My Fav BLs (with some GL’s)

An ordered list of all the BL, Bromance, and GL series and movies I have completed, ranked from my PERSONAL favourites to least favourites with a plot description and short review of my thoughts. I will not be including shows I’m currently watching or have dropped as it’s unfair to state if it’s bad or good when I haven’t completed it. If there are any series with no plot descriptions at the bottom of my list, I just haven’t found the time to review them yet and will get around to it eventually lmao.  [WARNING-not including special episodes or behind the scenes]

ScarlettaMay Apr 3, 2019
266 Titles Loves
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  • OMG! Vampire

    201. OMG! Vampire

    Thai Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    I will forever be mad with this company for giving LongFrank one terrible BL after another. This had a lot of potential and started off pretty strong, but unfortunately towards the end it went really downhill. This series is about a group of friends who are vampires living in the vampire world and discover that their government has put a ban on vampires falling in love. After this law comes into place, Phum along with his friends, Sen, Run, Jolie, and Mix, all escape to the human world hoping to find love and happiness over there. In the human world, Phum meets Patrick, the owner of a bar. As vampires, they must drink blood every few days if they want to step into the sun without disintegrating, but as Phum is running out of time and needs access to blood, Patrick gives him a glass of wine which, after drinking, he finds has the same effect as drinking blood. Phum is determined to work with Patrick so he has access to this special wine, and pesters him for days before Patrick gives in and offers him a job. But with the vampire government discovering their group has gone missing and sending some officers to bring them back, how long can their safe haven last? At first I really enjoyed this, it was a funny comedy with great, campy humour, exactly the sort of thing I would enjoy. However, they started to bring in some disgusting and disappointing themes like SA, which they tried to play off by saying that the couple were in a relationship so it wasn’t SA. I’m really disappointed with their attitude and mindsets, and there were a few other moments with bad acting and weird directing choices. I don’t regret watching this BL, but it’s definitely forgettable and not something I’ll ever come back to. 

  • Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    202. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    I was pleasantly surprised by this one. This is a very well talked about BL film, so I finally decided to give it a go and quite enjoyed it. It’s about a boy called Seryou Touji who is well known in the school for dating whoever asks him out for a week, then ending it. One day another boy called Shino Yuzuru decides to ask him out, and Seryou agrees. However, Shino just believes the relationship won’t be taken seriously, but is thrown off once he realises he may be developing real feelings for Shino. The only problem is, he is certain that the relationship will end after a week. This looks into the first 4 days of their relationship, and the 2nd film looks at the final 3 days. It’s well worth a watch, and I have never really been that into Japanese BLs but this was really well made!!

  • Love Stage!!

    203. Love Stage!!

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    A Thai live action drama of one of my favourite Yaoi animes that honestly could have been done better. This series is about Izumi, an otaku born into a family of actors, but his stage fright prevents him from also taking this path despite his parents wishes. He is forced to take part in a commercial where he dresses as a girl where he meets Ryouma, a famous actor who has had a crush on Izumi for years, beliving him to have been a girl all along. The two of them grow closer and Ryouma realises, even with the knowledge that Izumi is a boy, his feelings for him haven’t changed. I was super excited about this series, not only because it’s based on an anime I like, but because the main couple were played by Kaownah and Turbo, which I believe was their first main project together despite being paired together and known as a BL couple for a while. I have to say the main problems with this series lay in the directing and editing, plus the awfully translated captions. I admit I had very high hopes for this series so I felt a little let down watching it, but it honestly could have been worse and I don’t think it was awful.

  • House of Stars

    204. House of Stars

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    …I didn’t get it. Although I understood the basic premise and actually enjoyed watching this series, with every episode I was getting more and more confused with what this is actually supposed to be about. From the little I could gather, this series is about several actors who live together in a house with strict rules to follow. They all begin to date and sleep around, despite there being a rule against this. Towards the end it turns into a murder mystery and there are so many different plot events and twists that it made my head spin lmao. Overall, I didn’t understand what was happening but the couples had great chemistry and the murder mystery part towards the end was interesting.

  • TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love

    205. TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Honestly speaking, I’m very disappointed with this season. This series looked at 7 years after the events of season 1, when Tharn and Type are both working and still living together. This season focuses on the ups and downs of their relationship with an abusive, overbearing boss, and a stalker determined to make Type fall in love with him. Honestly, in season 1 I didn’t particularly like Type, however those feelings switched to Tharn this season with how unreasonable he was the whole time. I’m still very disappointed with this season, but I’m at least looking forward to the special episode with TharnType’s wedding.

  • Pearl Next Door

    206. Pearl Next Door

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    The biggest disappointment, while I didn’t think this was super bad I knew I’d hyped it up wayyy too much, so there was no way it was meeting my already high expectations. This series is a GL spin off focusing on the story of Pearl from Gameboys the series along with her two potential love interests. The first is her friend Karleen who she has been friends with for years and in love with for a while. However, Karleen is a lesbian and due to some bad experiences in the past, is rather biphobic and refuses to date a woman if she is bisexual. Pearl, being bisexual, confesses her feelings knowing she won’t have a chance and is rejected. Heartbroken she turns to online viewers through her YouTube channel where she meets her other love interest Alex. Alex immediately expresses an interest in Pearl, constantly flirting with her and asking her out. She is very persistent and helps Pearl gain back some confidence. In the mean time, Pearl is spending less time with Karleen, leading her to get jealous of Pearl and Alex’s growing relationship. Karleen begins to express an interest in Pearl despite her being in the beginning stage of moving on. Pearl now has a choice, should she return and give her old love Karleen a chance, or should she move on to the new girl Alex making her feel loved and happy again? I didn’t like this series mainly because I think Pearl made the wrong choice and the acting felt a little too over the top. Like I said, it wasn’t a bad series but I wouldn’t rate it very high either.

