—Ah thanks for that tidbit! So it’s LG observations that Lee Rim is after immortality. 

—LOL pretty ironic 

—wtf that would be incest one sided love, as if SJ life isn’t crazy enough lol I got the shivers hahaha  —I doubt it, this show has many coincidences, so I don’t think it’s too coincidental that TE mom died due to cancer in the same year as the assassination. I’m sorry my mind is murky and I don’t recall that remark Lee Rim made haha

In episode 9, LR said, "Kang Sin-jae, the wrong move I made.  And Jeong Tae-eul, the move I didn't make". 

JTE and SJ seem to have a strong bond.  SJ is drawn to her, but it could be brotherly, like Luke and Leia Skywalker :)


In episode 9, LR said, "Kang Sin-jae, the wrong move I made.  And Jeong Tae-eul, the move I didn't make". 

JTE and SJ seem to have a strong bond.  SJ is drawn to her, but it could be brotherly, like Luke and Leia Skywalker :)

That is very, very interesting line! Hahaha Thank you! Hmmm...what does that mean? I don’t know how I would decipher that haha — “the move I didn’t make...” I feel like you can interpret this line in two different ways 

•the first interpretation is that he regrets not switching TE and Luna but the big question is why? What’s so special about these girls? And is he indicating that switching SJ was a wrong move because SJ Korean family turned out to be losers in life with their dramatic problems? 

•or it could mean that the girls were switched but it wasn’t him that did it hence, “the move i didn’t make...” 

LOL nice stars wars reference! You get 100 golden star stickers! 

LR didn't know about Luna until his bookstore aide told him about her, so he seemed to be interested only in TE at first. By the way, do you think he was the one who poisoned her? That must have been the reason he had been hanging around their compound. 

I think LR regretted moving SJ to Korea for the reason you cited - problematic new parents.  I wonder if SJ's dad being in jail has any significance. 

Hahaha, I could not help thinking of Luke and Leia when it seemed SJ had a crush on TE, who treated him like a brother, like Luke having a crush on Leia when he saw her recording.

  1. You have a good memory. I supposed it’s possible haha 

Hahaha one more day until eternal king and we will hopefully get more answers