Also, if I may add, I really liked how they changed / adapted the staging of Bunn’s death.

The book version probably would’ve been “boring” for a medium like an action-packed TV show. Tann simply covers Bunn in pig’s blood and sends pictures to Por (who in the book was the one who ordered him killed). Aem wasn’t involved in any way.

The series version is definitely more exciting, which of course is needed given the medium. A chase all the way to a cliff, shooting, falling off the cliff, Tann also getting shot... it makes for a more engaging sequence for the show. Great way to adapt that aspect of the story.

Update as of Episode 11:

At this point in the novel, wherein Rungthiva was already identified as Pued’s killer, Por was already dead. I’m so far liking this deviation, though - where Por looks to at least have turned into an ally (for now). Considering he was a main villain in the book without actually being Jane’s killer, it’s a good change given there are other villains on the scene now (the congressman and Commander Tung). I also predict he will start treating Tann more like family. We’ll see.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where or how I can watch this series? WeTV have locked it up behind some sort of expensive paid-for "VIP" subscription service. Very sad. Evidently they want to prevent international viewers from following MoD. But I would still like to have a look at it. If only to follow this discussion!


Does anyone have any suggestions as to where or how I can watch this series? WeTV have locked it up behind some sort of expensive paid-for "VIP" subscription service. Very sad. Evidently they want to prevent international viewers from following MoD. But I would still like to have a look at it. If only to follow this discussion!

WeTV VIP only gives VIP subscribers one episode in advance. As far as I know, free WeTV subscribers still get it for free, just no advanced episode. 

Additional changes as of the final episode:

  • The proposal set-up happens in a much more exciting manner. Understandable why they would change it since in the book, it was in New York and done with the help of Boon (Bunn’s brother who was removed from the series)
  • Now we know why Oat was really created for the series when he wasn’t in the novel... to give Aem (who is straight and married in the book) a BL ship. Hehehe I only wish they could’ve explored this or foreshadowed it more strongly.
  • Por metes out justice against Rungthiva for killing Pued, something he was never able to do in the book because he was killed before Rungthiva was exposed. I also like the implication of Tann’s accountability for this - he may not have pulled the trigger nor was he present when Por executed Rungthiva with a staged suicide, but he essentially handed her over to Por, and it’s impossible he wouldn’t know what Por would do to her if he did that. I like how this makes Tann a more morally gray character - and how it could potentially affect his relationship with Bunn if Bunn ever found out (I assume Tann would never tell this to Bunn).
  • A much more exciting manner in which Rungthiva was revealed (in the book, Bunn and Tann essentially catfished a mysterious anonymous woman on Pued’s phone, and when they met up with Rungthiva - got her arrested). The whole video recording aspect and the subsequent action and computer drama was better suited for a series.
  • No indication that Aem was promoted to replace Commander Tung (he was promoted in the book), but I‘ll just imagine in my head that he was promoted.
  • No trials for Tann.
  • No time jump to six months later when Bunn is back in Bangkok, Tann follows him, and Sorrawit is there too as a medical student (with Thad about to follow suit)... no going to New York for Bunn, either.

Thank you for all of the book comparison notes.  

Having read all this after the show ended, I feel like the changes they applied to the story made for a better told and more compelling show. It seems they looked at the problems of the novel and thought about how they could be improved and how the whole story could be adapted for television. It wasn't perfect but it managed to stay exiting until the ending and with all the small background stories of the characters sprinkled in I could connect with all of them.

Thank you guys so much for this comparison! I think I will not read the novel as I am quite content with the show.


Having read all this after the show ended, I feel like the changes they applied to the story made for a better told and more compelling show. It seems they looked at the problems of the novel and thought about how they could be improved and how the whole story could be adapted for television. It wasn't perfect but it managed to stay exiting until the ending and with all the small background stories of the characters sprinkled in I could connect with all of them.

Thank you guys so much for this comparison! I think I will not read the novel as I am quite content with the show.

Yes, that’s exactly what they did.

I personally liked the novel enough, but it had  a huge structural and pacing problem (the third act is pretty much post-climax and becomes standard BL which was removed from the series, which is a good thing because the plot regarding Bunn’s ex was totally like a different novel already.

Moreover, the revelations on Jane’s murder also were not “exciting” enough nor was the final resolution regarding the perpetrator. It ultimately was a relatively mundane crime that would not have made for interesting TV.

The strength of the book, I think, is how it really got into Tann and Bunn’s heads. But internal monologue, which is great for novels, may not work well in an audio-visual medium like TV.

So it was clear that the director and screenwriters knew this and elevated the show.

So, it is being removed due to producer and writer objection? I can't read all of anyone that wrote in here