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Our Blues korean drama review
Our Blues
0 people found this review helpful
by Sidhika Trisha
Aug 4, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

after every sunset there is a sunrise giving hopes

Just as the title says “OUR BLUES” is full of sad stories from people of Jeju islands who are not related by blood but closely knitted as family. This drama can be watched with the family and the best thing is there are no main characters, every person is the main character in the story and the people around them are supporting them. The drama was skillfully parted into 8 stories revolving on all the casts and their lives and not just reliant on one main character.

There are problems in everyone's life but it is being solved in an effective way without making the viewers frustrated or bored. It is not preachy but still had a pinch of self-righteousness when it talked about teen pregnancy, unprotected sex, divorce, and disability. It's all very subtle, very light-hearted and the most emotional scenes are usually connected to all the supporting characters.
every actor was awesome, acting excellent until the child actor Eun Gi appeared. I also liked the new actor Jung Eun Hye playing Young Hee, the down syndrome sister. these two characters were like a surprise in the drama. they totally swept me off the floor by nailing their characters.
The thing which I learned from this drama is to live my life without regrets as we sometimes look back on the past and regret our decision. But we also forget the time when we made the decision and what kind of person we are now because of that decision.
Just like the characters who always think of their past and sometimes regret it for not trying enough. So let us accept our present and before we regret more forgive those who should be forgiven, accept those who care for you, and love those who love you

Still, wondering about it? Just try the three first episodes. If by the end of episode three you're still not immersed, it may not be for you. But if you're into heart-warming and funny stories, please give this one a go.
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