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Amastris Dratwka


Amastris Dratwka

Twenty Again korean drama review
Twenty Again
2 people found this review helpful
by Amastris Dratwka
Nov 12, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Story: I was surprised at how much I really started to dislike this drama after ep. 8. I could already predict that the lovelines would be dragged out. It was great up until this point for me. It was very humorous, insightful, and cute. The thing that started to turn me off about it was the show didn't know whether it wanted to be a romantic comedy or profound like Misaeng. I use that drama comparison specifically to point out that I don't need a loveline to enjoy the show, but if you're gonna give me that angle, then play it out. Watch the whole show, with each couple, and notice that the romance is really lacking and the skinship, although hugs and handholding are nice have little romantic meaning. It's usually given in the process of some misunderstanding. For a TVN production, I was very sad about this part. The way this show was edited also bothered me. It had way too much filler for me. At least 15 minutes of each episode has flashback filler of scenes we've already watched, and the same ones over and over again and this is just for the present scenes. Then there's the flashbacks of their youth that give you a scene then next episode replays that scene and adds an additional 3-4 minutes of extend the scene to give more information. I didn't really like this style. I thought the youth scenes could have been intertwined into the present more seemlessly. Acting: There is nothing bad I can say about the acting. The actors are topnotch and even the new comers are great. This show introduced me to lil Kim Min Jae who I was not aware of until now. Realized that he could actually dance and his acting is good for a rookie. It's no wonder he got picked up for a new drama. All the side characters/students/old friends were really good and played their parts well. I enjoyed watching them even if I didn't really like the way the story was written and directed. Music: The music wasn't too catchy for me. This is coming from someone who downloads OST for dramas and got into k-pop this way. One of my most disappointing scenes was her dance, which could have been handled so much better even if they need to get a body double, when they cut BTS Dope into a ballad. I was like: I'm just getting my groove on and expecting her to bust out and put the moves on and they slo-mo the hip-hop? WTF? lol.... Rewatch: Watching it once you get the story gist, no need to replay. If I'd rewatch anything it would be for cute scenes from the beginning episodes. Past that, there was so many flashback repeats I rewatch the drama already while watching it the first time. Overall: It's entertaining. I'd watch it without expecting a loveline. Like even if the drama tries to throw that aspect at you, don't bite. Watch like a Slice Of Life show and enjoying getting to know the main character and her life. Don't expect too much from her, just watch her learn, and grow... and that's why I mentioned Misaeng... If you've watched that drama, this is a lesser version of someone learning and growing. The acting in itself is worth a watch even if the plot is bi-polar.
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