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Manner of Death thai drama review
Manner of Death
1 people found this review helpful
by timotey
Feb 22, 2021
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers
The reveal of the killer and the callousness of that person really surprised me, that was a great twist. But overall, it wasn’t all that suspenseful a mystery, wasn’t it? And sometimes, I felt like petting our heroes and telling them, “You cute but you stupid, ain’t you?”

Luckily, where the show was really strong was the chemistry between the actors playing the various pairs, Bun and Tan, Tat and Sorn and even M and Oat, as little as we saw of them together - but that we even did get to see them together, that they gave us this hint of them possibly becoming more, that we witnessed them laughing together, I really appreciated that, that was surprising and not at all unwelcome, thumbs up. And I honestly hope that we get to see these actors playing couples again (as it sometimes happens in Thai dramas), that would be awesome!

I think my greatest happy surprise and discovery here was Great Sapol who played Inspector M. What a good looking man and a great actor! I’ll have to check and see if his other dramas are available with subs because, gosh... what a man!
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