I figured that out lol

You're right there, I created this account just to review this series. But this is my first account so nothings been ever deleted


BLLover1313  Is a troll who joinded this site (just this month) just to have fights and pester people over their beloved series. Pay no attention to this person. This isn't their first account by the way, the previous one got deleted by MyDramaList. 

Bingo. And why are all of you feeding the troll? They only go away if you ignore them. 

Trolls don't go away if you ignore them, that's never been true.  

You are absolutely right

First of all no one asked you to reply in my discussion. It was meant for people who genuinely found this series shit

Come on...how can you possibly say this is "the worst drama ever" when the charbroiled dog turd that is NITIMAN is still floating around out there?

If you don't like it, fine.  But why do you have to be an a$$ about it?  Geez...

I don't think I WAS an ass about it. You do. I don't care.

@FrothyMix , my post wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at the original poster.  Sorry for the confusion.

Oh sorry...there goes my paranoia again. Yeah, the reviewer was a bit of a dick.

OMG now people are hating on Nitiman .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

NITIMAN is one of the all-time worst BLs. Why WOULDN'T people be hating on it? lol

I have watched a lot of BLs and can promise you there are worse ones lol

Me too, and for me I'm entirely serious: NITIMAN was one of the worst. NOTHING happened and most of the acting, especially from the  chubby lead, was horrendously bad. It was just boring...which is worse than being aggressively bad.