I'm a little bit confused. Having watched EP 6 and putting together what the reporter had said earlier

"Look at Pued..he gave his woman to the big shot"...I mean I know now that Jane was pregnant with Por's child and not Pued's...but the question is, was she willing to sleep with Por to help Pued who needed money and power or was she raped? Did she know that Por was taking underage girls and drugging them and raping them? The first victim was seen walking with blood dripping from her vaginal area which now shows that she had an abortion with the sister nurse lady. 

This drama is getting interesting. 

*spoilers for episode 6*

Well, I’ve been proved wrong. I thought Pued was a good guy but it seems like he was just a coward. My guess is that Jane got pregnant with that politician’s baby and Pued had to take her to the abortion clinic because the other guy obviously couldn’t. 

I’m beginning to trust Tan a bit more now. He seemed visibly upset (and betrayed) after learning Pued had taken Jane to the abortion clinic. I thought that maybe the reason why Tan beat up Pued at the beginning was because he was trying to take her to the politician but Tan looks as confused as we are, so I don’t think that’s right. 

At least thanks to this episode we know who the most important figure is in all these killings. All that’s left to do is figure out the rest who are working for him as well. 

I’m halfway through the novel (so good so far!).

While the killer has been named as of mid-novel, there have just so far been way too many new additional main characters on the show (unless they are yet to be introduced into the novel) and additional layers of mafia activities on the show that so far are not described in the novel...

... that even if I now know the killer in the novel, I get the feeling they might have changed things up for the show to keep viewers who read the novel guessing.

(I won’t spoil the novel’s killer of course, in case they still use the same person on the show, plus I’m just halfway through so there might still be twists along the way.)


I'm a little bit confused. Having watched EP 6 and putting together what the reporter had said earlier

"Look at Pued..he gave his woman to the big shot"...I mean I know now that Jane was pregnant with Por's child and not Pued's...but the question is, was she willing to sleep with Por to help Pued who needed money and power or was she raped? Did she know that Por was taking underage girls and drugging them and raping them? The first victim was seen walking with blood dripping from her vaginal area which now shows that she had an abortion with the sister nurse lady. 

This drama is getting interesting. 

Did that girl die of the abortion, drug overdose or murdered? I'm intrigued.


Did that girl die of the abortion, drug overdose or murdered? I'm intrigued.

I was thinking abortion after the recent episode, but now that I’ve reflected on it, if abortion was the cause of death, wouldn’t Dr. Bun have seen some sort of indication of that in the autopsy? 

When someone dies from strangulation or a hanging, there will be ligature marks. These marks are usually caused by the "object" that is used. It can be hands, rope, string, a scarf/necktie, or anything that can be used for that purpose.  In this situation, there were scratches above the rope on the victim's body which is a possible indicator of manual strangulation by a human.  If that be the case then there may be human epithelial cells that can transfer when this occurs. There are many factors and variables that need to be investigated before it can be ruled a homicide or suicide. The rule of thumb in forensics is to treat it like a homicide till it can be proven otherwise.  Just my two cents. 


I was thinking abortion after the recent episode, but now that I’ve reflected on it, if abortion was the cause of death, wouldn’t Dr. Bun have seen some sort of indication of that in the autopsy? 

I am going to have to go back, but I did he say her cause of death was the drugs? or maybe it was she bled to death? I can't quite remember. 

This whole abortion / human trafficking thing is just so intriguing because it wasn’t in the novel, so even those who’ve read it like me are still kept guessing as to what happened and will happen.


I am going to have to go back, but I did he say her cause of death was the drugs? or maybe it was she bled to death? I can't quite remember. 

Okay, I went back to the first episode, and during Natty’s autopsy, Oat does say that there was a lot of blood lost from the uterus, no injuries were found in other organs, and that the cause of death was excessive blood loss in the uterus. So there was implication of possible abortion although they didn’t say that outright (instead they focused on the aspect of possible sexual abuse and drugs).

Additionally, before the autopsy began, Oat seemed to be in shock or, at the very least, his mind was wandering as he looked at the body of Natty until Bun called his attention. I am now thinking that Oat may also be involved in the abortion ring and that Natty’s death was a shock for him.

