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GrumpyNana Sep 15, 2024
27 Titles Loves
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  • Because of Meeting You

    1. Because of Meeting You

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 56 episodes


    Ack, I couldn't even make it through the first episode.  That this was going to be over two days worth of scheming and malicious intent was made painfully evident in the first 10 minutes...hard no.

  • Flavour It's Yours

    2. Flavour It's Yours

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 25 episodes


    Slap stick comedy isn't my gig, nor are over exaggerated characters.  Crap dubbing that makes my ears bleed and something from 2019 should not have the same 'feel' as something from the 80's...yet here we are.

    I had to drop it.

  • Don't Disturb My Study

    3. Don't Disturb My Study

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    I gave this eight stars because I think I would have loved it when I was 15, so it must have some merit.  I'm almost half a century past that now, a lot more critical and demanding of intelligent writing regardless of the genre.  I've very much lost my patience for cliche scenes, behaviours and characters...sigh.

  • The Best Day of My Life

    4. The Best Day of My Life

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 14 episodes


    Childish.  Cliche infested. Exhausted plot paths.

  • Memory of Encaustic Tile

    5. Memory of Encaustic Tile

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 34 episodes

    I found this to be juvenile, both the characters and the intelligence level of the writing.  I watched three episodes and just couldn't get into it because so much of each was filled with very little substance...just teenagers behaving like absolutely no teenager I've ever met...or imagined, for that matter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • The Tale of Rose

    6. The Tale of Rose

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 38 episodes


    Full stars for casting, acting and production but, I had to drop it after nine episodes.  A guy is constantly hurting you and all he has to do is show up and aggressively kiss you and then everything is okay...every time???  Sigh, to each his own I guess.

    Not my thing, but everyone else seems to like it.

  • Be Together

    7. Be Together

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 35 episodes


    Six stars to be counted as 9.9  for casting, acting and all the production worker bees that make a thing happen.

    Dubbing was cringy in parts.

    The writing? It made me itchy.  I felt like I was watching years of the lives of a multitude of completely different species  where none spoke the same language and all behaved according to their individual and very different planetary customs.

  • Love Is Panacea

    8. Love Is Panacea

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 34 episodes


    I just couldn't get into it.  This is my second attempt.

    I found the whole thing to be slow and low budget because of the cinematography.  I all out groaned when the ML came walking in through a translucent haze in the first or second episode...gag.

    I also found the writing for the FL to be considerably less intelligent that the character warranted.

  • Tears in Heaven

    9. Tears in Heaven

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 41 episodes


    After only a few minutes into the first episode, I had to flee for my the sake of my sanity.  It only took that long to clearly see that this was going to be a cliche hell.

    -cringy dubbing.
    -adult women sounding like pouty, immature 10 year olds.
    -script sounding like it was written by a pouty, immature 10 year old.

    Because the script appears to have been written by a child, the three points above are just the tip of the iceberg...but I don't want to waste the energy writing them all out.

  • Sunshine by My Side

    10. Sunshine by My Side

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes


    Dropped after 3 episodes because the writing was...well...groan.  I think both of the leads deserved better.

    The points below start right from the first episode, so I was already angry.  However, I did give it a chance and watched two more episodes which just added fuel to the fire.

    -The ML's bestie is like a swarm of gnats, noisy and annoying.  

    -Right away there is the harbinger of doom...the love shape...this one starts as a triangle...just stop.

    -The ML's boss is a parasite.

    -The FL's husband is a philandering, narcissist who wants his cake and every other piece of cake that walks by in a skirt.


  • Qing Luo

    11. Qing Luo

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    If you're into cheesy, cliche ridden stories that have a lot of over exaggerated characters and enough pot holes in the story to drop the differentials on a Humvee...this is the one for you.  I just watched the ML in The Blood of Youth (which was brilliant) and came here hoping  to find the same...NOT!  

    I painfully watched the first two episodes in their entirety, this broke me so I started skipping ahead and watched bits of a subsequent ones in hopes of the production redeeming itself...NOPE!

    I finally had to drop it to save my sanity.

  • Love and Redemption

    12. Love and Redemption

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 59 episodes


    Childish. I couldn't even get through the first episode.

  • Love Better Than Immortality

    13. Love Better Than Immortality

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    I'm not a fan of adults sounding like children or over exaggerated 'comedy' so, after a few torturous minutes of listening to the FL's character, I had to drop it.

  • The Legendary Life of Queen Lau

    14. The Legendary Life of Queen Lau

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes


    Not my thing.  I'm all for a good comedy, but I prefer it to be intelligently written and believable...this is neither.

  • Wulin Heroes

    15. Wulin Heroes

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    I copy-pasted the following reviews from Viki  because they are my people... we  three were obviously separated at birth.

    From jjmabae_80:
    "omg - what in going on here? i know Cdramas love FLs to act like children but this particular type of FL was too hard to watch. How can anybody be this stupid, dense, clueless and easily manipulated over and over and over again. exhausting. And the storyline was boring and the characters were terrible. I even tried to jump episodes hoping it will get better - nope. it was consistent in its terrible-ness. You should skip this unless you were really desperate to watch something".

    From v26gemini_554:
    "I don't know if I have the strength to persevere with this rubbish... In the first place, how did she manage to lose her ability to become invisible?... It simply disappeared without explanation after the first episode... This would have helped her avoid these unpleasant situations -- like dying... And how come these men are so obsessed with her?.... She does not give an aura of a woman capable of inspiring obsession... In fact if I were a man, I'd dump her sorry ass in 2 seconds... And I know, I know, she's supposed to be "naive and innocent"... However that should not equate to stupidity and total lack of common sense... I wish these writers would stop making "innocent" = "stupid and gullible".