  • Mr. X and I

    207. Mr. X and I

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 4 episodes


    This is a series of 4 episodes, each with a different couple and issue, and the best part is that all the stories are based on real events. The first episode was set in Highschool where 2 best friends were bullied after rumours circulated about one of them being gay. They face a lot of discrimination but in the end they confess their attraction to the other and become a couple. The second episode is about 2 boys whose relationship was torn apart by their parents, and 3 years later they meet again with the same attraction for each other that they had all those years ago. The third episode is where a gay couple are celebrating their third anniversary when their mother admits she wants her son to have a wife and kids. So he sacrifices his love so that his partner can have the life he deserves. The last episode is about 2 men who move away from their hometown and struggle with having no job and threatened homelessness. Each of these stories are real events that have been portrayed in such an amazing way. Each episode is only around 10 minutes, so it’s not even that long to watch. The 1st episode is by far the best and I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to watch a short but impactful drama.

  • U-Prince: The Single Lawyer

    208. U-Prince: The Single Lawyer

    Thai Drama - 2017, 4 episodes


    This one isn’t heavily a BL, there is just a gay side couple, but they are pretty cute so I added it to the list. This is about a girl called Minute, who is very rich, self-centred and spoiled. One day her family goes bankrupt, so she moves in with her gay best friend BM, who is moving out to live with his boyfriend Pitcher. This leaves Minute living with BM’s brother Firstclass, who is very serious, strict, and punctual. However, Minute and Firstclass cannot stand each other, so how are they going to be able to cope living under the same roof? This was pretty good and the relationships were really sweet. My only complaint is the overuse of the word “rape” as they claimed they were being raped when someone tried to kiss them. Other than that it’s good, but BM needs to get his priorities straight!!!

  • Bad Romance

    209. Bad Romance

    Thai Drama - 2016, 13 episodes


    This is based after Together With Me, and you are supposed to watch this one first, but I didn’t, so you can start either one. This is based on a collage girl named Yihwa, who is celebrating her best friend Korns anniversary with his boyfriend Knock, when Knocks best friend Cho shows up and expresses and interest in Yihwa. The only problem is, she thinks Cho is gay and likes Knock. It’s pretty interesting with some weird plot twists, but if you are looking for a serious, realistic BL series then don’t watch this one. The BL is only on the side, so I would recommend watching Together 1 and 2 instead, rather than this one. However the ending of this one is so cute it actually made me cry. 

  • The Fairy Fox

    210. The Fairy Fox

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 23 episodes


    Unfortunately this series was very low budgeted which ruined the effect for me, however I still enjoyed it regardless. This is about the past life of Xiao Jing Chen, a great general, who sacrificed himself in order to save Lu Bai, a fairy fox. Now, in the modern day, Lu Bai has tracked down the reincarnated Xiao Jing Chen to watch over and protect him.  Xiao Jing Chen is now a college student called Xiao Mo, and he is the only one who can protect Lu Bai's clan against the evil Wolf Clan. The Wolf Clan wants to seize and obtain the power of a sacred stone, which fell on Earth thousands of years ago and has been under the protection of the Fox Clan ever since. Lu Bai stays by Xiao Mo’s side while preparing for the inevitable doom after discovering the head of the wolf clan was reincarnated into Gu Hai, their classmate who is in love with Xiao Mo’s sister. This series was really low budgeted and some of the camera angles were awful, however the series itself was pretty good and I really did enjoy it. It’s worth trying just to see what youthink of it, but don’t expect too much.

  • Second Chance

    211. Second Chance

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    This series was a very low budget, small production that definitely wasn’t near the quality that we’ve seen previously. Despite this I did genuinely enjoy it in some ways, but that was main because of Chris and Jeno’s relationship. This series focuses on Tongfah (Sky) and Paper, who are childhood friends. They grew a lot closer after Tongfah’s father past away, and gradually their relationship turned from friends, to something more. Jeno is a timid student that is attacked by his ex and is saved by Chris. Jeno no longer believes in love after Arthur (his ex) became abusive and started beating him. Chris helps Jeno get away from Arthur and report him from the school, and falls in love with him in the process. However, Jeno has already had his heart broken once before, so is he ready to open his heart again? The final couple (that I didn’t particularly care for) is Near, a student working at a board game cafe, and M, the owner of the cafe. They work together and, unbeknownst to them both, are lovers on a game they like to play. However, after Near finds out M’s account name is the same as his online boyfriends, how does this change their relationship? Like I said before, this is very low quality and not the best I’ve ever seen, but I would still recommend giving it a go as long and you don’t have much expectations for it.

  • Dark Blue and Moonlight

    212. Dark Blue and Moonlight

    Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    This show started absolutely amazing. It’s about a boy called Hai Qing, who dreams of becoming an artist despite his fathers disapproval. He sees Yan Fei at a swimming pool and takes a picture of him, and then saves him from drowning while his instructor is busy flirting with some girls. Later Yan Fei kisses Hai Qing to thank him, and gets his phone number. Unfortunately Hai Qings phone is later thrown into the swimming pool, and loses his number. Yan Fei has a boyfriend, Jimmy, who he begins to fall out of love with, and Hai Qing gets his own boyfriend, Ping Jun. Hai Qing and Yan Fei believe they won’t meet again, but are proved wrong when Ping Jun’s sister starts working at Yan Fei’s company, and they meet again. This series was very slow paced, and I felt really sorry for Ping Jun. But it is such a great series, that shows the cliche storyline of love at first sight. 

  • For Him

    213. For Him

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Amazing beginning, mediocre middle, awful ending. I’m so disappointed with this series because I loved the first few episodes, unfortunately the acting, plot, and quality slowly became worse and worse till eventually I was watching on 2x speed desperately trying to get through it. This series is about Nail, a man who has recently broken up with his boyfriend after finding out he was cheating on him, and goes to the bar his friend works at to get drunk. There he meets Him, who he ends up having a one night stand with and they begin sleeping together for a while. Eventually, Him wants to consider entering a relationship with Nail, who asks for more time as he’s still recovering from his last relationship. What Nail does not know is that Him had an ex boyfriend called Blue who, in terms of appearance, is identical to Nail. Blue passed away from suicide a year before the events of this series began, and the reason Him approached Nail is because of his startling resemblance to Blue. What happens when Nail finds out about Blue, will he still choose to be with Him, and will Him be able to see Nail for who he is and not just a substitute for Blue? As I mentioned before, this series started so well and was really interesting, the chemistry was amazing. However, it became clear that the directors and scriptwriters completely gave up on this series half way through, and by the final episode it was clear that the actors themselves had lost all hope for this series. I really want to love this series because I absolutely love Dew who played Him, but unfortunately this was not a good series and I don’t recommend it unless it’s only to watch the first 4-5 episodes.

