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A Frozen Flower korean movie review
A Frozen Flower
11 people found this review helpful
by Becca256
Nov 7, 2011
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
So I have mixed opinions about this one. This is a really extraordinary movie, with extraordinary story and actors. I mean, it's like award worthy. But, still, there are a lot of things about that I didn't like.

The greatest thing about this story is that is something that feels real, that I think could've happened in real life, and probably did. It portrays the difference between love and lust, and how the world functioned at that time. I do think that it could've been better with less graphic scenes, or adult scenes, they weren't necessary, and in Asian context they used it to make it dirtier, something like "well he cheated on his boyfriend, which is indecent, so it doesn't matter if we throw in a couple of sex scenes because it already is immoral." Actually Asians tend to that with sex scenes, I've seen it in other movies and dramas.

The acting is completely superb. I mean, in real life both actors are straight and yet they made their gay and bi characters completely real and believable, you understand what's going through their minds and how the evolve. And besides, to take these roles was a risky choice because even in Hollywood this is like a "taboo" topic, now imagine in Asia, where they're a lot more conservative. I think the queen wasn't a main character, she actually wasn't that important, she only was there to create the conflict.

The music was awesome, it made the scenes deeper, and it gave you a more accurate knowledge of what was going on.

I will probably never rewatch this movie again, because even though it truly is a superb movie, I thought it was to raw and had too many sex scenes. Also, I didn't like the things that happened before the end, it was completely unnecessary, they just put it in there to create more drama and shock the viewer. This is a good movie, very real and cruel, so if you're looking for something with content, this is your movie, if you're looking for a romcom or something fun to watch, you probably won't like this one.
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