I will cut you into nine pieces, perfect for each of my heads to eat a piece!”
Unless I have forgotten something (which it is possible), XL never told CX nor XY that he used one of his lifes în saving her, so if XL thought that XY was not aware of what happened during their 37 years togheter, he should have been surprised that she knows that, but he didn't even ask her who told her that or anything of this sort, so to me this can look like an unspoken agreement between them. And right after, there is this whole discussion about the fishes that kissed her palms and their short memory and also that question "do you want to remember or forget", it kinda rings a bell.
"Xiao Yao reached out her hand and the colorful fishes kissed her palms and she could feel their simple joy “They are so simple like they have no feelings.”
Xiang Liu said “This type of fish have very short memories. When you pull your hand back, they will have forgotten they kissed your palm.”
Without memory there was longer, happiness or joy, so their peaceful simplicity was truly the most organic in the world.
Xiao Yao swam and turned back to look at the colorful fishes still swimming back and forth “I remember them but they’ve already forgotten me. In the future when I see the same type of fish I’ll remember them so that each new meeting is like a reunion, but each meeting for them is a new meeting, so even a real reunion is like a first meeting.”
Xiang Liu asked “Do you want to remember or forget?”
Xiao Yao thought about it “Remember, even if it’s painful and a burden, I still want to remember.”
Also this part
"Xiang Liu didn’t want her to know that when she was unconscious the things he did with her, and she didn’t want him to know that she already knew. Their embraces and companionship, just let it be buried deep in the dark ocean depths!"
The things he did with her, not to her. Their embraces, not his embraces.
My interpretion from the book about the Lovers's bug is when it's planted successfully:
- The ulmost important effect of the bug is the hosts share their lives and have connected hearts.
- Thus, when one get pain/injury, the other will feel just the pain or hurt (but no physical injury). Since Xangliu has 9 lives, the level of pain that he can feel is only 1/9 of XY's pain. The fact that XY could not feel XL's pain might be due to that XL seal or block the pain transfer via bug by his high spiritual power.
- When one got very serious or almost fatal injuries, if the other is strong enough, he or she (in this case is XL) can help keeping live on the injured person (can be in very low energy level of live, hibernation mode as in XY's assasination case. Keep in my that she did not die completely, it is a kind of clinical death. In the case of her suicide, XL probably could feel the effect of the poison to her and help her heart keep beating (via the bug and the blood oath shell). I belive that if one dies completely, other will die too. For example, if the bugs were not lifted and XL was killed in the battle, XY probably would die too. That one of the reason he has to kill the bugs before the last battle.
- The emotional pains lead to heartache. Then how much painful XY feel in her heart, XL will feel the same and vice versa. 3 times in the novel XY got the pain from XL are all involved in heartache or heatbeat change. of course he can block this kind of heart ache if he wants
- The XY's emotions that XL can feel are those linked to change in heart beat (I think). I don't think XL knew or felt all of her emotions or feeling.. If XL could just feel all of her emotions or touching feeling, he would get distracted like hell.
- In the case of when the bug was on CX, the effect was different. The variation can be caused by the fact the Lovers's bug was not planted successfully.
From the TV drama, viewers can get some extra information:
- The Lovers's bug not only wants lives but also the heart. Thus, the drama makers show the presence of the bug on heart position. When the bugs die or change to negative effect (heartbroken form), there are bright dots emitting from XL's heart (in eps 19) or XY's heart (in eps 30). We also saw XL transfer his spiritual power to his heart then the bright bugs (dots) withdrew back to XY's heart. This probably helped to keep the lovers's bug in XY's body alive and subsequently led her heart to hiberation mode.
- XL also said that the recipient did feel the hurt which existed in the main host but the main host did not feel the recipient's pain (eps 11). This, first, is what XL got known from XY's story. She might not know the full effect of the bug. The 1 way hurt feeling transfer from host to recipient either due to unsuccessful planting on CX (the bug did not penetrated deeply enough) or ithe characteristics of the bug is purposely changed in by the drama author (in order to make the script more logical. it also help to explain why XY could not feel XL's pain). So, CX's pain from the arrow shot did not cause similar hurt feeling on XY.
- The veteran also told XL that when the bug was unwillingly or improperly planted, there would be disastrous consequences. These include: the two can't share the lives and the bug can bite back thus probably causing death. So maybe that helps to explain why on the drama XL knew that CX and XL did not die toghether if CX died.
Actually, XY had some knowlege about Jiuli voodoo bugs. You can get some insight about her source of bug information in her conversation with CX in the book 2 ,chapter 5.
