actually i dont think jaehoon being hit as a child had any impact on his brain at all bc we see him after that he's walking around just fine with no sign of injuries. plus if he had any sort of brain damage as a child he wouldn't even be called in for questioning, he'd be considered a victim right? the police would go to him and they wouldn't use a lie detector test. in fact, using a lie detector test on a child alone shows how much he'd unnerved the detectives so to rule him out they did the test. why would an injured child make the police uneasy.

also about what they could possibly be doing from here on 

A. making it a brain transplant.

  • while a partial brain transplant is possible today a complete brain transplant isn't and it seems too much of a stretch for even the drama. and partial brain transplants don't result in any memory or IQ exchange or whatever they remain the same as they used to be before.
  • to support the brain transplant theory we mainly have two points only. one, his feelings for hongju and two, that han seojun was in yohan's room before the surgery. everything else could simply be bareum mixing things up in confusion.
  • anyway, making it a brain transplant would make the plot so shitty this isnt a 1980s sci-fi film.

B. it exposed bareum's true face, since losing his memories made him forget why he used to act in the first place.

  • ok for one i wanna say that if this hadn't happened, bareum would have never been caught or even suspected. which means, if i'm right about him and yohan, yohan's death wasn't a complete waste, it's bc of him that bareum will ultimately be caught.
  • the scene where bareum reacts strongly to the smell of the food? that's how ik for sure this has nothing to do with yohan. this show tends to be heavy in foreshadowing, and if they were gonna go down this route, they would have shown us before hand that yohan reacted strongly to smell too (which as a trained surgeon, is kind of unlikely).
  • i think bareum just truly believes everything he's been told about himself right now. he's been told he's a good, kind person and he wholeheartedly believes that. he's told he saves injured animals, so he does it (which is why that memory of him throwing the mouse at the snake horrified him, bc he thinks he would have never done that. that's why he thinks it was yohan's memory, not his). he's told he was dumb, so it baffles even him that he's suddenly become smart, but its only momentarily bc he also trusts his own intelligence. still, in the scene where he tells moochi something was moved, when moochi brushes it off, even he resigns to himself unsure, thou he's certain it moved.
  • again the thing about the smell. when he goes to the doctor to ask him about this, he asks if brain surgery could heighten your sense of smell or change your palate. bc he was told he liked it and so he thinks it must be the truth.

there's smth funny going on with his aunt too, isnt it? like when bareum asked her about the bird and she changed the topic. it's also strange that there's pictures of his adulthood and infancy but none of the time in between? his aunt has an album apparently, but without it even bareum's concluded that the childhood memory is yohan's.

There is so much drama making brain swaps. my favorite is Phantom: Ghost, played by So Ji Sub.
The drama is very exciting, where a criminal takes over all the bodies and minds of the police to prove his innocence.

Don't forget too about the Criminal 2016 played by Gal Gadot. It also tells of brain swaps. The memory of a CIA agent is planted in the brain of a criminal

Definitely not a complete brain swaps, because no drama has ever done that either. They just move parts of memory and way of thinking.

The murder scene that Bareum remembers is belongs to the old Bareum (when Bareum pretending to be nice). Meanwhile, the scene when standing in front of the house is Yohan's memory, because it is impossible for Bareum to remember that he is facing himself.

Bareum now confused because he considers the murder scene to be Yohan's memory. I can't wait to see the scene when Bareum remembers old himself killing others.

I don't know what the story is, I'm just happy that Bareum now is good person.  Honestly I really didn't like the idea that Bareum was a psychopath, I think all the fans and story writers would be too. That's why them make Bareum born again through Yohan's brain.

was really baffled with the surgery thing they pulled but they made it so it made sense so i'll write my theories now regarding that.

if it isnt obvious i still think its bareum and not yohan, mainly bc there were too many loopholes with the yohan being the killer theory. this brain surgery thing they're using to drag the story and convolute it, and honestly if they carry this out well it's going to be brilliant.

anyway about the brain surgery.

