Its Han Seojun for me. Love his outgoing personality, his humor and his love for his family and friends.  I also like people who express them self vs those who show cold front. 

its funny because in the webtoon i am team suho all the way, but god damn for the drama seojun just....he, GOD MY HEART CAN'T LIKE THE ACTOR FOR SEOJUN JUST DOES SUCH A GOOD JOB PLAYING HIM CUZ AAAAAAH MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT!!!


he's cute but hot at the same time. also love his personality!  on the outside, he can appear indifferent but on the inside, he's just a little cuddly bear! also a plus is that he's smart so i could hit him up for hw help lol

seojun obv , why? because he's seojun.

Hands down  Team Suho. JK and Suho  give out couple vibes where as Seojun and JK seem fun 'sibling-lish' duo. Plus Suho is purely my type.


Hands down  Team Suho. JK and Suho  give out couple vibes where as Seojun and JK seem fun 'sibling-lish' duo. Plus Suho is purely my type.

its  " you " not jk [ just saying, real sorry if it came out mean ]


seojun obv , why? because he's seojun.

I totally agree!

He and Lim Joo Kyung  are great friends and in the real relationship friendship is as important as sexual attraction. All this romantic love fades over time, but friendship provides a strong fundation for a long-term relationship. This is why I prefer understanding Seojun over the akward Suho.

(And he's much more handsome ofc).


I totally agree!

He and Lim Joo Kyung  are great friends and in the real relationship friendship is as important as sexual attraction. All this romantic love fades over time, but friendship provides a strong fundation for a long-term relationship. This is why I prefer understanding Seojun over the akward Suho.

(And he's much more handsome ofc).

seojun supremacy lmao

I prefer Seojun because:

In my opinion he's more handsome and most importantly he caught my eye first. He is really distinct and I didn't really notice Suho when I watched some clips. In true beauty, I think Seojun's character is more unique, Suho just looks like an ordinary school boy for me. I also think that Seojun's character is unique because he gave up the person he loved because he knew that she liked Suho. You can't argue that a lot of people can be determined enough to give up their love. 


Suho in the webtoon,seojun in the drama!

Ofc Seojun. From his looks to his personality, his dressing sense, his sense of humour- everything is perfect. 

Suho is really cute and sweet and I like Seojun too but I choose Suho because one of my favorite scenes was when he was dancing to a cute song to send to Jukyung and it made me smile a lot and I just like him more. Also in terms of relationship, I thought Jukyung and Seojun were really cute as best friends and not anymore than that.