When CX asked her how XL could save XY, she replied that
Later, CX asked XL where she got knowledge in medical and Poison bug techniques . XY said as following:
"When my mother left me in Jade Mountain, she hung a jade slip around my neck. It contained the "Shen Nong's medical manuscript", my mother's experience of medical skills, and the "Jiuli notebook on Poison and Gu(bug) technique" written by the Voodoo King of the Jiuli tribe. Jiuli notebook, which specifically talks about the use of poisons and poison bug technique. When the Queen Mother found out, she said that these things were both vastly disastrous. If people knew about them, they would only cause trouble to me, so she forced me to memorize them every day. After I remembered them thoroughly, She destroyed the jade slips." Xiaoyao remembered that she cried a lot and didn't talk to the Queen Mother for half a year, hating the Queen Mother for destroying what her mother had left for her.
Therefore, we have clue about why XY knew how to raise and feed the lovers' bug. I guess that she didn't remember all the detail. Thus she did not recognize the name/type of bug when she talked with XL before moving the bug from CX to XL. However, XL could guess that XL knew something about poison bug. So, he could show no surprise when she mentioned that XL used his live to save her.
Moreover, from the whole conversation between CX and XY in this chapter, we also know that XY did not want to tell CX all the detail about how XL save her, the bug connection between her and XL. She just told him very briefly.
blimarch:Happy to have made you laugh :D
blimarch:Yes, I think that too! I tend to merge the drama and the novel to make interpretations but the truth is that the drama really is a different take on a story, an adaptation of a story...
For sure. Even the little details that are changed make a big difference!
blimarch:Also, sometimes, I hope that the additionnal stuffs in the drama confirm things that I hope were true in the novel
I do find that every once in a while the drama helps make certain things from the novel clearer.
blimarch:but other times, I'd much rather be able to choose to disavow the drama (wink wink especially at season 2 with it leaked script of doom) ^^"
I ended up deciding not to let the changes in the drama ruin my enjoyment of the novel. The drama is its own story. There are a few changes that I do enjoy, like the fem!XL boat scene where XL gets to hear that XY thinks he's very good. I'll happily enjoy those as if they were little fan fic AUs. And the changes I don't enjoy, I'll just try to forget and not re-watch.
Thank you very much for your analysis.
H19279:Thus, when one get pain/injury, the other will feel just the pain or hurt (but no physical injury). Since Xangliu has 9 lives, the level of pain that he can feel is only 1/9 of XY's pain. The fact that XY could not feel XL's pain might be due to that XL seal or block the pain transfer via bug by his high spiritual power.
The explanation given by the Bai Li shaman king in both the 2013 and revised 2019 editions of the book is vague - he refers to it thus:
If one person is in pain, the other will also be in pain. If one person is injured, the other will also be injured.
This indicates that it is reciprocal, since it does not specify that only the recipient will feel the pain, but not the one who planted the bug. The 2nd part seems to indicate a sharing of injuries as well, but we have seen it not to be the case, since Xiao Yao never seemed to feel the pain or experience the injuries inflicted on the other person, be it Cang Xuan or Xiang Liu, even though she is not totally unaware of what is going on with both of them. As such, perhaps 伤 here does not mean physical but emotional injuries - 伤心 or 伤感, rather than 受伤.
If one person is in pain, the other will also be in pain (physical). If one person is grieved, the other will also be grieved. (emotional)
My interpretation is that in the case of Cang Xuan, there is little to no impact on her (pain, injuries etc) since it was not planted successfully. Yet even when planted unsuccessfully, Xiao Liu could feel Cang Xuan approaching Shen Nong army hideout in Vol 1 Ch6. As such, I would still believe that it is reciprocal, but in varying degrees, due to the unsuccessful implantation of the bug.
As for Xiang Liu, the bug was successfully planted, so he would have felt the full brunt of everything she goes through. We also know that he has the power to control what is being heard and who hears it, and thus stands to reason he would be and has been blocking Xiao Yao from feeling everything he felt - physical and emotional, except during those times when his guard is down or he deliberately allows her to feel it (the pain in the heart, the quickening of the heartbeat).
H19279:The XY's emotions that XL can feel are those linked to change in heart beat (I think). I don't think XL knew or felt all of her emotions or feeling.. If XL could just feel all of her emotions or touching feeling, he would get distracted like hell.
Xiang Liu told her as much that he definitely can feel strong emotions she experiences, so that would include both great joy and grief. I would also argue that this includes passion / arousal too, which makes sense seeing it is a lover's bug, and in the right circumstances with the right couple, it would be shared passion. The novel never specifically describes what Xiang Liu goes through during Xiao Yao's romantic interludes with Jing, but knowing how Cang Xuan could feel Xiang Liu feeding on Xiao Liu and her involuntary response, it stands to reason that Xiang Liu would be very much aware of what is going on when Xiao Yao is with Jing.
Xuan, who was lying down on the pallet recovering from his injuries, suddenly bolted upright and touched his neck.
He was still alive!
At first, it was extreme pain as if sharp teeth pierced the flesh, but gradually the pain changed oddly. There was a sliver of numbness mixed with the pain, a sensation of slight pleasure, like someone was sucking, licking and lightly kissing.
