For everyone thinking about starting this drama or not, giving this drama a chance, wondering if it's really that good, etc., heed my advice and warning:
Do Not Watch It! It will ruin you!!
It will make any other drama you watch after this to feel bland and tasteless.
The OTP will forever scar your heart, allowing no other to approach.
Your life will be meaningless if you don't check out something related to the drama/novel/anime/actors every single day!
You will be humming the OST in inappropriate places.
It will make you sad that you're not an artist/aspiring poet/writer/philosopher/musician (well if you're not) to reflect your deep thoughts & feelings after the drama ends into your creative works.
It will make your wanna read the novel, watch the animation, listen to the audio drama, be in the look out for every possible adaptation of this great story until there's nothing left to do. And then rinse & repeat!
It will make your want to rewatch it again and again and again, instead of trying to watch any of the hundreds of other dramas/movies/tv shows that are patiently waiting for you to give them a chance in your list.
So, you'd better not watch it. Go find something else. Give your life a chance. Watch every other drama in your list first, and then, only then, come to it, at last!!! :)
lol Okay, thanks for the warning. I think I'm being brave though and try my luck before I work myself through the unending bunch of my plan to watch list. ^^ I've been there before after watching Guardian so I think I might survive a second time. XD
Good thing the novel is already sitting here and waiting in case I need it after watching The Untamed. But first there are some other dramas waiting.
Or you may not. This is very different from the Guardian. Don't say we haven't warned you. XD. Have fun!
Thank you. :) I'm actually only comparing my state after watching Guardian to the possible state I'll be in after The Untamed not the dramas. XD Anyway, I'm excited for The Untamed and will risk it, since I need to watch this drama. ^^
???? ???? ???? Wow glad that i'm not the only one affected by this drama. I took 3 days off work as I couldn't stop myself from watching nonstop. But at least I got a closer in the finale after the roller-coaster of emotions I've lived through the 50 episodes(cried in almost every episode) .
I definitely won't be watching any other drama anytime soon.
I've been there before after watching Guardian so I think I might survive a second time. XDYin-Taiyo:
Guardian <3 Whenever someone mentions Guardian I'm unable to remain quiet, so I'm going to share my personal experience with you, I hope you won't mind. So, last year I suffered from "Guardian fever" and I must tell you I was a severe case! It's been over a year and I'm still as obsessed with this drama as I was from day one. Guardian is a very special drama to me, it has wrapped itself around my heart and it can't seem to let me go. If I were to tell you how much time and money I've invested in this drama you'd call me crazy! From translating the whole drama plus some of my favorite chapters from the novel to my own language; starting to learn a little bit of (very basic) Chinese and resorting to various dictionaries in order to make my translations the best I could possible make them (according to my limitations, of course) when I realized the English subtitles were not perfect and I wanted to translate some sentences that I found particularly important straight from Chinese; spending whole nights awake reading fanfictions, not to mention the amount of tears I've cried over this drama, novel, fanfictions, and even over the stories I made up in my mind (it's that embarrassing); I even spent lots of money in merchandising and I barely ever waste money on anything, I save like crazy and only buy things that I really need (I still use some of the clothes I wore when I was 15, and that was 10 years ago).
As for The Untamed. I watched it and I did love it :D However, it wasn't able to touch me the same way Guardian did, not even close to it. The Untamed is definitely a good drama and it is even one of my favorites, but it could not even come close to that special place at the top, that only Guardian owns in my heart. However, every person is different. I know both people who loved Guardian last year and now love The Untamed even more, as well as people who loved Guardian last year and didn't like The Untamed all that much.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that, every once in a while, I tend to go back and read a few reviews and comments about the dramas that I've watched, I find it interesting. And I've noticed that many people describe the way they feel towards The Untamed exactly the same way as I describe what I feel towards Guardian. In my opinion, and based on what I've read, I believe that both Guardian and The Untamed have in common the way they touch certain people. People describe their love for those dramas has something not properly rational, but more on an emotional level. It's as if those dramas were able to touch us in a way that's way deeper than a rational level. They touch people's heart, our soul, and that's why many people can't move on. As if those dramas work some magic on us, enchanting us, I don't really know how to explain, and that's exactly the point. It's not something that can be explain, it has to be felt. Of course, everyone is different. The "magic" of The Untamed didn't work on me, but the "magic" of Guardian has thoroughly ruined me, bewitching me, taking over me. And I'm sure the opposite must have happened to other people. It all comes down to what touches our heart and we'll never know until we try.
Overall, I think you should definitely give The Untamed a chance. If you're like me and it fails to steal your heart, you'll most likely still enjoy it as much as I did, nevertheless. And on the other hand, if you catch "The Untamed fever", won't that be awesome? :D I would have loved that to happen to me ^^
On a side note, if you know of a way I can get over Guardian, please let me know. It's been over a year and it's getting ridiculous. I still have chills every time I watch the first seconds of the opening. I believe I will only be able to let this drama go when I find another drama that takes hold of my heart and soul, that is able to move me the way only Guardian was able to, and I don't know when, if ever, that is going to happen. If you know of a drama that you think can work that magic, please, let me know ;)
Oh, and sorry for the long rant but... welll... it's Guardian. So, blame Guardian, please forgive me ;)
So, last year I suffered from "Guardian fever" and I must tell you I was a severe case! It's been over a year and I'm still as obsessed with this drama as I was from day one. Guardian is a very special drama to me, it has wrapped itself around my heart and it can't seem to let me go. If I were to tell you how much time and money I've invested in this drama you'd call me crazy! From translating the whole drama plus some of my favorite chapters from the novel to my own language; starting to learn a little bit of (very basic) Chinese and resorting to various dictionaries in order to make my translations the best I could possible make them (according to my limitations, of course) when I realized the English subtitles were not perfect and I wanted to translate some sentences that I found particularly important straight from Chinese; spending whole nights awake reading fanfictions, not to mention the amount of tears I've cried over this drama, novel, fanfictions, and even over the stories I made up in my mind (it's that embarrassing);Miyo:
OMG you just described me towards The Untamed!!
