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Little Women korean drama review
Little Women
2 people found this review helpful
by Louisa
Nov 29, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Very good thriller !!

It's been a while since I enjoy such thriller!
Folks! just watch it! thank me later 😉

to be honest I wasn't really enthusiastic to watch cause I thought it would be like the book or the movie that I already watched but it's way BETTER and DIFFERENT

The story was good the directing was good, the image was awesome, the acting was high level, the story was unpredictable!

I really enjoyed watching this kdrama!

to be honest I wasn't expecting that this kdrama would be great but I was wrong. Hopefully I've watched it

This new version of my dramalist is dope btw 🥰
Stop making the description at least 500 please!

It's been a while since I enjoy such thriller!
Folks! just watch it! thank me later 😉

The story was good the directing was good, the image was awesome, the acting was high level, the story was unpredictable!

I really enjoyed watching this kdrama!

to be honest I wasn't expecting that this kdrama would be great but I was wrong. Hopefully I've watched it

This new version of my dramalist is dope btw 🥰
Stop making the description at least 500 please!
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