Xuan felt his mouth run dry and was suddenly furious. With such severe injuries, has the guy gone mad, what on earth is he doing? -- Vol 1 Ch6
blabla100:I am still inclined to belive that the bugs only share pain, not injuries
At least we do still agree on this. ^^ The bugs do not transfer injuries.
I had read your theories on the CX killing part but honestly I am still inclined to belive that the bugs only share pain, not injuries, thus I don't take the "both of them will die" as literal. Their porpose IMO is to save lifes, hence they've been only used as a means for that throughout the whole novel and if I am not mistaken even Voodoo king refers to them as a blessing, not a curse. The only way that these bugs can become literally deadly is through the heartbreak bugs.
The Voodoo King says that any living thing that carries a benefit also carries a harm, and the greater the benefit, the greater the potential harm.
The bugs share emotional pain and the pain of injuries.
They can allow one host to save the other host from the brink of death in the right circumstances.
But they can also cause the hosts to die in two ways. First, as you mentioned, if the hosts do not love each other, they will produce Heartbreak Bugs and both hosts will die. Second, if one host dies (with no limits specified about the reason for their death or the manner in which they died), the other host will also die.
Even if you take the view that the bugs don't work that way, there's a great deal of evidence to show that XL, XY and TSJ believe the bugs work that way.
In chapter 37, XY tells XL that the bugs live and die together, so if she's in trouble, he'll also be in trouble. If she dies, XL won't live.
In chapter 38, TSJ worries about the bug connection because he's worried that XY's life is endangered by the connection. XL is fighting a losing war, and when he dies, XY will die unless the bug connection is broken first.
In chapter 43, XL uses the Voodoo King's words and the fact that XY's death will result in his death in two different ways. First, he uses it as an excuse to explain why he's willing to try so hard to keep XY alive (and XY buys that excuse, showing that she believes that XL believes that if she dies, there's a good chance that XL will die). Second, he tries to use that fact to convince XY to take greater precautions and to fight harder to live. XY acknowledges their life-and-death connection, but says that XL is as likely to die (and cause her death) as she is likely to die (and cause his death). So he should worry about himself first.
And in chapter 48, XL would have no reason to go to such lengths to kill the bugs and to break the bug connection if the connection wouldn't cause XY to die as a result of his death on the battlefield.
Chapter 37:
The Voodoo King coughed once and solemnly explained, “Lover’s Bug, like its name indicates, is a pair of male-female voodoo bugs. The couple who has the bug successfully planted will have their life and emotions connected. If one hurts then the other will hurt. If one is injured then the other will also be injured.”
Xiao Yao said “This I know already. What else?”
“To outsiders voodoo is considered mysterious and bad, but really it's a craft and magic that the Jiu Li tribe has passed down through generations to protect and heal us. Jiu Li has lots of deadly insects, deadly plants, deadly gasses, to live here our ancestors had to learn to understand it and control it. Voodoo is seen as a harmful power but we actually mostly use it here to save lives. The Lover’s Bug keeps two people’s lives connected, which means when one is injured as long as the other is healthy then the injured person will survive. This is a very good thing. Even if the Lover’s Bug is notoriously hard to grow, it ought to still be relatively prevalent since many people will try to grow it. So why it is so rare to see?”
Xiao Yao asked “Why?”
“All living things that have a benefit must also carry a harm. The greater the benefit then the greater the potential for harm. The Lover’s Bug is exactly that. It can lead two people to be connected in life and emotions but it is just like a pair of lovers in love with each other. It is temperamental and hard to control. If the Lover’s Bug turns on each other then both people will die. Which is why the Lover’s Bug also has another name, the Heartbreak Bug.”
Jing stared in dismay at Xiao Yao who quickly said, “It can’t be as scary as he makes it out to be. It’s been over seventy years and I’m still just fine.”
The Voodoo King’s expression changed as he stared at Jing, “You’re not the man the other bug is planted in?”
The Voodoo King stared in shock at Xiao Yao “Can I feel the bug in you?”
Xiao Yao nodded.
The Voodoo King didn’t move so he was likely using a bug inside of himself to sense. He furrowed his brows and murmured “It really is a Lover’s Bug! But how is this possible? ‘Lovers who raise the bug produce the Lover’s Bug, Not Lovers who raise the bug produce the Heartbreak Bug. The Lover’s Bug is different then other voodoo bugs and absolutely requires the couple to willingly accept the bug for it to be successfully planted. If the man you successfully planted the other bug in is not your lover, then how did you plant it in him?”
Xiao Yao said “You might not know as much as your ancestors, the bug could be more multi-facted and evolving in ways beyond your understanding.”
The Voodoo King was still perplexed. But it was clear that the young man sitting beside Xiao Yao was clearly her beloved so the rest of what he wanted to say wasn’t suitable for discussing at this time. He smoothed things over “Miss you are likely right, the bug inside of you is different than other bugs. Likely Miss and the other man have very unique bodily compositions.”
Xiao Yao inwardly sighed in relief “He is very unique!” Since the bug was planted, only Xiang Liu could sense her but she could never sense him.