  • complete brain transplants are impossible so i'm glad they didn't go there and considering the world build up, a partial frontal lobe transplant does actually make sense. 
  • now frontal lobes. its true that it makes up our personalities, determine how we interact with others,  is responsible for emotional expression, memories and even problem solving and judgement. but again, even in their world, this was the first transplant, and they have no actual knowledge of how it would affect the recipient, and anything here would be left up to our own theories (that's why they're still monitoring bareum).
  • still memories are a stretch. its a partial transplant only so if its affected anything, it'd be his emotions not his memories those are still all his own. to support this, we had that scene with hongju. like usually, when he meets someone, or is faced with a situation from his past memories he gets flashbacks (his own memories), but when he sees hongju he doesn't recall anything just feels a sting (possibly from yohan's feelings for her). even he later wonders if yohan really cared about her since psychopaths are known to not, and in that moment i think he was questioning if these feelings were yohan's or his own.

about the head hunter:

  • psychopaths are shown to not care about anything else except themselves and things/ppl they consider their own. children but not lovers or friends or family. we've been shown before how possessive han seojun was regarding his offsprings. he killed his previous lover bc she aborted it. so does it make sense now that han seojun would kill his own son who might have still had a chance to recover for the dude his son was trying to kill?
  • his possession over bareum. its not apparent yet, since we don't know everything for now, but it's there, subtly, in his speech, in his behaviour towards bareum. 
    1. his honesty with him (mostly). when bareum asks him for help during investigations, he tells him the truth. we're even shown parallels to this scene. when moochi and the other detective (forgot his name) visited him, no matter how much they yelled or begged he said nothing. he hadn't killed her even but he pretended he didn't remember, it was fun for him to watch them behave like that. but before when bareum asked? it didn't take half the pleading for him to tell him the truth. bc he wanted to help bareum.
    2. his disappointment in not being recognized (i've mentioned this before).
    3. the chief secretory. even she found it strange that after saying all that, han seojun finally agreed to doing the operation, in a situation where he seemingly got no profit from it? i think he'd planned on operating from the beginning, but only fooled around to see if she'd actually accept his request then when he was rejected he acted like he wouldn't to see her beg (he obv enjoys seeing ppl plead to him helplessly). 
    4. this could also be bc he wanted fame (like daniel lee, he mentions that). but this reason clashes with the fact that he doens't really care at all about his achievement being disclosed or not. and it's such a huge one, he's so prideful, why would he be okay with that?
    5. his games with bareum. in which he mixes up truth and lies. he knows yohan isn't his son, but plays along with bareum's delusions. when he tells bareum he hoped he didn't turn out like yohan, he said he meant it and he truly did. but bareum interpreted it differently. (he accepts his concern, bc bareum's smart. he can tell han seojun seems to care about him.)
  • the reason behind his games are clear.
    • he doesn't know what the brain surgery could do to a human. (in fact, whether the thing he said about the mice was true or not is still. he could have said it simply to mess with bareum, but the girl mentions it too, so maybe its true.)  since he doesn't know what could happen, and he can't directly observe bareum, he doesn't know how much yohan's brain affected him and he doesn't want yohan's brain to affect him. 
    • when he first met bareum again, he sees that his eyes have 'changed' and he's disappointed. he's also disappointed that bareum doesn't recognize him. this must be his motive, it's what incited him to lie to bareum, that's why he's playing along with the yohan being his son and the murderer thing (which he knows is false). 
    • he doesn't say anything at first, bc he thinks its temporary. that bareum will return back to normal once he gets his memories back. but then bareum visits him Again, and this time he confesses to recalling violent memories but pins it on yohan. han seojun can tell it's what he truly believes, and from this he probably also understood the extent of the changes the transplant caused, so he lied to him telling him that yeah that's it, that's yohan.
    • he's a doctor, he knows that after transplants, recipients start believing they carry a piece of the donor in them, or that they're slowly becoming the donor. they're in prison and he can't freely talk to bareum, it could get him caught. so instead he plays along with his beliefs, stokes his fears. that way bareum will go back to 'normal' sooner, then he can tell him the truth without exposing him.

