Best Chinese OSTs of shows I've watched

List of some of the best OSTs I've heard. If a good OST is not on here, chances are I either haven't watched the drama (don't hate me but I don't watch WuXia dramas or historical dramas) or I watched it such a long time ago that I forgot.  List order by newest dramas. I've also included youtube links to the OSTs I found and have marked titles that are available on Spotify!

Accompanying Spotify playlist for available songs:.

elie808 Nov 13, 2020
27 Titles Loves
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  • Liars in Love

    1. Liars in Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    绿洲陷阱 Oasis Trap - 俞更寅 Yu Gengyin 00:00 

  • My Boss

    2. My Boss

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes



    你的童话 Your Fairytale - 徐佳莹 Lala Hsu 00:00 (Spotify)
    爱有不可抗力 Love Is Irresistible - 薛凯琪 Fiona Sit 05:26
    爱无止境 Love Has No Boundaries - 何曼婷, 武星 19:06 
    Always Here - 高杨  22:24

  • Fake It Till You Make It

    3. Fake It Till You Make It

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    The entire album (Spotify)

    00:00 1. 每天 Everyday - 孟慧圆 Meng Huiyuan
    04:21 2. 因为我爱你 Because I Love You - 孟慧圆 Meng Huiyuan
    09:11 3. Us  - 萨吉 Sagel
    13:29 4. Moment of Peace - 萨吉 Sagel
    18:00 5. Moment of Peace  - 严秋也 Yan Qiuye

  • Exploration Method of Love

    4. Exploration Method of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    love wave - 许一鸣 Xu Yiming 00:00 
    恋爱标准 Standard Of Love - 江映蓉 Jiang Yingrong 02:50 
    对你依恋 Attached To You - 刘人语 Liu Renyu 06:02

  • Here We Meet Again

    5. Here We Meet Again

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 32 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    Only U - 都智文 Baby·J 19:07 
    每当和你在一起 Whenever With You - 吉拉石林 Jila Shilin 26:54 
    想你的理由 Reason To Miss You - 石杨 Shi Yang 31:09
    心动每一天 Heartbeat Everyday - 吉拉石林 Jila Shilin 38:36 

  • The Love You Give Me

    6. The Love You Give Me

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 28 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    I Always Love You - 希林娜依·高 Curley Gao 0:00 

  • Lighter & Princess

    7. Lighter & Princess

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    焰火 Firework - 周深 Zhou Shen 03:17
    周深 Between - 彭楚粵 Peng ChuYue 47:30

  • Love at Night

    8. Love at Night

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    在眼中起舞 Fire Dance - 黄龄 Huang Ling 00:00
    Now Go Away - 刘学义 Liu Xueyi 06:59

  • To Fly With You

    9. To Fly With You

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 35 episodes



    都与我们有关 It's all about us - 贺椀潞 12:09 
    Right Now -  魏巡  19:19 (Spotify)

  • Cute Programmer

    10. Cute Programmer

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    甜蜜程序 Sweet Program - 徐俊羽  Aix  0:00
    说了再见 Said Goodbye - 王晰 Elvis Wang  3:32
    爱的不是我 It's Not Me Who Loves  - 尹姝贻 Kim 14:59

  • GO into Your Heart

    11. GO into Your Heart

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 41 episodes



    以梦为马 Run with your dreams   - 焦迈奇 0:00
    拾光 Pick up the light - 萨顶顶 3:28
    孤独尘挨 Lonely dust - 何宣林  6:50
    没有一个像我 None like me   - 萨吉 19:07
    Nice to meet you - 赵贝尔 23:28

  • Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling

    12. Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    我们的故事 Our Story - 丁芙妮, 小乐哥 Stephanie Mingyang Yang, Xiao Le Ge 3:33
    最后的自我 The Last Self -  王野 King, Yusee 19:23

  • Miss Crow with Mr. Lizard

    13. Miss Crow with Mr. Lizard

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    寻找四叶草 Looking For Four Leaf Clover - Ryan Zheng ft. Sunny Lai 0:00
    Magnetic - Rain ft. Jackson 10:56
    满满元气的你 You Are Full Of Vitality - 侧田 24:02
    注定 Destined - 王韵韵 36:16