Jing anxiously asked “How to break the spell?”
The Voodoo King’s face scrunched up “The Lover’s Bug – either live in love or die in heartbreak. Once the Lover’s Bug has been planted there is no way to break the spell. It is impossible. This is what I was trying to say earlier for why so few people raise it despite the great benefit. Only very determined girls would raise the bug but even if they successfully raise it, it’s near impossible to find a man willing to accept the other bug to be planted in him.”
Jing was stunned and after a moment of silence he slowly asked “What happens if one person who has the Lover’s Bug dies? What happens to the other person?”
The Voodoo King sighed “Our Jiu Li folk ballad sings ‘The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the doves do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.'”
Jing stared at Xiao Yao and tightly grabbed her hand.
Xiao Yao smiled at him and made a joke face. “Don’t worry! We don’t need to believe everything the Voodoo King says. Don’t forget, he said that only in a pair of lovers in love could the bug be successfully planted. I don’t have any relationship with Xiang Liu, but we still successfully planted the bug. The Voodoo King also said the spell couldn’t be broken once the bug was planted but don’t forget that I planted the bug first in Zhuan Xu before Xiang Liu helped me break the spell and move the bug to himself.”
Jing let out a sigh of relief “Yes! The bug was moved from Zhuan Xu!”
Xiao Yao shook Jing’s hand “Don’t worry, there is no absolutes in this world. If no one has broken the spell before then let me be the first.”
Xiao Yao laughed back. “I just came back from a trip to Jiu Li. The Voodoo King told me all the specifics about the bug inside our bodies. I don’t remember any of the specifics of what he said but the one thing I do remember clearly is that the two bugs live and die together. Which means our lives are connected. If I’m in trouble then you’re not going to get off scot free!”
Xiang Liu smiled at Xiao Yao and didn’t seem surprised at all.
Xiao Yao was shocked and asked, “You’ve known all along since the beginning what kind of bug this was, right?”
“What if I did?”
“The Voodoo King said ‘the doves don’t fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water die together’. If I die, then how can you live?”
“Why don’t you ask the question in reverse – if I die, then how can you live?”
Xiao Yao tried to stay calm and plead with him. “I don’t know who dies and who lives so that’s why I’m asking you. Tell me!”
Xiang Liu’s expression was sly and acted really nonchalant “How would I know? You’re the one who learned some voodoo. This is the first time I played with a bug. But no need to fret, when either you or I die then we’ll know what happens, right?”
Xiao Yao was so frustrated by him she was nearly hopping up and down in fury “You broke the spell on Zhuan Xu so how could you not want to break the spell between us?”
Xiang Liu smiled until his eyes were slits, “I don’t want to know!”
Xiao Yao wearily asked “What do you want then?”
Xiang Liu’s body was slowly sinking into the water “Other than checking on how my wares are doing in your body, what else do you think I want?”
“Hey! Don’t go!”
Chapter 38:
Whether it was the Voodoo King or Xiao Yao, no one had discovered the way to break the Lover’s Bug.
Xiao Yao was a tad disappointed but not worried since the bug was in her for the last 80 some years and she was used to it.
Jing was very worried and every time she failed to break the voodoo spell he couldn’t conceal his disappointment.
Xiao Yao giggled and assured him “Being heart connected isn’t all that intimate. At most Xiang Liu feels some of my pain whereas I feel nothing from him. This doesn’t count as having our hearts as one.”
Actually Jing wasn’t bothered by the hearts connected, he was worried about the life being linked. This worry was something he couldn’t discuss with Xiao Yao so he continued to let her assume he was bothered by their emotional ties.
Chapter 43:
Xiang Liu furrowed his brows. “It’s not that I wanted to save you, I simply have no interest to use my own life to confirm the words of the Voodoo King.”
Oh! Right, the Lover’s Bug! The Lover’s Bug does not live alone, if she died then likely Xiang Liu would die. Xiao Yao smiled sadly.
Xiang Liu stared at the birds and slowly said, “The Wen Xiao Liu I knew a long time ago had many deficiencies, but the one deficiency not there was to roll over and accept a beating like an idiot. Has Tu Shan Jing taken such good care of you all these years that you’ve forgotten how to stay alive now that he’s dead?”
Xiao Yao couldn’t handle anyone talking about Jing being dead so she glared at Xiang Liu.
Xiang Liu sneered right back and said in a sarcastic way, “Did I say anything wrong? You may not be in the wilderness or the mountains but you’re in a place even more dangerous: Sheng Nong Mountain. The most dangerous beast at most eats you. But in Sheng Nong Mountain, your death affects so much more. Do you know how many people will die if you die? Chi Sui Feng Long smashed the tradition of the Four Great Clans and now with the Tu Shan clan leader suddenly killed and leaving behind a child successor, if you died then the Tu Shan Clan may be picked apart and taken over by the three other clans. In the face of power and wealth, people are even brave enough to try and kill an Emperor, what’s stopping them from trying to kill you? I really regret getting my life connected with as stupid a woman as you! I beg of you, before you die from idiocy, can you find a way to break our bug link first?”