  • Miss Crow with Mr. Lizard

    16. Miss Crow with Mr. Lizard

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes


    Almost every male character in this series behaves like an absolute dick participant in a HUGE pissing contest.  

    While I think the ML is a good actor, someone else coined his characters correctly as...always with the 'stink face'...same for this series.

    I only made it to episode 5 before I fled.  They gathered all the nauseating character and situational cliches ever created by lazy writers/directors/producers/editors, fed it to themselves then collectively barfed it onto a storyboard.  

    Did it ever have the potential to be something intelligent...yes...if it's journey from pen to product had only been passed through hands that were attached to intelligent minds keen on quality rather than quantity.

  • Romance of a Twin Flower

    17. Romance of a Twin Flower

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes


    I had to drop it at episode 7.   I can't handle anymore of the adult women talking and sounding like 5 year olds.

    If you're young, not interested in the intelligence value of a show or just want to look at eye candy, have at 'er.

    The leads are good, they've made good with the not so good material they had to work with.   I found a lot of the support actors to not seem to have the same level of experience or perhaps ability.

    I think this script, in better hands, would have had the opportunity to shine across the genres it's meant to span.

  • Miss the Dragon

    18. Miss the Dragon

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes


    I'm 3 episodes in and I'm done.  

    The dialogues are something I would expect of a 6th grader.

    The 1st FL's character...child like...too simple for an adult.

    The 2nd FL's character...childish...adult sounds like a spoilt 5 year old.

    Initial events are ragged, disjointed and rushed...also written by a 6th grader.

  • The Princess and the Werewolf

    19. The Princess and the Werewolf

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    I'm going to write as I watch so there will be continuous editing. First episode started off quite well, I adore the FL's acting and character. The script and plot also have potential. I'm not sure of a lot of things, but I am absolutely positive that there is no king on the planet in any era that would have tolerated the blatant, relentless insubordination carried out by the female head guard. WOW! How exactly did that high strung brat get her job...and keep it? Yes, it's fiction, but even fictional characters should have a believable foundation.

    EDIT:  I just tried watching this, I thought it was for the first time as my review wasn't visible when I looked for it.  So, it seems I watched all the way through the first time, this time I watched a few episodes and then started skipping 1 or more at a time.   At episode 14, I gave up.  

    This is another script that wouldn't have surprised me if it came second in a 5th grade in-class contest for the best story.  

    There are many painfully overexaggerated characters amongst all the other cliche crap.

  • Go Back Lover

    20. Go Back Lover

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    The actors all did their jobs well, and all stars are meant as 10 for them.
    The writers and everyone that allowed their slop, you get nothing.

    OMG, I was angry almost from the beginning.   These are supposed to be educated intelligent people whom all have to work with consumers right up to investors and CEO's, which means they MUST have some form of communication skills, yet, here we are with a plot that couldn't have existed if ANY of them had put forth the skills they were born with.

    1.  If an ex was forced on me that way...I'd quit my job.  I'd rather live in a box on the street eating out of the garbage, even if our break up was amicable and we still got along.  Work does NOT have the right to impose my private life on me!

    2. The FL's male friend, that I assume is or will be part of the love shape, is a dick.  If one of my friends interfered with my life the way he did when he did exactly what she asked him not to...see ya buddy.  I dropped this at episode 4, which was his first step into dickdom, I'll bet my left arm, it will go on endlessly throughout...so that shows that the FL's character is more concerned about not losing the friend than any respect for hers, the ML's or anyone else's dignity.

    3.  Ugh, I just can't

    I won't even attempt to watch this again.

  • My Little Princess

    21. My Little Princess

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Childish.  I only made it about 15 minutes into the first episode...

  • The Best of You in My Mind

    22. The Best of You in My Mind

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    This is fine for the younger crowd, this rom-com was made specifically for that demographic.  

    The acting is fine, no stars off for them.

    The FL's character behaves and sounds like she hasn't even made it to high school yet.

    I dropped at episode 2.

  • Midsummer Is Full of Love

    23. Midsummer Is Full of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Full stars for acting.  No stars for anything else.

    Even without the annoyingly endless stream of impossible coincidences, the FL's 'friend' sold her house from under her...a house that the FL's father left her, the house that has all of her memories and her work.  

    I dropped this during episode 2 because I predict the 'friend' will be forgiven for her self-serving destructive actions and it will be back to "Omg, besties forever...tee hee, tee hee'.  


  • Intense Love

    24. Intense Love

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    The acting was fine however, I found the FL's character to be considerably less mature than her age called for.   I don't find that cute or funny...that's just lazy writing.  Intelligence and whit are what I look for in the leads...if it manages to encompass the entire cast...hahahah, like that will ever happen.  

    I couldn't get through episode one...

  • Fall in Love with a Fox

    25. Fall in Love with a Fox

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 29 episodes


    So many of the characters are childish, including the FL and her bestie.  I don't find it funny or cute.

     Also many overexaggerated characters that aren't funny either...ugh.

    I dropped this in the second episode.

  • Fateful Love

    26. Fateful Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes


    This series contains both good writing and crap writing.   Some characters are really well written, but most are absolute buffoons.  

    After 19 episodes of skipping every scene the crap characters were in, I'm stopping.  I probably ffwded through nine episodes worth of garbage.

    I found the lead characters to be acceptable for the most part, each of them can be dicks at times but overall, cool.   I also found the acting deserving of the parts.

  • The Wolf

    27. The Wolf

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 49 episodes


    Another script stolen from a 5th grade teacher's marking pile...
    Crap script, crap character development, ridiculous side characters/behaviour....I dropped it at episode 5.
