Story: The story revolves around firefighter Kang IL (Goo Soo), who lost his wife and doesn't care about anything anymore, and Doctor Mi Soo (Hyo Joo) who doesn't like to be proven wrong (even when she is). When she fails to admit that one of her patient is dying, she is forced to quit her job and that is when Fate brings them together when she has to do community service at the fire station where Kang IL works.
Acting: The Movie is very funny and romantic. There acting is as if this had happened in real life, their chemistry is just so real that it makes you shed a tear whether if it's because of a sad scene or a funny scene.
What I like about this movie is that firefigther Kang IL doesn't let his past torture him, he gives himself a chance to fall in love again, and Doctor Mi Soo doesn't run away from her problems, she faces it. It's not one of those movies that the main character can't be with each other just because their traumatic past or their never ending problems.
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