Both movies are about a singing girl. Both movies are very similar........................................
Both are about a cat. Both are very similar....................................................................................
Both are epic wuxia movies that take place in Chinese Imperial Court. Both movies are about an exorcist....................
Both are epic wuxia movies that are based on classic shenmo literature. Both movies star Jet Li...............................
Both are modernish reimagination but yet classic epic movies based on journey to the west. Both movies are very similar.........
Both are epic wuxia movies that take place in Chinese Imperial Court. Both movies are about an 'evil' Concubine enticing, manipulating, trying to kill the emperor, wreak havoc in the Imperial family & court. Both are visually very stunning & similar.
Both are about onmyoudo, excorsim.............................................................................................................
Both are about a person being able to see, interact with otherworldly beings, demons. Both are very similar. Both are based on famous manga..........
Both movies are very similar.......................................................................
Both are rock comedy movies.........................................................................................
Both are about demon foxes. Both are based on classic novels of Chinese literature......................................
Both are about chefs/bakers.................................................................................................................................. .