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End of the World


End of the World
Born Again korean drama review
Born Again
19 people found this review helpful
by Kdramaslegend
Jun 11, 2020
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
I started this drama casually without much expectations and as I was more episodes, I started loving it and felt like this is the one, one of the best drama I have ever seen. But towards the end, it all went downhill. Ending episodes ruined it all. I have never dropped a drama but this one urged my like nothing else. Sa Bin is a perfect example of clownery. I would definitely not recommend anyone to watch this trash. Honestly, I am so fed up and I have never seen such nonsense in my life. And to all the peple who are saying "THIS IS UNLIKE OTHER TYPICAL CLICHÉ ROMANTIC DRAMAS AND HAS A REALISTIC ENDING". First of all, the ending doesn't even make any sense like ffs. Just because Ji Chul had an unrequited love and Hyung Bin was happy with his lover before their deaths doesn't mean any injustice was done with Ji Chul or Hyung Bin needed to suffer. Also, they romanticized the stalking. Stalking ain't even funny fr. All the cast members did an excellent job with their acting but it was an injustice for them to be assigned to this kind of clownery.

P.S.- I am not experienced in writing reviews, this was my first one. I wrote this because I have never felt this bad about a drama before.
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