Xiao Yao whirled around and stared with bright eyes at Xiang Liu and said in a strong voice, “Xiang Liu, I don’t have a way to break our bug link right now. Sheng Nong Mountain is rife with danger but Qing Shui Town isn’t any better. It’s unclear who will drag the other down. Rather than worry that I’ll be a hassle to you, why don’t you worry about yourself first!”
Xiao Yao walked up to Xiang Liu and lifted up her arm from under her sleeve. “While I’m still here to give you blood, hurry up and get better so you don’t burden me!”
Xiang Liu didn’t even act polite and took her arm to bite down and suck.
Chapter 46:
As the blood filled up the urn, Xiao Yao’s face turned paler and paler, her body also began to sway, but Xiang Liu only coldly looked on with the same smile on his face, as if he couldn’t wait to turn even Xiao Yao herself into a healing pill but for their lives being connected.
blabla100:at that point în time he wasn't aware of XY not knowing much about the bugs, so I can't really assume that he was bluffing her in that regard. It was not until later that he finds out that XY didn't even know their names or how to remove them, the requirements for that etc, so I tend to think that the bluff was in regards to the " you wouldn’t even hesitate and would kill me, right?” part.
Chapter 7:
Xiang Liu fell backwards and laid on the surface of the water. Xiao Liu's whole body was still aching so he couldn’t move and could only lie on top of Xiang Liu.
Xiang Liu pulled Xiao Liu's arm. "Does it hurt?"
"He will be in great pain."
Xiang Liu laughed. “This voodoo bug is decent but not good enough.”
“If it was a life-linked voodoo bug, you wouldn’t even hesitate and would kill me, right?”
“Yup, too bad it just shares pain.” Xiang Liu’s voice shared his regret.
Xiao Liu closed his eyes and felt them rocking on the waves. The water supported everything so there was no need to use any strength and it was quite relaxing.
Xiang Liu asked, “Since he’s so precious to you, why not remove the bug?”
Xiao Liu didn’t answer and thought for a long time. Since he was a demon, and demons and creatures and monsters were all in the same world, perhaps he might know something. “It’s not that I don’t want to remove the bug, it’s that I can’t. Last time I was injured, you used all sorts of weird medicines on me. The bug had some type of transformation. He asked me to remove the bug and I lied that I’ll do it when he leaves. Recently I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to coax the bug out of him but nothing works.”
Xiang Liu thought about it “If you don’t want to die, then don’t try calling it back. The only solution is to find a way to transfer the bug to another person.”
Xiao Liu sincerely said “The only person I want to make miserable is you.”
Xiang Liu softly laughed. “Then put the bug inside me.” Xiao Liu scoffed, “Like you would be so nice.”
XL's first comment ("This voodoo bug is decent but not good enough"), could easily be both a bluff and a dark joke that also helps XL gain some information from XY.
What does he already know before he makes that first comment?
(1) XY planned to plant the bug in XL and only planted it in CX out of necessity, before she even knew CX's real identity. That strongly indicates that she didn't know the bugs were lovers' bugs that required love between the hosts and that tied the hosts' lives and hearts together.
(2) She only ever described the bugs as transferring the cultivator's pain to the recipient. She never mentioned the bugs tying the hosts' lives together or requiring the hosts to have love for each other.
(3) XY never referred to the bugs as lovers' bugs.
(4) XY swore to TSJ (while XL was listening) that the bugs would not harm her body.
(5) When XY figured out CX's identity, she saved his life. Then she spent the whole winter drinking with him. Rather than being enemies, they were now quite close. XY clearly no longer wanted to hurt CX, and the longer the bug stayed in CX the greater the risk that the bugs would turn into Heartbreak Bugs and kill them both, but she hadn't removed the bug from him. Either she had some secret reason for not removing the bug (maybe she would rather risk getting killed by the bugs than transfer the bug to TSJ - who was clearly in love with her) or she didn't know how to remove the bug. We know XL was curious about why XY hadn't removed the bug, because he asks XY for an explanation in this scene.
So, with all of that, XL could definitely be operating under a working assumption that XY likely didn't know that the bugs were lovers' bugs that linked the hosts' lives together. So he says his first comment: "This voodoo bug is decent but not good enough."
Then XY's next comment (“If it was a life-linked voodoo bug, you wouldn’t even hesitate and would kill me, right?”) gives him more information. If he suspected that she didn't really know much about the bugs, this comment would indicate that his suspicions were correct. It suggested that she didn't know that the bugs were life-linking bugs.
His next comment (“Yup, too bad it just shares pain.”) could then be XL bluffing to keep XY in the dark about what he knew, and what she seemed not to know.
XY goes on to tell XL in this scene that she doesn't know how to remove the bug from CX.
When XL suggests transferring the bug to him from CX, XY's response strongly indicates that she doesn't know the criteria for who the bug would need to be transferred to.
