Have You Ever...?

butterfly Mar 10, 2024

Have You Ever...?

Pick the one that you did do. But if the two choices are things you did before, pick the one that you did recently.

0 candidates
Played 39 times Like Entertainment Report


  • 1
    Rewatched a drama or movie more than once
    15 votes
  • 2
    Finished a drama in a day
    8 votes
  • 3
    ever completely failed while telling a joke
    4 votes
  • 4
    Doodled while a teacher was talking
    2 votes
  • 5
    Had multiple crushes at the same time
    2 votes
  • 6
    Started several books and not finished a single one
    2 votes
  • 7
    ever used a pick-up line
    1 votes
  • 8
    ever re-gifted a gift
    1 votes
  • 9
    had a crush on a teacher
    1 votes
  • 10
    “Cleaned” by shoving a mess into a closet
    1 votes

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