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Abyss korean drama review
Dropped 3/16
2 people found this review helpful
by Alaskan
Dec 22, 2023
3 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 1.5
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
I watched the first two episodes of Abyss but I became tired of the almost constant harping about the leads’ physical attractiveness or lack thereof. It makes them, as well as the people around them, seem boringly shallow. Yes, I know that it’s supposed to be funny: They died and got another chance at life and instead of being in awe of their second chance, they dwell on their looks. But that joke gets tiresome and I don’t think it works as a satire of Korea’s obsession with physical attractiveness. Because neither leads’ personality seems particularly winning up to this point (Park Bo Young’s character is smug while Ahn Hyo Seop’s character is just stupid), it makes this a hard watch despite the interesting setup

This doesn’t always bother me; I like watching pretty people as much as everybody else. But I wish the leads in Abyss could just get over themselves and move on. I probably will stop following this and watch the last episode just to see who the killer is. If I can drum up enough interest.
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