  • Sanaeha Diary Series: Buang Sanaeha

    214. Sanaeha Diary Series: Buang Sanaeha

    Thai Drama - 2017, 11 episodes


    Well, this was quite dark. This is about a woman called Mintra who is so happy when she finds the perfect guy to marry, Peem. But when Jack, a model, shows up at their wedding ceremony without invitation, things start to fall apart. He and Peem have been secretly lovers for years and now Jack is the presenter of the new product Peem's company is launching. Everything changes as soon as Jack comes into Mintra's life. She knows that Peem is having an affair with him, but can't get a divorce since she needs money for her sister's treatment. She finds confort in Ton, her junior, who's secretly in love with her. Meanwhile Jack is angry that Mintra is disrupting his relationship with Peem, and tries to get her out the way, but she won’t back down in the hope that Jack will give up. Peem refuses to choose between the 2, and forces them all to live together, uncaring of Jack and Mintra’s feelings. I will say that Mintra gets her happy ending, but she suffers a lot in order to get there. Other than her, no one else is happy. They all get depressing ending that (other than Peem), they didn’t deserve. I would probably recommend this to someone that likes very dark dramas, but it’s definitely not for everyone.

  • HIStory: Stay Away from Me

    215. HIStory: Stay Away from Me

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes


    This is another enjoyable season in the HIStory series, and it was actually quite sweet. This is about a celebrity actor called Cheng Qing, who moves in with his new step brother, Feng He, after their parents get married. At first they don’t really get along and argue a lot, but over time they gradually become closer. They are also drawn together by Feng He’s best friend, and extreme fujoshi, Meng Meng, when she starts to push the 2 together. But a case of misunderstanding drives the 2 apart, so can they mend this bond? This series was enjoyable, but not on the level that the others in the HIStory series were. The actors were really good and attractive, but there wasn’t as much chemistry as there normally is. If you are going to watch this I would recommend watching this one before any of the others, because while this season is good, there are definitely better ones to make your way through after this. 

  • The Lover

    216. The Lover

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes


    This was a really good, iconic series for lots of long time BL lovers. This series is about 4 couples living in 1 apartment complex together, so i’ll only talk about the gay couple here. Lee Jun Jae is forced to find a roommate for financial reasons, and when he advertises the dorm he accepts a foreigner by the name of Takuya as his new roommate. Takuya is a Japanese student currently studying in Korea. As they begin to live together several misunderstandings occur between them and their neighbours which pushes them close together. Takuya tries to help Jun Jae leave his apartment and begin to pay attention to the real world. In time they begin thinking of each other as more than roommates. Will their love last when Takuya will be going back to Japan as soon as his studies are over? This is such an iconic series and I really enjoyed it, I actually liked the other couples but Jun Jae and Takuya were by far the best.

  • With Love

    217. With Love

    Thai Drama - 2019, 15 episodes


    I enjoyed this because the With Love household was awesome, but it wasn’t that well done sadly. This series features 4 couples, 3 gay and 1 straight. The main couple Nathee and Prin first meet when Prin nearly runs Nathee over, and they later find out they were victims of a scam and both bought the same room in the With Love house. So they must share a room together while battling feelings that arise between them. The next couple features Prin’s younger brother Plod, and his older friend Kaowkla. Plod has loved Kaowkla for a long time, but Kaowkla believes Plod is too young to understand love and rejects him. However he won’t give up his love and fights to make Kaowkla return his feelings. The third and final gay couple is about Nathee’s cousin Thann and his ex boyfriend Kavin who now has a girlfriend but still has feelings for Thann, and tries to get back together with Thann despite already being in a relationship and having feelings for them both. The three gay couples are pretty cute but due to production value this series wasn’t as good as it could have been. However I would still recommend just as a light simple watch for something funny and comedic in your free time.

  • Love Sick

    218. Love Sick

    Thai Drama - 2014, 12 episodes


    This season is definitely not as good as season 2 was, but it was still pretty enjoyable, so I would recommend sticking through this one, because the 2nd season was just incredible. This is about a boy called Noh that is a member of a music club, and needs money from the school to buy more instruments for the club. Unfortunately the school board won’t listen to him and denies his request. Phun, a member of the student council, has a girlfriend but his father wants him to date his friends daughter. To stop this from happening he needs his sister to help convince his father, but his sister, Pang, is a huge fan of Boys Love. He decides that he needs to convince Pang that he has a boyfriend so she will help him. When Phun finds out about Noh’s situation he asks Noh to become his fake boyfriend, and in return he will increase the music clubs budget. However the deal between them brings the 2 closer, and soon they begin to fall in love. The first 1 or 2 episodes weren’t that good, but it got much better afterwards. Noh and Phun are both very likeable characters with great chemistry, and the relationship forming between them was very sweet, and paced nicely. This has also just recently been added to Netflix, and I screamed when I saw it. I would absolutely give this a try, and I’m sure you will love this series just as much as I did. 