writing a separate one about bareum now, this is long enough hdsjkfks

about bareum:

  • he's losing it. that much is apparent. and now that he knows for sure it's yohan, he's going crazier. he obviously hallucinated the brooch and the necklace at the crime scene, bc he was that desperate to prove yohan wasn't a killer.
  • man the parallels in this episode? everything from his childhood repeating itself.
    1. his initial cruelty with animals, then turning to murdering humans. 
    2. all his initial murders being justified (killing his family bc they hurt him, killing the boxer for his father, killing this dude bc he's a psychopath).
    3. the church scene omg. if you still think bareum is innocent after that, i think the writer wrote this really well. he came full circle in that scene. a decade ago he came to the same god, begging to not be turned into a monster, and now he came back again, more desperate this time, begging to not be turned into a monster like yohan. bc like i said before, he does wholeheartedly believe he's a good person and this monster rearing in him is yohan.
  • also his violent tendencies are not bc of the psychopath genes only, it's bc he was already a killer. remember the killer's monologue from the first few eps? where he says that the first murder sparked something in him, after which he couldn't control himself. that's why he's having so much trouble holding back, bc he already know. its not just the voice in his head but also his muscle memories. i mean honestly, if he really was a good person, how hard would it be for him to just. not kill someone? if it really was that tiny part of yohan's brain, why is he struggling so much with his violence?
  • this also says a lot about bareum's true nature imo. he has this victim complex. like all pyschopaths were shown to have some delusional justification to their murders, bareum's lies in his victim complex. he thinks he's a poor little thing turned to a monster bc he was abandoned, by his family, by god. i think to some extent, the head hunter understands too. he knows he needs to give bareum someone, something to blame to turn him into a killer. he hallucinating yohan now, he obviously going to start killing again and say its bc of yohan and bc god abandoned him lol.

if anything, yohan's brain made him human. that must be why he's more desperate than he was as a child (he was kneeling now), that's why he feels this maddening fear, that's why he wants to think he's a good person.

proof its him and not yohan?

  • we see that yohan felt so trapped as the 'head hunter's son' he tried to take his own life. that proves he isn't jaehoon and thus not the killer, bc when jaehoon was beaten by his stepfather, he killed him. yohan wasn't capable of that. 
  • bareum's ease with lying. the first time when bongyi caught him, he looked terrified his lie would be caught (he doesn't yet know what he's capable of, he doesn't think he's a killer). even in the morning he looked worried while lying to moochi. then once he understood that people bought his lies so easily, his lies started slipping like he himself believed them. when moochi found him at the computer, he had a lie ready and it slipped so easily no one would suspect otherwise. 
  • this ep showed his transition into a monster both subtly and obviously. subtly with the lies, obviously with the killings. terrified the first time he nearly killed moochi, off the second time. he didn't care about the damage he was doing when he was pounding the killer, but obv murder is a big deal, so he's again horrified when he realizes he killed him. but unlike the first time he turned to a monster easily, this time he has a bit of human on him which is driving him mad, making him want to cling to his humanity.

in the next ep

  • it could be simply his hallucinations, but i think he started hallucinating after he killed him.
  • he's either gonna be let off bc he lies about self defense (we've seen already how easy lying has become to him). he's in shock himself, so everyone will buy his lie easily.
  • they might suspend him for it, during which he finally becomes a killer. or he's moved to evidence managing team. 
  • if he isn't found, he'll report it himself, bc he knows hiding the murder of a wanted criminal will get him in deeper shit. whatever it is, he's obviously no going to jail yet.
i personally think that head hunter agreed about the surgery because he had 2 goals, the first one was to be the first one to perform surgery on humans brain and to be successful, remember when he talked about daniel lee and said tha he is the god of this field. The second one as u said,  was to recreate  yohan into bareum's body, because he already knew what brain surgery could do , because he told us that he tried it on mouse and succeeded. He wants to control life because he considers him self as a god.  I think he wanted bareum to carry his legacy , in replacement of his son. 