He confirms all of those things more thoroughly (along with other details) later in chapter 7.
I hope someone who is fluent in Chinese can give full and accurate translation for the Chinese text that I quoted here. According to one's translation (where I got this quote) the last sentence means XL applied a certain blood spell, using his live to extend/replace her live.
My Chinese literacy just passes muster, but this is my translation:
Cang Xuan asked Xiao Yao how Xiang Liu managed to save her.
Xiao Yao replied, "I was unconscious the entire time so I do not know the details. It should be related to the bug that I planted in him, relying on his life force to keep me alive (literally: to sustain my only chance of survival). Then he performed a type of blood spell, and used his life in exchange to extend mine."
H19279:Therefore, we have clue about why XY knew how to raise and feed the lovers' bug. I guess that she didn't remember all the detail. Thus she did not recognize the name/type of bug when she talked with XL before moving the bug from CX to XL. However, XL could guess that XL knew something about poison bug. So, he could show no surprise when she mentioned that XL used his live to save her.
My interpretation was that XY was partially telling the truth (she did receive the walnut with the poisonous bugs from an old woman, but the old woman only told her one thing about the bugs: if she planted one bug in herself and the other bug in another person, then that person would feel her pain).
XY only knew how to raise the bugs and plant them because she memorized the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual, which "contained all the spells about using poison and bugs". So XY knew the spells necessary to raise the bugs, all the spells necessary to plant the bugs, and all the spells necessary to transfer the bugs, but she didn't know other details about the bugs.
So either the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual didn't include additional information about any poisonous bugs beyond spells (e.g., that the bugs would kill the hosts unless the hosts had love in their hearts for each other, that the bugs would connect the hosts' hearts and lives, etc.) or the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual only provided that kind of information about more common types of poisonous bugs, like the one that TSJ's grandmother used to extend her life. Since the Lovers' Bugs are extremely rare, perhaps the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual didn't have specific information about them.
Actually, XY had some knowlege about Jiuli voodoo bugs. You can get some insight about her source of bug information in her conversation with CX in the book 2 ,chapter 5.
When CX asked her how XL could save XY, she replied that
I hope someone who is fluent in Chinese can give full and accurate translation for the Chinese text that I quoted here. According to one's translation (where I got this quote) the last sentence means XL applied a certain blood spell, using his live to extend/replace her live.
Koala's translation covers this.
Chapter 22:
Xiang Liu fed her his essential soul blood, but because he was poisonous all over, even his blood was poisonous, so he needed to suck the poison out of Xiao Yao afterwards.
Xiao Yao had heard of a voodoo spell where a person could use their life in exchange for another. If Xiang Liu used his life to save hers, she hoped that he really had nine-lives because then if he gave her one it wouldn’t be too detrimental for him.
Zhuan Xu asked Xiao Yao how Xiang Liu saved her.
Xiao Yao answered, “I was unconscious the entire time so I don’t know the specifics. Likely due to the voodoo bug connecting us, so his life was the thread that kept me alive, and then he used a certain type of voodoo blood spell and exchanged his life to continue mine.”
Zhuan Xu thought. “Voodoo bugs, voodoo blood spells, those are all unorthodox methods. Does your body feel strange?”
Xiao Yao smiled. “Gege, when did you get so narrow-minded? The traditional medicine used to save people can also be used to kill. The unorthodox voodoo can also be used to save people. How do you differentiate traditional good versus unorthodox bad?”
Zhuan Xu said “I’m not narrow-minded, I’m just worried that you’ll get taken advantage of. I will keep my promise so I don’t want Xiang Liu to play tricks.”
Xiao Yao asked, “Xiang Liu saving me was in exchange for something?”
Zhuan Xu said, “He said he could save you and asked to take you away. I had no other choice so I agreed. A few days ago he came to see and said that if I agreed to one thing then you can return safely.”
Xiang Liu really was clear and precise on each and every thing, he never gets taken advantage of! Xiao Yao felt all sorts of conflicted feelings, unsure if it was disappointment or relief. “What was the deal?”
“He wanted one of Sheng Nong Mountain’s peaks.”
“What do you mean?”
“I asked Xiang Liu the same thing and he said that all the resistance soldiers following General Gong Gong are unable to forget their homeland but are willing to fight for their cause. If they died they would still not be able to be buried in their homeland. Xiang Liu asked that if one day I were to become the Xuan Yuan Emperor, then I was to carve out one of Sheng Nong Mountain’s peaks as a sacred land and then all the dead resistance army soldiers who were cremated could have their ashes brought back and buried in the Sheng Nong Mountain they long for.”
“Did you agree?”
Zhuan Xu sighed “Even a little peak in Sheng Nong Mountain is still a peak in Sheng Nong Mountain! I know this is a big deal so I can’t readily agree. But I also couldn’t say no, and it wasn’t just because of you. It was because I also want to give those men a place to rest peacefully. They are my enemies on the battlefield and we do our best to kill each other, but I respect their fight!”