  • Love Syndrome III: Uncut Version

    219. Love Syndrome III: Uncut Version

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I honestly don’t know what to say about this, it was toxic and an abusive romance, but somehow I enjoyed it anyway. This series is about Day and Itt, a couple who have been together for years. Before they began dating, Day was extremely abusive towards Itt, regularly beating and SA’ing him. Over time their feelings changed and they began dating seriously, with Day becoming a calmer, happier person and promising to never lay a hand on Itt again. However, Day is involved in a car accident and suffers from amnesia, losing 3 years worth of memories. He cannot remember Itt and has therefore gone back to the violent man he was before falling in love with Itt. Itt, blaming himself for Day’s accident, decides he will help take care of Day and recover his memories, knowing he will be subjected to the same abuse he suffered before. With the help of Day’s brother, Night (the sweetest soul in the series, I loved him so much!), and his boyfriend and Itt’s childhood friend, Gear, they resolved to do whatever it takes to help Day’s memories return. This was honestly incredibly disturbing, the relationship between every couple (other than the side couple, Nik and Neil, although Night and Gear were cute too) was incredibly abusive and toxic, I genuinely couldn’t believe how bad it got at times, especially with the other side couple, Mac and Nan. Despite how toxic this was, there was something strangely addictive about this series, like no matter how bad it was, there was something about it that made me keep going. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend this at all, but truthfully I can see myself rewatching this many times.

  • Playboyy

    220. Playboyy

    Thai Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    Well… this was certainly something. This entire series is basically just porn, so if you’re uncomfortable with NC scenes and topics of SA, rap3, the sex industry, drugs and alcohol, death etc, then this is NOT the series for you. This series focuses on the lives of a group of friends as Nont has been missing and presumed dead for several months before returning and refusing to talk about where he was. In reality, this person is not Nont, but his identical twin Nant. He is trying to find his brother and what caused his disappearance, starting with the friend group and Nont’s ex partner, Prom. Over time, Nont starts falling for Prom who thinks that he is his twin, so how long can a relationship built on lies last? Zoey is Nont’s closest friend who has serious sex related trauma. He meets Teena who is a part time nude model and prostitute, who plans to make Zoey fall in love with him and steal his virginity, but in time begins to fall for him. Meanwhile, First has been sleeping with a prostitute called Soong for a while knowing that Soong is using him for his money, but as he’s only spending his fathers money he doesn’t care. When First and Soong want to make things official, will Soong leave his life of prostitution and build an honest career for First? Then we have Captain who is sleeping with the coach of the football team to stay a starting player, but when things get out of hand, will they end up destroying each other’s careers and lives in the process. Finally we have Porsche who begins a slave contract with Jump, a prostitute, and treats Jump like an animal. But when the roles reverse and Jump finds blackmail material over Porsche, will things settle down, or grow even worse? This series was absolutely hilarious with so many twists and turns, but ultimately it was cringy and almost unbearable to get through. As much as I loved and will always defend this series, I don’t recommend it at all.

  • Top Secret Together

    221. Top Secret Together

    Thai Drama - 2021, 15 episodes


    I’m honestly quite disappointed with this series. This was set mainly in an office with several students interning for a company, and a school with students studying. This featured 5 different couples, each with different stories and backgrounds. I was originally so excited about this after discovering Newyear and Both would be a couple in this series which was absolutely amazing as they are actually a couple in real life, making this the first Thai BL with a real gay couple playinga couple in a series together. However while they were the best part of this series, their moments were very short and not nearly enough to save the rest of the series from being a complete disaster. I’m very disappointed with this series and probably won’t recommend it unless it’s to appreciate Newyear and Both together.

  • Love Stage!!

    222. Love Stage!!

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    A live action of one of my favourite Yaoi animes that completely missed the mark for me. This movie is about Izumi, an otaku born into a family of actors, but his stage fright prevents him from also taking this path despite his parents wishes. He is forced to take part in a commercial where he dresses as a girl where he meets Ryouma, a famous actor who has had a crush on Izumi for years, beliving him to have been a girl all along. The two of them grow closer and Ryouma realises, even with the knowledge that Izumi is a boy, his feelings for him haven’t changed. Honestly, this film had pretty bad acting and pacing, they just didn’t deliver the plot very successfully and I was incredibly disappointed.

  • The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese

    223. The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    Honestly I didn’t enjoy this as much as everyone else seemed to. This movie is about Otomo Kyoichi who, despite being married, continually has affairs with other woman. One day he meets Imagase Wataru who he went to university with, and finds out that Wataru works for a “jack-of-all-trades” company that does anything their clients require. Wataru tells Kyoichi that his wife has hired him to investigate if Kyoichi is cheating on her. Wataru tells Kyoichi that he won’t tell his wife anything as long as Kyoichi is willing to kiss and sleep with him in return. I honestly didn’t enjoy this movie or their relationship, it was so manipulative and bad that I was disappointed. But just because it wasn’t for me doesn’t mean it’s bad. It does have some quite good ratings so I suggest giving it a go and seeing what you think of it.

  • Friend Day

    224. Friend Day

    Thai Special - 2017, 2 episodes


    This is only a mini series, with 2, 5 minute episodes. This is about a girl that’s friends with 2 guys, who are always being shipped together by the rest of the school. However, she’s in love with one of them. As time goes on, she realises they really do have feelings for each other, leading her to get jealous and avoid them. But they won’t let their friendship fall apart because of it, and reconnect back with her, while she grows to accept that her friends have feelings for each other. It’s not great but it’s short and easy to watch so I didn’t regret it.

  • Boys Dormitory

    225. Boys Dormitory

    Korean Drama - 2017, 2 episodes


    This is another mini series, with 2, 4 minute episodes. It’s just based in the boys dormitory with 2 boys that start having feelings for each other. It’s cute, but way to short.

  • Happy Together

    226. Happy Together

    Taiwanese Drama - 2015, 15 episodes


    I wasn’t completely able to watch this one, as it’s a nightmare to find, so I was only able to watch the moments with the gay couple Alex and Benny only. From what I watched they were so sweet and adorable! I wish we could have seen the story of how they met and got together, but I didn’t mind so much. 

  • Water Boyy: The Movie

    227. Water Boyy: The Movie

    Thai Movie - 2015


    I didn’t think this one was too bad actually, but it wasn’t incredible either. It’s about a boy called Nam who is an excellent swimmer, and his father is the coach of the team. He likes to party and is known to sleep around and have a lot of girlfriends. One day a boy called Muek joins the team and becomes Nam’s roommate. It’s very slow, and at times it got a little boring, but certain scenes were amazing. It showed the slowly forming relationship between Muek and Nam, and the kiss scene was so cute! I just wish it wasn’t so clustered together.