I see that u are still with the theory bareum the evil guy all along. For me, iam still team bareum the good guy, what we see is the decadence of a good guy turning slowly into a murder. It started with him killing the bird at the hospital when he came back , it was just the start of the effect of the brain transplantation. 
The whole episode, bareum tried to deny and proove that yohan wasnt a killer because he was affraid that if it was true he could turn into a monster, i think his actions are genuine and he means it. (and from what we saw at the end , his fear is getting real).Because when bareum recovered memories at the very end we had the confirmation that the killing's memories were from yohan, so assuming that, i think yohan was the first killer. 

When u say that yohan was trapped, the scene when  he tried to kill him self at the hospital , i think that the scene was here to connect  choi hoog jo character with yohan and explain why she was attracted to him, and if u think about it , it happened when yohan was in high school and was bullied hard by others student so it could have been him wanting to stop that bullying , it doesnt imply that he wasnt thinking about killing people at that time. Because when we meet him years later he doesnt have the same eyes , he's more cold blooded .

Do we have the confirmation that the kid who prayed to not be a monster is bareum? Because  the scene of bareum praying is a good parallel if u assume that the kid was yohan,  they both are going the same path, they fear that they become both killers so they are asking god protection.

For the next ep :

We can assume that Woo Young Chu  is dead and it would be bareum's first murder, i think he can easily say that it was self defense and get away , from this point i think bareum will fight against his other personality and say that its not him , and the event that will make him turn completely will be the other killer that got realeased , even if i wanted bong yi to kick the shit out of him i think bareum will save her and kill the other guy. Assuming this path for bareum,i think we might get him as the final killer for the last eps, if they choose to turn him into the vilain.

they could also decide to make him use his killer instinct to solves cases for the police , but not using the dilemma between him and his evil side would be a wast , so turning him into the vilain is more plausible imo.

As usual sorry the eventual mistakes.

ok see the reason i don't believe its yohan is bc of the smell thing. like if yohan was someone who was so sensitive to smell, they would have shown this before. but neither him nor bareum seemed to be and now that's seemingly out of nowhere? yohan was a cold person maybe but he didn't go around cursing or insulting others either, like bareum has been in the past ep. like obv now yohan's dead so every piece of him the show writers wanted to show us, they already have and yohan had the kind of personality that very conveniently aligned with that of being a 'psychopath'.

see as a show writer, it'd be pretty lame if they made it a mystery then revealed the real killer so earlier on don't you think? this isn't just a thriller. also yeah, we don't know Who jaehoon is yet and as of now even the raincoat kid's identity is confusing. but we know jaehoon ends up being the serial killer when he grew up, which is why i said, if yohan was jaehoon why did he murder his own family for mistreating/abusing him but then let a bunch of dudes nearly beat him to death then tried to take his own life.

bc ok, even if yohan was really the killer and maybe at that point he was fed up of everything so he tried to kill himself so he wasn't trapped as the 'head hunter's son', there's again a lot of things that don't add up.

  1. why didn't he kill those boys when they were beating him up? why didn't he fight back even. he didn't need to know how to fight he could have simply picked something around and injured them. psychopaths don't care about how much or where they injure others so why didn't he?
  2. psychopaths, we've been shown thru out the show, clearly care about their lives a lot. even if he wanted to kill himself, if yohan was jaehoon, he would have killed the bullies first then killed himself. remember he killed his brother bc he ratted on him? he almost buried him alive for 'lying'. if they were the same person i don't see why yohan would let them live now he'd torture them, kill them brutally then kill himself.
  3. yohan's life was this bad, he said he felt 'trapped', all bc he was the 'head hunter's son'. he clearly hated it, enough to end his life. so what changed in a few years that led to him murdering someone for his father? the serial killer's first kill was the boxer, and it was his most brutal one too. moochi points out it was revenge, that's how he ended up realizing the killer was the 'head hunter's son'. why would yohan hate someone so much on behalf of the father he hated?

moochi's mistake in investigating was that he hadn't put together all the puzzle pieces. he found a few that fit, forced a few others to fit and with that incomplete picture, concluded indefinitely that yohan was the killer. there were so many things that didn't add up but moochi ignored those and made his own conclusion based on what he wanted to see. i mean, can you imagine such a smart killer leaving bloody shoes in his own garage? 

but for now, i could be wrong. we'll have to wait and see..

