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Roanoke, VA
Rose In Da House thai drama review
Rose In Da House
6 people found this review helpful
by Chatriel
Aug 22, 2022
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

For those who need some silliness in their lives

First, I have to recommend that you read the review from Nele_2560. I agree with everything she said.

Rose In Da House is more of a slapstick style show to promote the Be My Boyfriends 2 show. The boys (men) have some HILARIOUS moments. Episode 3 had me laughing so hard that I woke up the house. Boun and Zee had me absolutely rolling with laughter. And you can tell that the boys had a lot of fun while they were filming the entire series. There are times when you can see Zee trying so hard to hold back the laughter, and barely succeeding.

I'm most excited that Prem showed up in this. I mean, you can't have Boun without Prem....but you can, and that's just sad. So when he showed up, I wasn't expecting it and I was happy. Then he showed up again, and I was over the moon!

The special episode at the end was mostly a recap and some songs. Personally, I don't like the songs so much as I like the singers, but that's just my opinion. The rest of the series was so silly....I loved it. Oh, and the scenes from the Korean dramas....when Zee is saying "Mama" the translation should have read "Your majesty" or something similar. (Correct me if I'm wrong here, I don't think I've actually seen that one, so I don't know the reference, I just know that in historical dramas they call the royal ruler "Mama.") Anyway, when I remembered that, the entire scene made more sense.

For anyone who can watch the BL's without taking them too seriously, this is the comic relief that you need. The silliness will have you giggling. :) Goodnight! *lights off* ....... *lights on*
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