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King the Land korean drama review
King the Land
58 people found this review helpful
by ninon colbert
Jul 13, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 35
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

offensive drama

the answer provided by jtbc for ep 7 content was a diplomatic answer.
As if they didn't know it was offending.
I mean muslims and arabs in general are known for being conservative.
They would never do the things depicted in the drama.
It was highly offensive and thoughtless.
They have no excuse since a quick google search would have prevented the incident.
Their goal right now is to limit their loss, hence the half-baked apology. I hope thks incident prevents any more belittling to arab and muslim culture.
This incident is not the first in the kdrama world.
In shooting stars, africa was depicted as a hungry, poor coutry that didn't even have electricity waiting for the white korean to save them (for commercial purposes)
In descendants of the sun, arabs were depicted as terrorists and criminals.
This lack of respect for the arab and muslim culture needs to change.
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