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Hospital Playlist korean drama review
Hospital Playlist
2 people found this review helpful
by AKAshon
Aug 21, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0


Though I do hate medical-related stuff, I am fascinated by the lives of doctors and residents working in a hospital and have never have watched a medical drama before though I have always been interested. Due to the rave reviews of Hospital Playlist on social media, I decided to check it out since it is on Netflix anyways.

Relaxing and comforting. Just regular people living their everyday lives. And that's what makes it beautiful. I get the same feeling when I watch Terrace House. It's beautiful seeing the deep relationships that form between medical students, residents, doctors and professors all working towards the same goal, to help better the lives of others. I cannot wait to see the second season!

I can see why some people were unsure to continue watching as this drama throws you right in the middle of the character lives, so you are kinda disoriented and confused, especially when so many names of people you don't know gets dropped. However, you quickly get used to it and are exposed to something ordinarily beautiful. You feel like you are a part of these character lives.

On a side note, it's an interesting dichotomy. Doctors are highly respected in society, but they can also be treated quite poorly, being at the mercy of their patients and their families, often getting yelled at and harassed by them. Sometimes, even having to profusely apologize for unintentional oversights or being unable to save a patient. This series shows both aspects.
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