  • En of Love: TOSSARA

    228. En of Love: TOSSARA

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    This series had many short comings but I did enjoy a little. Gun Tossakan is a medical student that one day finds an engineering gear on the floor. Later on Facebook he sees an account asking if anyone has found one, which turns out to be Bar Sarawut, the boy Gun has had a crush on for years. He approaches Bar and tells him he found his gear and he will return it only if Bar let’s Gun flirt with him. Bar is hesitant but says yes and gets his gear back. However, how long will it take before he gives Gun his gear to keep, along with a confession of love? Win, who played Gun wasn’t very good, and I will admit that. He wasn’t as handsome as Gun was described as being, and his acting wasn’t the best, however Folk who played Bar was such a good actor, and so good looking I was actually intimidated. If you watch it you probably won’t love it, but the last 2 episodes were pretty good and the series itself is pretty short, so I would suggest if you’re interested give it a go and see what you think.

  • Capture Lover

    229. Capture Lover

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    Sadly this was very low budgeted with quite a bad acting choice, however the main couple were really handsome and acted well so that made up for it. This drama tells the story of Ding Junjie, the deputy general manager of a cosmetics company, and Ying Jiaming, the son of the chairman of the board. Although the 2 fight like cat and dog, after a small misunderstanding they gradually grow closer and see each other as more than the annoying boss and calm employee. Despite the low budget and some bad actors and a weird plot line towards the end, it actually wasn’t too bad. I think the main couple did have a lot of chemistry and I thought they were both (but Junjie in particular) were really handsome. If it was budgeted a little better and had some better actors I think they could have pulled it off better, but sadly the story fell short because the script was all over the place. I’m glad I watched it despite the bad reviews, but I won’t be rating it any higher than a 7/10.

  • The Moment Since

    230. The Moment Since

    Thai Drama - 2020, 5 episodes


    I sadly didn’t enjoy this as much as the first season. This is about Bay and Mok shortly after they separated in the first season. They meet at a hotel for Bay’s birthday but jealousy strikes after Bay’s coworker Boss brings his best friend with him, who develops a crush on Bay. This series doesn’t really go anywhere and I didn’t see the point in it. The only good thing about it was the good budget and the eye candy that is the main actors. Other than that I don’t really recommend it that well.

  • The Middleman's Love

    231. The Middleman's Love

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    Ummmm… This was a huge disappointment to me and I’m not sure how I feel. This is the sequel to Bed Friend the series focusing on the character of Jade and his intern Mai. Jade is used to being the middleman, watching everyone around him falling in love and helping them with their romantic endeavours whilst never finding a lover of his own. When Mai comes along, Jade mistakes his flirting for kindness and believes Mai has a crush on another intern, Gus, and decides to help them get together, meanwhile Mai is confused and wonders how to show Jade that the one he has a crush on isn’t Gus but Jade. Meanwhile, Gus is immediately drawn to the other new intern, Tong. However, Tong is very quiet and and come across as rude, no matter how hard Gus tries to get Tong to come out of his shell, Tong just begins to avoid him. Sometimes people don’t realise what they have until they have lost it. When Jade rejects Mai after his confession, he does not realise how much he cared for Mai until Mai begins to avoid him. When Gus has had enough of trying to woo Tong and leaves him alone, Tong realises how much he misses Gus’s company. Can both couples accept their feelings and reignite the spark between them, or will they decide that their love won’t work out and go their separate ways? This was bad, I don’t have any other way to say it so I’ll be blunt. This was so cringey and the acting was so bad that I was left extremely disappointed. Many of us were waiting and anticipating this series but unfortunately it was a complete let down. I definitely would not recommend this series.

  • Water Boyy

    232. Water Boyy

    Thai Drama - 2017, 14 episodes


    This one has had a mix of ratings, some good and some bad. I personally thought it was in the middle. This is about a boy called Waii who is the captain and very popular member of the swimming club, and his father is the coach of the team. One day a boy called Apo joins the team and becomes roommates with Waii. We can slowly see the attraction forming between them, but the problem is, Waii has a girlfriend. We also have Pan, who is the only female on the team, and she develops a crush on a girl called Namkhaeng who turns out to be their newest teammate, Fah, best friend and crush. There is also a boy from the track team called Min, who has a crush on a girl from the cat club, and on the student council, called Wan. Also we have my favourite side couple in the series, a boy called Kluay, who is a member of the swimming club, and Achi, who is a fanboy of Waii. This series had its ups and downs. There were limited moments between all the couples, and the ending wasn’t really incredible. I’m devastated that we finally had lesbian representation in a drama, only for her to change her mind and end up with a man. I hope one day Achi and Kluay get their own series, as they were the best couple in the series by far! 

  • Slam Dance

    233. Slam Dance

    Thai Drama - 2017, 13 episodes


    I’ll only mention the BL couple for this review because the side couple was a BL but they didn’t have many moments together, this is generally a straight drama. Nucknick and Pob are both on the school wrestling team, this takes us through the journey of how they fight and how they fall in love. Of course the kissing scene was the highlight of the series for me lmao. I think this might be worth watching just the PobNick cut version, but other than that, they barely had any moments together, so it’s not really worth watching the entire series just for them. 

  • Udagawachou de Matteteyo

    234. Udagawachou de Matteteyo

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    I wasn’t sure if I should include this one or not, but I’m doing it anyway. This is about a boy called Momose, who is walking down the street one day when he sees his male classmate, Yashiro, dressed as a girl with a dress and wig. Momose continues to observe him for a while, before approaching him and confessing his attraction towards Yashiro. Meanwhile Yashiro is embarrassed that Momose has discovered his secret, and tried to avoid him, but Momose won’t let him go, and brings him different outfits to wear, and threatens to tell people about Yashiro’s secret unless he lets Momose kiss him. Although the relationship was very weird and messed up in the beginning, it ends on a really cute note, that was so adorable! I don’t know if I would consider this a BL, and I would say it’s more of a transgender love story, but that didn’t take away the cute moments from it. I think this is a movie you will need to try for yourself to see if you like it, but if you stick through it to the end you may quite enjoy it like I did.