Yea I see what u mean, it could still be both, but we have to wait. The other thing confusing is the changing hand of the killer when bong yi fought him and yea also the mint scent. 


Yea I see what u mean, it could still be both, but we have to wait. The other thing confusing is the changing hand of the killer when bong yi fought him and yea also the mint scent. 

actually you know the mint scent is proof bareum hasn't really changed but is only now showing his real color.

i just realized this bc u pointed out but come to think of it the strong sense of smell seemed kind of out the blue in the start. but that day he fought yohan, it was raining heavily. that alone must have washed out most of the scent, but bareum not only managed to sniff it, he even recognized it clearly after that. his memories r in fragments but the smell thing stayed strong enough for him to vividly hallucinate it. 

can't wait to watch the writer put things together in the next few eps this will be fun.

I'm also one that believes that JBR has always been the killer.  It will be fun to watch how he comes to realize that now that his good side is clashing with his nasty self.  

I agree with everything jjonghaos  wrote about Yohan.  A real psychopath would have done something to take revenge on the bullies. Screaming victims and attempting suicide is not something that a young psychopath would have done. For example, the young boy with the two siblings got bitten up by his step-father. He got a good beating at that.  However, after that, he attempted to take his revenge. 

Yohan repels the idea to have offsprings. But the Headhunter clearly wanted one. And JBR is not against marriage either, since he is willing to marry BY. 

Yohan reflects deeply. Yohan is troubled by his family connection. He feels scared. I always felt that 

There is a parallelism between Yohan and JBR. It's when they both look for the girls to be hugged and reassured. JBR has never done that until the "brain transplant" (I'm still deeply hurt that the writer took that route in the story ahah).  Now that JBR has a drop of honest humanity in his body, he has looked for BY to be hugged, because he feels scared.

It would be so funny to keep watching how the story unfolds. 

Many complain because the story is too convoluted.  I mean...didn't they watch episode 1? Of course, this was not going to be easy watching.  But the story is progressing at such a nice speed. Details are unfolding slowly. Ends are tightened even if it takes 8 episodes to do it. For example, I was quite interested to know why the Headhunter (ep1)made a face when reading the newspaper mentioning the remaining of a kid found somewhere in Korea. Finally, I discovered this in ep 9 and 10. 

The story is good! 

Ah ah the more I see jjonghaos talks about his theory the more I get convinced, the scary thing is that we are only at ep 10/20 there is a lot of room for future twists. 

Interesting theory. I have a feeling Yohan's dad wasn't really the killer, so he knows his dad was framed and now the same killer is back and framing him. If Bareum is the killer, then it wouldn't make sense how he fought with the 'killer' in the grandma scene. But, it could be that Yohan went after the grandma knowing the killer would target her next so he hopes to catch the killer in the act, while Bareum was there and fought Yohan then killed the grandma, perfectly framing Yohan as the killer.


Interesting theory. I have a feeling Yohan's dad wasn't really the killer, so he knows his dad was framed and now the same killer is back and framing him. If Bareum is the killer, then it wouldn't make sense how he fought with the 'killer' in the grandma scene. But, it could be that Yohan went after the grandma knowing the killer would target her next so he hopes to catch the killer in the act, while Bareum was there and fought Yohan then killed the grandma, perfectly framing Yohan as the killer.

Yohan's dad you mean head hunter? I don't think he was framed, he was the killer of mo Chi's parents 

For me this ep was good,  I predicted what would happen but I found they this ep was a bit lazy in his writing am I the only one? 

