Realmente no quiero que mis disculpas queden vacías. Si te ofendí en algo, me disculpo, si molesté a algún administrador me disculpo, si mis palabras fueron incorrectas también me disculpo, si me expresé incorrectamente me disculpo.

Nunca he querido dañar a nadie ni dañar a otros usuarios. Incluso si no era mi intención, provocó algo que realmente no quería. Por eso estoy dispuesto a recibir cualquier crítica. Si te lastimé de alguna manera, puedes escribirme en privado y me disculparé sin poner excusas.
Creo que te estás excediendo un poco con las disculpas. El hilo no se cerró debido a lo que has dicho.
I'm truly sorry with all my heart.

If you're going through something, expressing your feelings is not wrong—that’s the whole point of building a community, whether it’s on social media or elsewhere. Sharing your story wasn’t wrong, but being insistent on immediate action may have come across negatively. That said, I don’t think anyone would have been offended by what you said since you were simply stating facts. However, staying fixated on a single topic when others might not be as interested could be the reason the thread was revamped .

So, relax. Life is full of such small-big ups and downs. There’s no need to take it to heart.

but being insistent on immediate action may have come across negatively.

staying fixated on a single topic when others might not be as interested

Well said! The girl knows how to play victim though. Now she blocked me as though I was the one who harassed her. She's good in "lowkey provocation". But who cares!!