It‘s interesting that in the next scene, P’Fan is shown getting a call about “an emergency” and left the room just as Bun and Oat enter.  At that time, it seems like an unimportant and minor thing, but in light of the most recent episode, my guess is the emergency Fan had to attend to was the fact that one of their abortion patients died.

Also, it must be noted that Oat is not in the novel. He’s added just for the series, so now I’m thinking how far the show will deviate from the novel and that Oat may be Jane’s killer in the show or at least involved / is an accomplice. Someone who knows how to administer drugs (such as Bun’s attacker in the hospital) is likely to be involved,. Oat is now starting to be more suspicious in my eyes. They may have added several new characters in order to either change the killer from the novel or add accomplices in line with human trafficking / abortion ring they‘ve also now added to the show which is not in the novel.

@allancarreon I also just watched the first episode. You are right about those things you mentioned. I had also mentioned somewhere either here or the main thread for the drama that Oat was suspicious to me. The person who targetted Bun knew about injections and how to administer them, so the person must have medical knowledge (or it could be someone who is a drug user so it's not like it's 100% a doctor or medical person) but it's those small things that makes one wonder about Oat. But also noticed how the drama made a big deal about that kid (what's his name, the one that is working with Tan) is afraid of needles. So the director was trying to create a misdirect for the viewers. They wanted us to focus on that kid too much, but also "oh he's pretending to hate needles, it was him that injected Dr. Bun" but in reality it is someone else. 

I also mentioned that this ring is big and that it includes more than just drug dealers, I am betting it includes doctors, prosecutors and politians. I am so intrigued now with the abortion arc because there was also a lot of clues given during Jane's scenes with Peud and also with the journalist's comments. 

I just finished the book and there are a lot of story line changes.  I will not spoil it, but keep in mind there are many people that have knowledge about medications and how to administer them. I am a retired medical professional with several forensics degrees. The very first thing I was taught by an Emergency Room Doctor was how to give drugs that are not traceable in an autopsy. He thought telling me this would shock me, it led me to my career. So, keep in mind that things do not always seem as they appear. Food for thought.

Unless this was explicitly mentioned and I missed it, I think Tan and Pued are half brothers? And Oat seems like he would be involved in this.

I do not think that it has been mentioned, but then again... 


Unless this was explicitly mentioned and I missed it, I think Tan and Pued are half brothers? And Oat seems like he would be involved in this.

They’‘ve referred to each other (or to Por/Paul) as “Brother,” which - if one hasn’t read the novel - could be interpreted as blood brothers or simply like ”friend/dude.” But yes, they are half-brothers in case the show hasn’t as yet explicitly stated so but which it has definitely strongly implied. I’m almost sure it will be confirmed soon on the show. The father and family that Tann was referring to when he told Bunn about his mother being a mistress - he’s referring to Por and Pued and their father (Mr. Odd in the novel, though I don’t recall him being explicitly shown or named as yet on the show).


I just finished the book and there are a lot of story line changes.  I will not spoil it, but keep in mind there are many people that have knowledge about medications and how to administer them. I am a retired medical professional with several forensics degrees. The very first thing I was taught by an Emergency Room Doctor was how to give drugs that are not traceable in an autopsy. He thought telling me this would shock me, it led me to my career. So, keep in mind that things do not always seem as they appear. Food for thought.

I do like how they’ve changed/expanded the story for the series without removing the main beats and basic premises of the book. I feel they’ve made wise decisions from a story-telling perspective in terms of what they’ve changed, enhanced, and the added characters.

While I did like the book, one can tell that Sammon (the author) is not primarily a writer - the structure of the novel could be improved, some key aspects of the crime story side were rushed for explanation, the side plot of Bunn’s ex which seems it could be an entirely different book, the Sorrawit/Thad story, etc.

That said, Sammon definitely is great at injecting his medical knowledge into the book and story.

Given the storyline changes, especially adding a stronger base for the mafia’s activities and the conspiracies happening, as I mentioned before I won’t be surprised if they change the killer or at the very least enhance the perpetrator/s just to keep readers of the book still guessing.