Xiao Yao said nothing.
Zhuan Xu smiled “But I also told Xiang Liu that he might get shafted in this deal. What if I can’t become the Xuan Yuan Emperor? He can’t come find you then and cause trouble. Xiang Liu agreed but I still worry that he might have tricks up his sleeve.”
Xiao Yao laughed. “Don’t worry, if Xiang Liu wanted to kill me using voodoo and such spells it’s not that easy to harm me.”
“Every time you mention voodoo you just glance over it, but how exactly did you learn to raise and plant a voodoo bug? And who taught you all the poison tricks you know?”
Xiao Yao asked “Can we talk secretly here?”
Zhaun Xu nodded and cast a protective spell barrier around them. Xiao Yao asked, “So you know the Sheng Nong Herb Manual?”
“Of course, legend has it the Flame Emperor used his entire life to write that manual after testing every living herb in existence. The entire world wants that manual but after the Flame Emperor died it disappeared.”
“It was actually with my Mom. Do you remember when Grandmother and Grandfather were both ill and it was my Mom who was healing them?”
“Of course, but I always thought Auntie learned medicine from the court doctors.”
“I did as well, and it was only later that I realized my Mom learned medicine from the Flame Emperor.”
“But….how could that be? Grandfather long wanted to exterminate the Sheng Nong Kingdom.”
“Who knows? Perhaps my Mom stole it.”
“Nonsense!” Many times Zhuan Xu’s respect for Xiao Yao’s mom greatly eclipsed her own.
“When Mom left me in Jade Mountain, around my neck was a jade container that held the Sheng Nong Herb Manual which taught my Mom all about medicines, but it also contained the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual which contained all the spells about using poison and bugs. When the Royal Mother discovered it, she said both books were future catastrophes if people discovered it. She forced me to memorize both and then she destroyed it afterwards.” Xiao Yao remembered how she cried and sobbed and refused to talk with the Royal Mother afterwards for destroying what her mom left for her.
Xiao Yao said “Initially I tucked all that knowledge away in the back of my mind, but when I was captured by the Nine-tailed fox, I remembered the poison learnings. I knew I only had one chance to poison him so I was very careful, and even worried that the Voodoo King’s voodoo manual poisons were not deadly and discreet enough, and even used the Flame Emperor’s medical research to create more poisons.”
Xiao Yao waved her hands. “My Mom left me those things likely wanting me to become a healer to ease the people’s suffering, but I think I’m going to become the poison master of my generation.”
Zhuan Xu smiled and touched her head “You do whatever you like.”
liddi:As such, perhaps 伤 here does not mean physical but emotional injuries.
If one person is in pain, the other will also be in pain (physical). If one person is grieved, the other will also be grieved. (emotional)
Glad to know this translation also works, since that one actually makes sense. Thanks for another informative translation liddi! ^^
liddi:My Chinese literacy just passes muster, but this is my translation:
Cang Xuan asked Xiao Yao how Xiang Liu managed to save her.
Xiao Yao replied, "I was unconscious the entire time so I do not know the details. It should be related to the bug that I planted in him, relying on his life force keep me alive (literally: to sustain my only chance of survival). Then he performed a type of blood spell, and used his life in exchange to extend mine."
Your translations always come across as very thorough and thoughtful liddi!
And this seems very similar to Koala's translation. When two different translations are similar, I take that as a good sign of accuracy. ^^
After resolutely refusing to watch the drama for more than 2 months, my daughter finally has her own answer to the "Fox or Snake?" question she once posed to me.
She suddenly decided to marathon all 39 episodes of S1 over 3 days last weekend - going in totally blind, never having read the book, and I refusing to tell her anything that would colour her judgment. For the first few episodes, she was Team Shiqi (she loved how he is the perfect boyfriend - utterly devoted to Xiao Liu, indulgent with everything Xiao Liu does, and with such a gorgeous smile!), and not impressed that Xiang Liu whipped Xiao Liu and stepped on her wounds even though she understood his reasons. She also resolutely rejected Cang Xuan as potential suitor material because she could only see them as siblings. However, at the start of Ep8, she started expressing her fears that she has boarded a sinking ship, and it was then that I realised somewhere along the way, her object of affection changed. She could not explain specifically why it did, save to say that she started to love his every interaction with Xiao Liu, how carefree and bold Xiao Liu was around him, even if she risked his fury. From then on, she looked forward to every single scene Xiang Liu and later Fangfeng Bei were in, had a good laugh over Xiao Yao's "Doggy Bei" and his mock protestations of fears that they would be beaten up by the Lirong gambling den proprietors due to her impudence, ached each time he kept her at arm's length, railed why his love was so selfless. And by the end of the drama, she also came to love the relationship between Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao, and was impressed by the Xiyan king's manipulation of the entire chain of events leading to the smooth transition to Cang Xuan's coronation. Now, Xiang Liu ranks first for her, followed by Cang Xuan, and Jing last. She has since read the novel version of the 37 years under the ocean, and is frustrated that YaoLiu scenes were diluted or changed, declaring that we have been robbed even though we have so few scenes as it is.