  • Venus in the Sky

    235. Venus in the Sky

    Thai Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    Uhhhh… yeah, no comment. I’m going to be honest, I only watched this series because I heard the NC scenes were on another level which was definitely true. Aside from that there’s nothing particularly great about this series except for Tod, the actor who plays Sky. This series is about Venus and Sky, two friends who fell apart after Venus confessed to Sky and was rejected. Venus decides to move away and forget Sky, meanwhile his absence makes Sky realise he always had feelings for Venus, he was just too afraid to act on them before. When Venus finally returns home, Sky resolves to make Venus not only forgive him, but fall in love with him again. Venus tries to avoid Sky, not wanting to get his heart broken again, but will Sky eventually be able to bring down his walls? On the other side, we have Janus, Venus’s older brother who has secretly been in a relationship with Venus’s rich ex-classmate and friend, Bomb. Janus and Bomb have recently started living together with Janus running his own convenience store. However, this job isn’t doing so well at the moment and Janus is afraid to tell Bomb because he doesn’t want Bomb to feel like he is taking advantage of his wealth. But Bomb is growing frustrated with all the secrets and feels like Janus doesn’t trust him enough to let him help. Can all the couples come together and communicate better? Not really, the acting and plot were far too stiff and I honestly didn’t enjoy this series very much. I don’t really recommend it unless you also want to watch the insane NC scenes which were very realistic (and a little cringey at times).

  • 2 Brothers

    236. 2 Brothers

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    This wasn’t perfect but I liked some of the aspects so it was relatively enjoyable. This is about Pete, a handsome businessman who begins searching for his new brother Phat. Pete’s grandmother is in hospital with a tumour and refuses to get treatment after her son and his new wife left after a family brawl and hasn’t visited for 15 years. The only way he can identify Phat is a necklace that the grandmother gave the family after they left. Eventually the search leads him to Tony, a young beggar living a poor lifestyle while carrying the necklace. Pete discovers that his grandmothers son and wife, along with their child had all died 10 years ago. Tony and Pete were good friends and Phat gave Tony his necklace before he died. Pete asks Tony if he will come back with him and convince his grandmother that Tony is her Nephew, so she will accept the treatment. However when Petes power hungry uncle steps in after discovering their secret, how long can they avoid the truth before all is revealed? It was quite enjoyable and worth a watch, but I wouldn’t hype this up very much as it was a little to typical and cheesy for my liking.

  • Love by Chance 2: A Chance to Love

    237. Love by Chance 2: A Chance to Love

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    I’m very sad to say that I didn’t like this season very much. This is almost like a retelling of LoveBy Chance with some couples, then other couples continue after the events of the first. In this season Ae  is heartbroken and he and Pete broke up, Tin and Can met for the first time and fellin love differently from season1. Techno and Kla followed on from the first season, and TumTar couple vanished into the horizon. I’m very sad at how this turned out and it could have been so much better. We can’t have everything I guess.

  • Han Zi Gao: The Male Queen

    238. Han Zi Gao: The Male Queen

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    I loved the scenery and setting in this drama, however the acting and plot was a little lacking for me. This is about Han Man Yi, a 16 year old commoner whose attacked by soldiers one day but saved by General Chen Zi Hua. He gives Man Yi the name Han Zi Gao and gives him 2 options, take some money and leave, or stay by his side and serve him. Having witnessed the deathof his friend he is too fearful and decides to stay and serve the General. He soon becomes his favourite “Concubine” and begins to teach him how to use the sword and bow, and play the Guqin. Over time feelings begin to grow between them, but how long can it last with jealousy looming over their heads? Although the acting wasn’t the best, the actors were really handsome and I loved the scenery and costumes so much. It wasn’t the best film I’ve ever seen but it wasn’t actually too bad and I’m glad I watched it.

  • What the Duck

    239. What the Duck

    Thai Drama - 2018, 20 episodes


    This series had its ups and downs, but  I don't think it was awful overall. This is about a boy named Pop that starts working for an Airport catering company after failing to become his dream of a flight attendant. There he meets a boy called Oak, who begins flirting with him and calling him names such as “Wife”. Meanwhile Pop’s girlfriend Mo who has just started working as a flight attendant is bullied badly by her co workers. We also meet her brother Pree and his boyfriend Rambo who were very happy together, until Rambo’s father forces him into an arranged marriage. I think that this series started off okay, but some moments really irritated me, and there were some scenes I thought didn’t make a lot of sense or weren’t really needed. This series is a lot more intense and intimate than any other BL I had seen at this time, with a few serious sex scenes that felt very realistic. There is so much tears and crying, it gets to the point where it just starts to become rather annoying. But overall it’s much better than it’s second season!

  • Irresistible Love: Secret of the Valet

    240. Irresistible Love: Secret of the Valet

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    I honestly wasn’t a huge fan of this movie, and although it had potential, I was rather let down by it. This is about an orphan called Shu Nian who one day meets a boy called Xie Yan who adopts him into the family despite both being young boys around the same age, and the 2 grew up doing everything together. 20 years later he returns after studying abroad for 6 years with a girlfriend who he later breaks up with, Jiang Yao. During a meeting Shu Nian meets Ke Luo, another orphan, and they become close. Meanwhile Jiang Yao plot her revenge against Shu Nian after finding out his secret, that he’s gay. Xie Yan is homophobic and after discovering this he kicks Shu Nian out. However he later realises he’s made a mistake by throwing out the only person who can keep him calm and rational, and begins to see him in a different light. I never understood the hype with this drama, but there has been some quite high ratings, so I guess it’s a film you either love or hate. 

