Definitely worth watching.
Let me start by saying that this was one of my first BL dramas and I didn't have any high expectations for it, I found it by chance and decided to see if it would be any good. At first I was a little sceptical about such a topic in BL, because at first I thought it would be badly done, and I would spend most of the time being embarrassed. Thank the gods I was wrong!
The mystery itself throughout the series was exciting for me, and every now and then I would change my suspect, the end result being that the culprit turned out to be someone I hadn't even considered. In fact, the handling of the case from the police side in the drama was quite inept, but at the end, it didn't make much difference to me.
The relationship between the guys in the drama turned out to be a good one, as we actually see it develop! It wasn't two episodes in and they're already in love with each other, I didn't know until the end if Tun wasn't playing with Bun and if he wasn't lying to him after all. I even got the impression at certain points that everything Tun was doing was some kind of game and he was behind everything.
I got a little lost in the plot of these two young lovers and overall I didn't pay much attention to them somewhere, but were they influential to the plot? Not necessarily.
The drama as a whole is good, really good, and I don't have anything to complain about really, except for stretched things like that police, I actually can't say that the drama was predictable or uninteresting because it was typical. I hope I'll have the pleasure of watching more such genre-typical dramas in the near future. Because it's really cool when you don't watch x drama whose action takes place at a uni and its theme is enemies-to-lovers.
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I understand why this is one of BL's most popular dramas, but I don't understand why the show's creators thought that a boy who is homophobic - his past aside - would get together with a gay man who crosses his boundaries in such a bad way.
The series is not good, it's not tragic, but the plot leaves a lot to be desired in many ways, technically the series may hold some level, it has nice actors, but that's not all, because by the plot it's just uncomfortable and unpleasant.
In the middle of this I actually liked Tharn, in no way to the endI could convince myself to Type. I still have in my mind what his past was like, but I can't translate that into his behavior, which at some points was downright exaggerated. He himself didn't know what he wanted, changing rooms was really not that difficult, and he stayed there! ALL THE TIME, I KEPT ASKING MYSELF 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!'. I did not get an answer, and the plot continued.
The thread of Tharn's friend, was strange and scary. The boy was unstable and no one had seen it before, or what was the point? Beating him up was certainly not the way out, his thread in general was dropped after that, we got a few, I emphasize SOME scenes at the end of the series with him that were supposed to explain what happened, but we didn't really get that answer.
I personally think that this BL is nothing new or good. It is severely mediocre and very toxic, which is overused in bxb/gxg plots as storylines or simply depictions of relationships.
Rozumiem dlaczego jest to jedna z popularniejszych dram BL, ale nie rozumiem dlaczego twórcy serialu pomyśleli, że chłopak który jest homofobem - pomijając jego przeszłość - zejdzie się z gejem, który przekracza jego granice w tak zły sposób.
Serial nie jest dobry, nie jest tragiczny, ale fabuła pozostawia wiele do życzenia pod wieloma względami, technicznie może i serial trzyma jakiś poziom, ma ładnych aktorów, ale to nie wszystko, bo przez fabułę to po prostu niekomfortowe i nieprzyjemne.
I tak jak gdzieś w tym wszystkim faktycznie polubiłam Tharna, w żaden sposób do końca nie mogłam przekonać się do Type. Ciągle mam w głowie to, jak wyglądała jego przeszłość, ale nie mogę tego przełożyć na jego zachowanie, które w niektórych momentach było wręcz przerysowane. Sam nie wiedział czego chce, zmiana pokoju była naprawdę nie taka trudna, a on tam został! PRZEZ CAŁY CZAS, ZADAWAŁAM SOBIE PYTANIE 'DLACZEGO TO ROBISZ?! CO Z TOBĄ NIE TAK!!!'. Odpowiedzi nie uzyskałam, a fabuła toczyła się dalej.
Wątek przyjaciela Tharna, był dziwny i przerażający. Chłopak był niestabilny i nikt tego wcześniej nie widział, czy o co chodzi? Pobicie go na pewno nie było wyjściem, jego wątek w ogóle został po tym został porzucony, dostaliśmy kilka, podkreślam KILKA scen pod koniec serialu z nim, które miały wyjaśnić, co się stało, ale tak naprawdę nie dostaliśmy tej odpowiedzi.
Uważam osobiście, że to BL nie jest niczym nowym, ani dobrym. Jest mocno przeciętne i bardzo toksyczne, co w wątkach bxb/gxg jest nadmiernie używane jako fabuły czy po prostu przedstawienia relacji.
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It was uncomfortable
ENGI'm at a loss for words. I'm after one episode and I know I won't be able to watch more.
This BL series is uncomfortable, the main character brings me to the highest level of embarrassment and his obsession really scares me and makes me uncomfortable. Rarely do so many negative emotions accompany me when I watch BL, but here there are too many.
I don't even want to give this a chance and watch another episode, it's definitely the worst BL I've ever had the chance to see.
Brakuje mi słów. Jestem po jednym odcinku i wiem, że więcej nie dam rady obejrzeć.
Ten serial BL jest niekomfortowy, główny bohater doprowadza mnie do najwyższego poziomu zażenowania, a jego obsesja mnie naprawdę przeraża i wprowadza w niekomfortowość. Rzadko kiedy tyle negatywnych emocji towarzyszy mi, gdy oglądam BL, ale tutaj jest ich zbyt wiele.
Nie chcę nawet dać temu szansy i obejrzeć kolejny odcinek, zdecydowanie jest to najgorsza z BL jakie kiedykolwiek miałam okazje widzieć.
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