I haven't watched Guardian (yet), and to tell you truth I'm sceptical on if it would touch me that way, mainly because it's set in the modern era, and I tend to enjoy period/historical/costume dramas much more than modern ones. But at least it has fantasy, and I like the timeless love/reincarnation(?) thingie on its plot, so I'm sure I'll watch it someday, and/or read the novel it's based on.
In my opinion, and based on what I've read, I believe that both Guardian and The Untamed have in common the way they touch certain people. People describe their love for those dramas has something not properly rational, but more on an emotional level. It's as if those dramas were able to touch us in a way that's way deeper than a rational level. They touch people's heart, our soul, and that's why many people can't move on. As if those dramas work some magic on us, enchanting us, I don't really know how to explain, and that's exactly the point. It's not something that can be explain, it has to be felt.Miyo:
You're so right on this, it's not something that can be described, it has to be felt. And I'm starting wondering if the way The Untamed resonates to my heart and it doesn't for some other people has to do with how our souls doesn't resonate in the same wavelength - does this even make sense? Lol I'm getting crazy here!
And I'm starting wondering if the way The Untamed resonates to my heart and it doesn't for some other people has to do with how our souls doesn't resonate in the same wavelength - does this even make sense? Lol I'm getting crazy here!Estelll:
Yes, it makes total sense! It's probably in no way scientific at all, but that's exactly what I think. And it applies to all art forms. That's why some people are sensitive to a particular music and others don't feel anything when they listen to it. The same goes for beauty, and so on...
You're not getting crazy at all. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me :)
I haven't watched Guardian (yet), and to tell you truth I'm sceptical on if it would touch me that way, mainly because it's set in the modern era, and I tend to enjoy period/historical/costume dramas much more than modern ones. But at least it has fantasy, and I like the timeless love/reincarnation(?) thingie on its plot, so I'm sure I'll watch it someday, and/or read the novel it's based on.Estelll:
I don't really have any preferences when it comes to historical or modern dramas, even though I must admit I love the long hair and traditional clothing :D I watch pretty much anything as long as I find the story interesting. As for the fantasy, that's actually a genre I usually dislike and it actually took me a while to decide watching Guardian because of it. I must warn you that the special effects/CG are quite bad in Guardian, worse than in The Untamed (I'm not very sensitive to those aspects; I don't really pay much attention to those details, because I tend to focus more on the story, characters and their relationships - that's what truly matters to me. But even I can see the CG is not that great).
As for the love and reincarnation, I can't describe how much I love it! It's one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever seen. It's a love that surpassed life and death and that has lasted for over 10.000 years (in the drama; 5.000 years in the novel, I have no idea why they changed the time period). Unfortunately, Chinese censorship had to remove the reincarnation part. What's interesting is that the actors read the novel, so they act according to the original story. We can see that they've known each other from the first moment they met (they literally throw at our faces that the main lead knows the other man from a previous life, even though they eventually have to make up an excuse to pass the censorship, but we all know what they've been insinuating right from the start; the reincarnation concept is present throughout the whole drama, although it's concealed). The drama had to change the original story drastically, because the novel included many superstitious elements that the censorship forbids in modern era dramas, which is very sad. However the actors portrayed the exact same characters we get to know in the novel, so it's as if the drama was an alternative universe the original characters from the novel lived in, which ends up being kind of amusing.
Of course, I can't know for sure if this story is going to touch you or not, because, just like you've said, our souls might not resonate in the same wavelength (that's a very interesting insight, thanks for sharing) :)
You tell no lies lol It is taking me forever to finish because I binged it for so many episodes then realized I was nearing the end and slowed down tremendously. Gonna read the manga and listen to the audio book when school ends. Legit, not even finished and I'm already ruined. I haven't felt this way since Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms *le sigh* Even the background from my laptop that I've had FOREVER is now Wuxian and Wanji :-)
I haven't watched Guardian (yet), and to tell you truth I'm sceptical on if it would touch me that way, mainly because it's set in the modern era, and I tend to enjoy period/historical/costume dramas much more than modern ones. But at least it has fantasy, and I like the timeless love/reincarnation(?) thingie on its plot, so I'm sure I'll watch it someday, and/or read the novel it's based on.Estelll:
I can totally recommend to give Guardian a chance. It partly plays in the past and the fantasy part is well done. It actually was my first Chinese Drama and the one that keeps giving me hope when I'm once again disappointed by a C-Drama. I just couldn't find any C-Drama that could compare to Guardian until now. I think The Untamed might actually be the first that could fill that empty spot beside Guardian in my favorites list.
I started The Untamed today and watched 4 episodes in a row. ;) So I guess you could say, count me in to the fandom. ^^
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