  • Love Love You

    241. Love Love You

    Thai Movie - 2015


    This was the sequel to the film Loves Coming. This one was much better than the first, mainly due to the much needed change in cast. This is about 2 boys called Gump and Nai, who have been in a relationship for a year, but when Gump has to move in with another boy for university called Sunz, and Nai’s old friend Bon returns tensions fly. After Nai does a bad thing, what will it take for Gump to forgive him? I only watched this movie because Gun was in it, who is such an amazing actor. The actors were good, but the movie was nothing special. The ending scene was the worst thing I had ever watched, and I don’t know how people managed to find it cute. I don’t think I will ever rewatch this one, but maybe give it a go.

  • Irresistible Love 2

    242. Irresistible Love 2

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    This is the second film for Irresistible Love. Xie Yan and Shu Nian are unable to deal with their feelings for each other. Xie Yan realizes that he loves Shu Nian, but Shu Nian continues to hide from him. Meanwhile, Ke Luo creates a ruckus in the company's dinner organized by Xie's Holdings, but is saved by Shu Nian for the second time. Xie Yan is then sent overseas for a project, and Shu Nian and Ke Luo gets closer after celebrating Ke Luo's birthday. Eventually, Ke Luo confessed his feelings to Shu Nian, but the latter's heart is still with Xie Yan. Xie Yan later breaks up with Jiang Yao, which has an impact on his future fiance, Xia Jun. Xia Jun uses her crafty ideas to get to Xie Yan, but later Xie Yan tells Xia Jun that he has already gotten a new love and that the person is Shu Nian. Soon, Jiang Yao who is unable to deal with the breaking up with Xie Yan, engages some men to rape Shu Nian, but Xie Yan saves him. Later Xia Jun contracts food poisoning and is sent to hospital. Shu Nian is then fired by Xie Yan's father, after confessing to Xie Yan that he was the one who poisoned her. In the end, the medical report is produced, showing that Xia Jun's food poisoning is due to the three cups of mocha that she had drunk hours before she was about to meet Shu Nian. Honestly you may enjoy and love these films, but they just weren’t for me. There are 2 alternate endings, a happy and sad one, but neither are that great which was why I didn’t like it, but give it a go and maybe you’ll like it more than I did.

  • Tonhon Chonlatee

    243. Tonhon Chonlatee

    Thai Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    Wow that was a huge disappointment. This series is about Chonlatee, a shy but kind hearted boy who secretly has had a crush on Tonhon, the guy next door, since he was a kid. Ton has always taken care of him as if they were real brothers. But Chonlatee can only watch Ton and his girlfriend from afar. That is until Ton updates his status to single and returns home. After reconnecting their closeness starts to change into a deeper bond.  Ton starts to get confused about his feelings. His mouth keeps saying that he only sees Chonlatee as a brother, but when Chonlatee begins (fake) dating someone else, he feels insecure and jealous. He can‘t help being possessive and worried about Chonlatee. And in the midst of that, his ex-girlfriend, Amp,  returns to complicate things after, despite her cheating, decides to make Ton hers again. Then Tonhon’s father is introduced as a homophobic, sexist, and misogynistic man that keeps hounding Tonhon and his sister to have children so he can have an heir. Can Chonlatee’s love ever be reciprocated when it seems as though everything is keeping them apart? I’m just going to put this out there. This is GMMTV’s worst BL they’ve released, and I’m so pissed because even Mike and Toptap couldn’t save this for me. They literally decided to pull the greatest cast together for the worst series they could possibly produce. And yes, I know it could have been worse, but this had so much potential that they quickly ruined. I’m very disappointed and will never recommend or rewatch this series.

  • 'Cause You're My Boy

    244. 'Cause You're My Boy

    Thai Drama - 2018, 12 episodes


    This had the potential to be great, but there was something about it which completely set it back for me. This is about a boy called Mork who sells porn dvds in his fathers barber shop. One day a boy called Tee comes in for a hair cut, but Mork’s father has to leave halfway through his hair cut, so Mork tries to finish it and completely ruins his hair. This makes Tee mad and they begin to get revenge on each other, until one day Mork gives Tee gay porn dvds in front of his girlfriend and claims he bought them, which results in his girlfriend Bambi and most of the school believing that Tee is gay, and Bambi leaves Tee. Mork is told to take responsibility of his actions and be his pretend boyfriend to make Bambi jealous. But during their fake relationship, they begin to develop real feelings for each other. This was pretty cute, but there were loads of plot holes for me, and it had so many twists and random scenes which didn’t even need to be there, and just made it even more confusing. It was good until episode 4, then it went downhill. You could give it a go if you want, but don’t expect much off it, I would just stick to reading the novel, as the novel was just incredible!

  • A Round Trip to Love Part 2

    245. A Round Trip to Love Part 2

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    This continues after the events of the first film. Xiao Chen and Lu Feng can only be happy for so long until Xiao Chen’s mother finds out and collapses from shock. Xiao Chen’s brother Cheng Yi Chen is mad and starts a fight with Lu Feng, which backfires after Lu Feng pushes him into the corner of a table and paralysed him. Xiao Chen is heartbroken and breaks up with Lu Feng, and moves with his brother, and brothers lover Qin Lang, to seek treatment for Cheng Yi Chen. Lu Feng does not believe he is in the wrong, so much later he drugs and kidnaps Xiao Chen and locks him in a house far away from his family. There he assaults and rapes him multiple times out of “love”. In the end Cheng Yi Chen and Qin Lang manage your locate them and call the police, and Cheng Yi Chen grabs the officers gun and attempts to shoot Lu Feng. However Xiao Chen sees this and moves in the way before in can kill him, leaving him in critical condition. Unfortunately no happy ending here and a complete disappointment for me.

  • I Am Your King

    246. I Am Your King

    Thai Drama - 2017, 5 episodes


    I will admit I was very disappointed with this series. The only reason I watched it is for Newyear because I was excited to see an openly gay actor playing a gay character, as that’s something we don’t get to see often. This is about 6 boys playing the king game that has 1 rule, the holder of the king card can command anyone to do anything they choose. However, in only 1 night all 6 friends face life changing decisions that will change their friendship forever. I honestly didn’t enjoy this and at first dropped it, but I powered through thanks to Newyear and honestly if you want to watch it, it’s not all that great, but please make sure to support Newyear regardless because he and his boyfriend Both are amazing (though Both sadly isn’t an actor.)