The first thing was Dr Lee's recurrence,  why did they skip that part and not explained how he did survive, and watching the scene I was like oh he's Back but why? (they will probably explain it afterwards) 

And also the fact that he is in a basement and he has all the équipement for DNA test, and I mean he is supposed to be dead how did he get the équipement for him self. 

In the last scene, when bong yi fought the killer at the end, she jumped on him to give him the edge on the fight, she had the surprise factor, they showed us her training  (I suppose for years, she is strong) she could easily take him down, but she was acting dumb in the fight. It was obvious that bareum would save her but making her dumb just for this moment at the end, I didn't like that. 

And bareum coming at the scene at the right timing, and I suppose because he got a call from choi Hong joo, he was a bit out of the blue. ( it will be explained for sure) 

When watching this ep I was a bit disappointed, and it was rushed at some moments. 

regarding the last two eps:

  1. bareum and his 'aunt'.
    • i think it was pretty obvious she isn't his real aunt. she showed up out of nowhere and acts strangely around him, like she's trying to make him believe he's someone he isn't.
    • first, the favorite food thing. there's two ways to go about this - one that she randomly made it up on spot saying it was bareum's favorite, maybe just simply, maybe to see the extent to which he's willing to believe her lies. two (leaning towards this one bc no one would take up that job without research), she knew it was supposed to be his favorite food and when he acted up liked that, it must have scared her to find out how far he's been lying about himself.
    • isn't it strange thou? that even the doctor who operated on him doesn't know the extent to which this surgery would change him but this woman seems increasingly terrified of bareum? the neurosurgeon said that it wasn't supposed to affect him, han seojun said he didn't want yohan to take over him implying he himself wasn't sure if this was possible in humans, but she's somehow terrified of bareum. like why would she be, he was supposed to be a good person before the surgery, and the doctors say it shouldn't change him too much. she obviously knows smth the others don't about bareum.
  2. daniel lee.
    • another weirdo. honestly when i first saw him i really wondered why the writers dropped him here out of nowhere. i had a theory then, and its starting to make sense now so i'll go over it. this is gonna be kinda long so i'll split it into daniel and yohan then daniel and bareum.
  3. daniel lee and yohan.
    • i knew yohan couldn't have killed him bc its very unlikely that yohan was a killer at all, but i don't think bareum killed him either bc the pattern was different so it actually makes sense he's alive and his murder was staged.
    • now idk how they're going to make the staged murder make sense, since you know, the body was identified right? but it'd been in water for long and was bloated so it was identified by dna and obv that must have been forged (he himself was a big researcher so it might not too much of a stretch for someone in forensics to switch the reports).
    • that night yohan and him met. personally i think that was the night yohan found out his 'step-brother' was a psychopath. here's how i think things went. the killings started before they met, so yohan must have been receiving those pictures and possibly threats too (which is why he doesn't take them to the cops). then he gets a call from daniel lee saying he wants to meet where he gets the report.
    • when yohan finds out about his mother's birth son, he finally understands why he's been receiving those photos. he knows with a conviction then that his step brother's the killer, bc no other serial killer would be this obsessed with him.
    • now the amusement park night might have not been the first night they met (i could be wrong but who meets strangers in places like that, esp daniel lee, like he was going to meet han seojun's son he isn't insane). that night, they must have been there on purpose to carry out the plan they'd already made. to stage a murder, what better place would they find than a closed amusement park.
    • why they stage daniel lee's death?
      1. to save him. they both must have feared that eventually maybe the killer would target daniel lee (the killer had a clear attachment to han seojun so maybe as revenge or smth for his father). then later after yohan's death daniel lee comes out of his shell to play this game with bareum, bc if he doesn't do anything now yohan's death would be in vain.
      2. to frame bareum. pretty sloppy framing imo, but still most of the detectives seemed to believe it was the killer. don't think it's likely thou bc yohan carried the report with him (which he must have burned instead of handing to the police for his mother).
      3. maybe they were playing a game with him. to draw him out so they could catch him themselves. like with all those pictures yohan had, he knew that he could have been very easily framed. but framing him for daniel lee's murder was like publicly framing him, and maybe that's why bareum killed his friend in retaliation, which screwed up yohan's plans bc no normal person would be able to keep going after that. it was a warning clearly. 'mess with me, and i'll take out everyone you love' caging yohan in again, which might also be why he destroyed the report.

bareum and daniel lee. 

