The Sign (Premonition):

Blending fiction with fantasy, Tharn is a boy who, since birth, can sense if someone is in danger.

When he meets Phaya and saves him from drowning in the Mekong River, he feels like he has known this boy for a much longer time, as if in a past life.

Over the years, both join the training of the SEAL unit (naval special forces) to enter the Special Investigation Unit (IDF). From then on, their story begins, filled with many cases to uncover the truth.

The story of "Phaya" and "Tharn," two young men bound by a mysterious connection since ancient times, unfolds into a tale of intertwined destinies. Unbeknownst to both, their paths cross unexpectedly during a riverside festival when they were still children. Tharn, a boy with a predestined fate, saves Phaya from an unforeseen water accident, setting in motion a life haunted by nightmares and physical pain for Phaya. In these dreams, he encounters menacing creatures—a dark, shadowy figure with glowing red eyes that relentlessly seeks to harm him, leaving Phaya tormented, as if he is under the influence of some mysterious poison.

The trailer showcases mythological creatures, specifically Naga (Babe, Freen and Heng) and Garuda (Billy).

For context:

In Thai mythology, the stories of Naga and Garuda are often intertwined and connected to various cultural and religious narratives. One prominent story involves a conflict between these two mythical beings.

**The Harmony and Strife of Naga and Garuda:**

Once, in the mystical waters of Thailand, Nagas were revered as protectors of treasures and sources of life. But a cosmic rivalry brewed with the Garuda, a magnificent bird embodying the strength of the air. This clash symbolized the eternal dance between elements—water and air, a harmony sought yet not easily attained.

**Vinata's Plight and Garuda's Birth:**

In the ancient saga, Vinata (mother of Garuda), a co-wife to sage Kashyapa, found herself in servitude to Kadru ( mother of Naga). To break free, she made a fateful bargain involving her son, Garuda. His birth, a marvel, unfolded with wings of an eagle and the heart of a warrior. Thus began Garuda's tale, a saga of devotion and cosmic quests.

**Garuda's Noble Quest for Amrita:**

Garuda's wings carried him on a perilous journey to secure the nectar of immortality. His purpose: to release his mother from the chains of servitude. Battling deities and overcoming challenges, Garuda's determination shone, revealing a heart torn between duty and personal gain.

**The Symbolic Struggle with Nagas:**

In the cosmic tapestry, Garuda's relationship with Nagas is woven with symbolic strife. At times, tales tell of Garuda consuming Nagas, a representation of the perpetual conflict between opposing forces in the natural order.


These intertwined stories, whether in the folklore of Thailand or the sagas of Hindu mythology, paint a canvas of cosmic harmony, rivalry, and the eternal quest for balance. Naga and Garuda, in their mythical splendor, offer timeless lessons of devotion, sacrifice, and the intricate dance of elements in the vast tapestry of existence.

Thank Spur for providing context to the mythology. Can you recommend some books on this topic?

There are videos about it on YouTube 🥰