  • Grounded

    247. Grounded

    Taiwanese Movie - 2018


    This was a short mini series that was honestly kind of boring. This is about 2 characters that are friends and stuck in a circle. They have feelings for each other but refuse to acknowledge it. The cinematography is beautiful and so were the landscapes, but it was really boring and didn’t really lead anywhere so there’s little I can really say about it.

  • Red Wine in the Dark Night

    248. Red Wine in the Dark Night

    Thai Movie - 2015


    Okay. This movie was incredibly disturbing, and the plot was kinda messy. It’s about a boy called Wine who is dumped by his boyfriend Tee, who cannot admit his sexuality. One day Wine meets a boy he names Night/Nam, who has amnesia. A bond is created between them until Wine realises Night is a vampire. Wine let’s Night drink his blood, and begins taking care of him. In the mean time Tee and Boy, a business man who had loved Wine for a long time, were both trying to get with Wine. However Wines heart is with Night, so he kidnaps Tee and Boy, and uses them to give Night the blood he needs. The plot may have been weird, and it had a sad ending, which normally I’m not a big fan of. However the acting was really good, the series was well budgeted, and the actors played their parts perfectly. The music was also really good, and their were some cute, light hearted moments, and a few light sex scenes. I don’t think I could ever rewatch it, but if you are someone that likes BL, the supernatural, violence and kidnapping, then you could always give it a go.

  • Yandai Byway No.10

    249. Yandai Byway No.10

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes


    This was honestly a very disappointing drama. This started so well but fell completely flat for me. This is about a pet shop owner called Hang Hang, and a writer called Liang Ze who owns 2 chinchilla’s. One day Liang Ze takes his Chinchillas to the vets for a checkup when he meets Hang Hang, the 2 hit off immediately, feeling a strong attraction for the other. Eventually they confront their feelings and become a couple. However Hang Hang begins feeling uncomfortable around him, and breaks off their relationship suddenly. I was so disappointed, especially considering the amazing beginning, but I wouldn’t recommend this that highly because half way through it just went quickly downhill.

  • Love's Coming

    250. Love's Coming

    Thai Movie - 2014


    Some people recommended this movie to me and said that this was supposed to be really good but I ended up skipping more than half of it because I got too bored to keep going. This movie is about a boy called Gump who is in love with his neighbor Nai, and all his friends are trying to get him to admit that he is gay. It’s so cringeworthy and I honestly didn’t enjoy it, I preferred the sequel Love Love You much more though even that wasn’t particularly good. Some people have said that they enjoyed it, so you could try it out, but I couldn’t get over the cringyness of it, so I won’t recommend this one at all.

  • Playboy and the Gang of Cherry

    251. Playboy and the Gang of Cherry

    Thai Movie - 2017


    This was the weirdest movie I’ve ever seen. This is about the Cherry Gang, a gay mafia of prostitiutes. One of the members is Mac, otherwise known as “playboy” with an addiction to SM sex. When a shipment of drugs disappears, the gang will stop at nothing to retrieve it, no matter who they have to kill to get there. I really didn’t enjoy this that much so I wouldn’t recommend it as highly as others. There’s definitely better movies out there focused on BDSM dynamics, honestly the only reason I watched this is because I found out Gun Atthaphan was in this but even he couldn’t make up for the shit show that was this movie.

  • HIStory: My Hero

    252. HIStory: My Hero

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes


    This is definitely my least favourite BL from the HIStory series, and I don’t even know if I would consider this a proper BL! This series is about a girl called Lan Xi who dies but her soul is put into the body of another man and she has 7 days to make her old boyfriend Ying Xiong fall back in love with her (now him). It was so weird and the first part was just confusing, it’s a body swap but unless you act read the plot description it’s quite complicated at the start. It got a little better towards the end, but I can’t even say this series was good. I was utterly disappointed and won’t ever be rewatching this, and I really don’t recommend it at all. 

  • What the Duck Season 2: Final Call

    253. What the Duck Season 2: Final Call

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    So, I thought the first season of this show was okay, but this season was absolutely awful. This has been and will be the only BL series where the only couple I was rooting for were the straight couple. This is a continuation for where the second season ends and unfortunately everything goes very downhill from there. All the relationships were ruined, there was a very unnecessary plot twist, sexual abuse, possibly rape, violence, kidnapping someone and locking them in their basement, incest, and even more. The only good thing that came out of this show was Mo getting the happiness she deserves! Other than that I would not recommend this season at all, but if you decide to watch it, then don’t have any expectations, and don’t watch it thinking it will be enjoyable. The scenes that were actually good, and one of the relationships I thought was actually kinda sweet all got ruined in the most unnecessary ways. I am so disappointed in this season!

  • We Are

    254. We Are

    Thai Drama - 2024, 16 episodes

  • Wandee Goodday

    255. Wandee Goodday

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • The Boyfriend

    256. The Boyfriend

    Japanese TV Show - 2024, 10 episodes

  • High School Return of a Gangster

    257. High School Return of a Gangster

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes

  • Century of Love

    258. Century of Love

    Thai Drama - 2024, 10 episodes

  • Love Sea

    259. Love Sea

    Thai Drama - 2024, 10 episodes

  • Choco Milk Shake

    260. Choco Milk Shake

    Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes

  • Sunset x Vibes

    261. Sunset x Vibes

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • My Love Mix-Up!

    262. My Love Mix-Up!

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • Knock Knock, Boys!

    263. Knock Knock, Boys!

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • 4Minutes

    264. 4Minutes

    Thai Drama - 2024, 8 episodes

  • Meet You at the Blossom

    265. Meet You at the Blossom

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans

    266. This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans

    Thai Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


ScarlettaMay's Lists
