In time with's about longtime friend and become one sided love. I totally love this drama as it is not only about a couple love but about family bond (I love how Yo Qing's parents treat each other..not in a romance way but as a partner).
-->>Devil Beside You!<<--- Watch it! Love it! Embrace it!
It started with a kiss + They kiss again (this complete version of Itazura na kiss/playfull kiss :D )

Black & White (great cop drama! Vic Zhou!!) Silence (tearjerker...also Vic Zhou) Mars (one of my ALL time favs! And one of Vic Zhou's best imo) Autumn's Concerto (epic love story) Meteor Garden (it's over 10 yrs old but it's still a must see. I wouldn't bother with MG2 though) Down With Love (great rom-com w/ Ella Chen and Jerry Yan) Devil Beside You (if you like dramas geared towards younger people and kind of silly. Mike He is super hot though) Why Why Love (More Mike He! I'll admit, I liked the first half way better than the second half)