  • Really Meet Love That Day

    14. Really Meet Love That Day

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 40 episodes


    The entire album (Spotify)

    依然 - 江映蓉
    - 李煒
    再見孤單的愛 - 陳美含
    甜甜的我們 - 譚傑希
    明白 - 劉懿萱

  • My Little Happiness

    15. My Little Happiness

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 28 episodes


    Highlights (Spotify)

    亲密感 Intimacy - 简弘亦 Jason Hong 03:15
    I'm With U 萨吉 Saji 06:34 

  • You Are So Sweet

    16. You Are So Sweet

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    The entire album: (Spotify)

    你就是我的全世界  You Are My World -  趙貝爾 Zhao Bell
    心要你聽見  I Want You To Hear - Ning Huanyu - 寧桓宇  
    Hear The Love You Whisper - 薩吉
    告白的前奏 The Prelude To The Confession - 莫非定律 MoreFeel
    专属声音 Exclusive Voice - 赵志伟, 吗栗 Zhao Zhiwei, Ma Li

  • Begin Again

    17. Begin Again

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 35 episodes


    The entire album:

    三心愛意 Three Love - 印子月 Yin Ziyue
    习惯你 Get used to you  - 龚俊,周雨彤 Gong Jun, Zhou Yutong
    命定的安排 - The Destined Arrangement - Yusee
    好喜欢你 I like you so much - 王广允 Wang Guangyun (Spotify)
    听听心里的话 Listen to My Heart - 曈仙仙  Tong xian xian
    不在我身边 Not by my side  - 刘振宇 Liu Zhenyu
    恋爱就在今夜  Love is tonight - 蒋沐函 Jiang Muhan

  • Professional Single

    18. Professional Single

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Highlights: (Spotify)

    偏偏遇見你 (I Just Met You) - 宋伊人
    多一点(对唱版)(Just a bit more) - 赵品霖&刘懿萱

  • My Unicorn Girl

    19. My Unicorn Girl

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Highlights: (Spotify)

    奔向世界的尽头 Colored Glas - 打扰一下乐团 EXCUSE ME band
    温柔的盔甲 Step Cliff - 丁爽 Deanna

  • Mr Honesty

    20. Mr Honesty

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 31 episodes


    Highlights: (Spotify)

    如果回頭 If You Look Back - 劉海寬 Liu Hai Kuan

  • My Love, Enlighten Me

    21. My Love, Enlighten Me

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Entire album:  (Spotify)

    最好的幸運  The Best of Luck - 李凱馨 Eleanor Lee
    一首暖暖的 A Warm One -  劉人語 Reyi
    夢想由你 A Dream By You- 張戀歌, 趙貝爾, 李佳潔
    要替我幸福 To Be Happy For Me - 摩登兄弟劉宇寧 Liu Yuning (Modern Brothers)

  • My Girlfriend

    22. My Girlfriend

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 28 episodes



    Someday - 刘维 Liu Wei  (Spotify)
    Lonely - 丁爽 Ding Shuang

  • Lucky's First Love

    23. Lucky's First Love

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes



    初恋 First Love - 邢昭林 Xing Zhaolin

  • The Prince of Tennis

    24. The Prince of Tennis

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 42 episodes


    Highlights: (Spotify)

    正少年 Great Youth - PoT cast (彭昱畅,董力,谢彬彬,张逸杰,朱致灵,徐可,吴旭东,李鹤,樊霖锋)

  • Go Go Squid!

    25. Go Go Squid!

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 41 episodes


    Highlights: (Spotify)

    無名之輩 (主題曲) Nameless Generation - 陳雪燃
    光耀 (插曲) Brilliant Light - Lara 梁心頤

  • Accidentally in Love

    26. Accidentally in Love

    Chinese Drama - 2018, 30 episodes



    呼吸 Breathe - 郭俊辰 Guo Junchen

  • The Big Boss

    27. The Big Boss

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 18 episodes



    青春上演 Youth Staged- 李凯馨, 戴景耀, 青春上演