  • you know what i said about how it was weird that his 'aunt' seemed to know smth others didn't. daniel lee is that one other person. his area of research is genetics not the brain or brain transplants, so how would he know smth even han seojun isn't sure of yet.
  • the discrepancy in daniel lee and han seojun's words to bareum. han seojun, the neurosurgeon, who experimented with this for years and performed the surgery tells bareum that he 'hopes' yohan doesn't take over him. daniel lee majoring in genetics, having nothing to do with a research performed by a serial killer on his victims, tells bareum confidently that 'yohan's brain will encroach on his, will take over his mind'.
  • that's funny on so many different levels, like for one, neurons are permanent cells, they don't multiple so what encroaching? and two, he's saying exactly what bareum been fearing while every other doctor tells him the opposite. like he's catering to his fears, feeding it.
  • also his 'aunt'. and that dude with the tattoos. they seem to know bareum better than the detectives or doctors do. bc they know smth the others don't. why would that woman pretend to be the aunt of someone she fears? who asked her to do that? it's all obviously daniel lee. 
  • the way his aunt usually tells him that he's a good, kind person and all like she's trying to sell it to him. the slip in her act was the way she acted around her child. the terror of leaving him alone with bareum, bc this play is smth she can risk her life for but no mother can risk their child. bareum hasn't read too deeply into this yet, bc he believes she's his aunt and he's guilty of what he nearly did so he thinks of it as reasonable. but eventually, she's going to be how he confronts daniel lee.
  • the dude with the tattoos was probably told to stop moochi if he tried to reach bongyi, bc daniel lee knew that bareum would eventually cave into his desire to kill, that there was no way bareum would let go of such convenient prey. 
  • his reason? its obviously revenge.
    1. the head hunter. who killed his sister bc she didn't bear his child. he's toying around with bareum, making him a killer he knows will rely on him. bc bareum now depends on daniel lee to select his victims, it'd be easy for daniel to collect evidence against him and finally have him arrested for all his crimes.  
      • in the preview, maybe that's why daniel lee lies to him about moochi being a predator. he first made sure bareum trusted him, then made him kill someone innocent so that he'd be indicted. 
      • there's a parallelism here with moochi. moochi who wanted to kill han seojun in front of his son, so his son would have to live with the pain he went thru. and daniel lee wanting to destroy han seojun's son, the only person precious to him in front of han seojun, so he suffers for what he did to his sister.
    2. if i'm right about him and yohan colluding, it's revenge for what he did to yohan too, it's so that yohan's sacrifice doesn't go to waste. 

also, that scene when he buried the cat and put a cross over it? it's bc he still believes god is protecting him since he hasn't killed any innocent human yet. i don't think moochi will die yet, bc if he does i don't think they'll be anyone capable or willing enough to catch bareum. even if moochi's a 'predator', he hasn't commited murder yet, so for now bareum will probably just watch him. moochi thou, already started recalling "yohan's" murders. with bareum's body count increasing, he'll increasingly be reminded of that killer and start questioning himself, till he's finally faced with another one of the cross murders where's he'll be horrified to realize he killed the wrong person in his mad chase.

that's funny on so many different levels, like for one, neurons are permanent cells, they don't multiple so what encroaching? and two, he's saying exactly what bareum been fearing while every other doctor tells him the opposite. like he's catering to his fears, feeding it.

This is very well spotted. Daniel Lee is the craziest of all. 

The aunt must have been a stable figure in JBR's life for a  least a good decade. She knows something and she is also acting weird.  

What I'm more interested to discover is how JBR will react when he will realise that "the boy" he didn't save when he was young, was in fact, Oh Bong Yi.