Over the past two days, she has been inconsolable, already mourning for what she knows to be Xiang Liu's fate down the road, and I am beginning to regret her watching the drama, seeing her under the same cloud of sadness I went through when I first read the book. I have told her my concerns about S2, even more YaoLiu scenes butchered, the extent of his efforts possibly subverted to give prominence to other characters, yet she has determined she would watch it to the bitter end. And she only asks that YZ and TJC be given another historical drama where they are given a happy ending together.
So, there you have it. My daughter's answer to "Fox or Snake", with which comes inevitable pain.
liddi:So, there you have it. My daughter's answer to "Fox or Snake", with which comes inevitable pain.
How lucky she is to have you there to discuss the story with. So much of the joy (and pain) of becoming immersed in this story comes from getting to discuss all the details with other people who are equally invested and immersed in it. ^^
AH :How lucky she is to have you there to discuss the story with. So much of the joy (and pain) of becoming immersed in this story comes from getting to discuss all the details with other people who are equally invested and immersed in it. ^^
That is so true. That's why I am so grateful for this platform, where we can share our joy and pain with likeminded people, dissecting details, seeing scenes with new eyes and fresh perspectives. Thank you so much!
AH :Glad to know this translation also works, since that one actually makes sense. Thanks for another informative translation liddi! ^^
Thank you very much for your kind words. This was something that really bothered me too, but it took all the discussions leading up to it for me to finally revisit the text and look at it from a different perspective.
why not, she think of bugs, and xl when she tried to commit suicide, it could have happened.
remember when they were at the bottom of the sea xy said this,
"Xiaoyao said if I die again and you renew my life one more time, will I become (____) like you."
(why didn't she say something like "when I die will you save me?" obviously she believed that when she was about to die xl would definitely save xy.)
Everyone does things with reference to past experience. She died once and had no companionship for 37 years. Normally, she would have thought that death was the only way for her and Xiang Liu to be together.
Yang Zi interviewed: Xiaoyao knew that Xiang Liu was protecting her. Xiaoyao never tested Xiang Liu on the same issues that she tested Jing on. She simply assumed that Xiang Liu would definitely help her.
1.when xy was kidnapped at the bottom of the sea and was willing to die for jing, then suddenly xy clung to another man, as if she was afraid that he would leave her and offered her his neck, don't you think it was strange? she was just pretending, basically she wants xl to come back to her because she believes xl will definitely save her.
2.regarding xy's final suicide,maybe they believe xy committed suicide because jing and his brother had betrayed her.
On the surface it looks like this, but think about it, when she was a child, she experienced being abandoned by everyone she valued (this was his point of view), and even lost his face. Moreover, she was still young at that time and his mental ability to endure it was even worse, but sHe never thought about dying, but after experiencing so many things when she grew up, she just died after the same thing? It just doesn't make sense and the characters are too poorly written. If you don't admit that his character is damaged, you can only think that his suicide has a deeper meaning.
"she just wanted XL back using this method"maybe xy regrets what she said last time to xl.
An interesting angle. Xiaoyao said she would not leave Qingshui Town but ended up breaking her promise. She promised to live well but ended up committing suicide. This shows that what she said was almost like letting go. In this case, Xiang Liu should also know that her last words of never meeting each other were actually true. It was also a lie, so Xiang Liu finally said that she and I would never meet again. Was he a little angry to get revenge on her?
I am not set on any theory when it comes to the bugs, I keep going back and forth between different ideas, but I am still not convinced of any. I don't know, I am just trying to find an explaination that fits everything, since I don't really like to make too many assumptions on anything and thus far the only one that fits the gaps (CX's death attempt, the lack of psyhical injuries, the lack of consideration towards XL from chapter 48) is that they only share emotional pain, not psyhical, hence they have only been used as an emotional bond, never psyhical. I think what is hard for me to understand is how come if one dies, the other will too, as long as they are immune to their psyhical injuries. Also, IIRC, în chapter 51, after XY finds out about XL's death the first thing she says îs that it is impossible, because she didn't feel anything, instead of pointing to the fact that it is impossible, because she is still alive. I think I am also being influenced by CX's mom and what she said and did în the drama, that scene stuck with me.
Anyway, the thing is that the bugs always confused me and altough they are supposed to be the strongest link that moves the story forward, the lack of info is for sure intriquing and I am not sure if that is something intentional or not, altough I am inclined to belive that it is intentional and I can't help but asking myself why? What could be the reason? Not only the lack of info, but the conflicting details as well, the mistery behind them, the fact that even the Voodoo king is stopped from giving US the whole answer or a clear answer for that matter, it just doesn't make sense.
I keep looking for that sauvignon blanc site and all I find are grapes and wine, lol. I'd love to read more if there are more articles available.
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